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friday 17 feb af daily

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    friday 17 feb af daily

    morning all - up again for another SOBER day!

    It is poison - I can't do it anymore - back to letting those thoughts drift in and out and remaining focused on my goal.

    My eating has slipped this week - lots of sugar and i think that always makes me more likely to slip/as has lack of exercise due to heavy cold.But more than anything it's ignoring the BS in my head.
    Cycling today then gym after work,then off to gig.

    Have a great day everyone and see you tomorrow firmly in AF world.
    one day at a time

    friday 17 feb af daily

    Good morning, Abbers!
    Bear, so happy to hear that you are AF! You felt awful after one glass of wine--that is probably a sign that the AL is "poison." I used to resent it when I was told to picture the scull and bones on a bottle of alcohol. I KNEW it wasn't poison--how stupid! Now I have no trouble with that image--only poison could do what AL does to us.
    LVT, funny about hubby not taking advantage of the boys being at game on VD!! But you got to see the boys play. I don't do much with FB, but do see the strangest things people post. One woman I know, who has a 20 yr old daughter, a son about 12, a stepson who is 3, and is pregnant with new hubby, writes the most outrageous things, usually full of expletives. I don't get that! And we can even read the walls of those we aren't "friends" with. I mostly share dog related posts!
    Turn, I am about to order vitamins (from Vitacost) and will look for the collagen. And I need to be better about taking my Calcium regularly. Thanks for the info! And yeast--I remember a few years ago at a girls night out event, I did the thing--name escapes me--where you soak your feet in something, and it pulls toxins from the body. The water quickly became a murky mess, and the woman doing this told me I was full of yeast. DUH-with all the AL I was drinking, no wonder. And I know that in the book Seven Weeks To Sobriety, she talks about being tested for yeast.
    Sunni, glad barn is dry and horsies are happy! Guess it's still winter there! We have just about lost any snow we had. Another day in the 40's!
    Uni, so great that you managed to do so much yesterday! I do feel better after going to the gym, so moving around helps.
    Pap3, hope you are over the Westminster thing! Have to agree that the poor thing doesn't look like a dog. Saw him on one of the morning shows on Wednesday, and he looked so exhausted. I still haven't seen Best Of Show, but hope to watch it on Netflix today or over the weekend.
    Have to check out Pinterest--have not been there.
    Greenie, Lav, Det, and everyone else--have a great AF day!
    Have to get to AA early, as I was asked to fill in for Friday coffee maker. I will also get my three month chip today!! YIPPEEEE!!

    "One day at a time."


      friday 17 feb af daily

      Morning Fabbies!

      Amazing how one glass can cause you so much misery isn't it bear? Keep that memory alive - all those day ones must suck.

      TDN, that stuff turnip mentioned caught my eye yesterday. I'm glad you mentioned it agains as I didn't write it down but now I will. I get my stuff from vitacost too. Good prices.

      Sunnybutt I meant to express condolances for the barn leak. A drink may have crossed my mind over that. You've really done well having your 3 months during the barn extravaganza. You rock! Hope the barn doesn't get a yeast infection. (that's an old thread joke)

      Oops it's 8 AM! off I go and one thing's for sure!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        friday 17 feb af daily


        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          friday 17 feb af daily


          Bear - I'm playing devil's advocate but is one glass of wine every so often such a bad thing? I wouldn't say this to those of us who can't have one glass of wine, stop at that, and then not drink again for a few weeks, but it seems from what you say that you don't drink very often and when you do it's only a glass or two. Can you explain why that's such a problem?

          BTW: I'm NOT advocating drinking for people who have a problem with it. Comments anyone?

          Congrats on your three-month chip TDN.

          Lav - funny story about the FB paramedic :H

          Mornin' Greenie & all to come. Have a good day all.
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            friday 17 feb af daily

            Good morning Abbers!

            :wd::yay: CONGRATS ON 3 MONTHS AF TDN:wd::yay:

            bear, the absolute best thing you can do for yourself is learn to ignore the mind chatter One glass DOES hurt you - hurts all of us!

            TDN, happy coffee making today

            Greenie, I've been looking for a source of liquid calcium/vit D & am planning to check Vitacost today. Obviously I have not absorbed the billions of tablets I've swallowed over nearly 30 years so I hope a liquid source with help with the osteoporosis situation....

            Off to Curves, have a great AF Day everyone!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              friday 17 feb af daily

              Hi Marshy - that's a good question and one that i struggle with - is when i have been drinking recently it hasn't been huge amounts (3/4 of a bottle of wine max but that is still more than healthy amount) - also in my experience it escalates within a month or so to unhealthy levels if i do try to moderate.

              It makes me feel ill/anxious/depressed and I ALWAYS want to get really drunk and chasing the buzz takes over my night - rather than on being with who I'm with.
              one day at a time


                friday 17 feb af daily

                Thanks for clearing that up for me bear. I think I'd only ever seen you say you had a glass or two very occasionally. You're right, 3/4 bottle is an unhealthy amount. BTW, there's a programme on next Monday eve on the Beeb (not sure when/which channel) about the "new alcoholics" - people who drink wine at home in the evenings. I'm telling you coz you're in Britain, not because I'm pointing fingers :H:H
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  friday 17 feb af daily

                  hehe - happy to be put in that category - point away!:H
                  one day at a time


                    friday 17 feb af daily

                    Good morning Fabinkies. Thanks Bear for the start today. A big shout out to all of you, I wrote a big long thotfull message...and; poofski.
                    Have a nice day. OTIFS.

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      friday 17 feb af daily

                      TDN has 3 Big Months today!!!!!!

                      I am glad you're here and glad your head is clear!!!!
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        friday 17 feb af daily

                        Congratulations TDN!!! :l
                        Well done, girl!

                        Real quick check-in (and late, to boot)... got a 102 things to do before going away for the weekend.. arranging for horse feeders, dog feeders/let-outers, laundry, etc. I'm exhausted already! :H

                        However, I will see Sidney on Sunday... so I will give her a big hug from all of you. Really looking forward to that

                        Have a fabby weekend, fabulous fabbies! One thing is for sure...
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          friday 17 feb af daily

                          Oh Sunni! You and Sid will have an awesome time! Will you be going to Timmy's, eh?

                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            friday 17 feb af daily

                            :H Actually she suggested the M?venpick downtown.. I've never been!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              friday 17 feb af daily

                              Say hi to Sid for me, too. She is a very special person.

                              kaslo, B.Sc., MSc. RPB., PBiol.....& FN. (the last one is the oney one that counts for anything).

                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

