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I went through labor

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    I went through labor

    and delivered a baby with no epidural. I didn't want it. So what does that have to do with anything?

    Quitting drinking or moderating is much harder than childbirth so I want drugs! Topa gives me a horrible dopa effect. I cannot use it. Now, Campral is causing me to gain weight. I have been counting WW points and been perfect. I am not losing any weight. I always lose weight when I count points. It has to be the Campral. I will not take it anymore. I am not going to do it this way. I feel so frustrated. I looked at the prescribing info on Campral and weight gain was reported and more commonly than weight loss. I am sad. I didn't want to do this "cold turkey" because I don't know if I can.


    I went through labor


    I decided against using medications for several reasons, and I've been using the supplements only. I really think they are helping, especially the kudzu (I started it late and noticed a difference when I added it). I believe there are others not taking the meds as well. When it comes down to it I think being in the mindset to change your behaviour is at least as important as taking the supplements or meds, and I've found the posts here to really help with that. Good luck - hope to see around the boards.

    AF since 6JUN2012


      I went through labor

      Maggie, I am not taking any meds. I take a lot of vitamins and eat healthy... It is definitely a mindset. There is no miracle drug, or there woundn't be alcoholics!!! The drugs prescribed are to take the edge off. If you are having adverse reactions to any of them, I would suggest talking to your doctor. He may have an alternative for you? Or you can go med free if you are able to.


        I went through labor

        Mindset is important, Maggie. Have you tried a lower dose of topa and lots of kudzu? That worked for me last spring when I had one of my killer stealth sinus infections and had to cut back on the topa, like I've had to cut back recently again. It worked pretty well for me, but I was feeling VERY commmitted to abs at that time.

        That's what I am doing now, because I can't tolerate as much topa as I used to. I hope you find something that works for you!



        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          I went through labor

          HI Maggie,

          I'm on Campral and have not noticed any weight gain - if anything slight loss.I know all about points counting but as they say at WW - there are times when you "plateau". I'd give it a little longer and see what happens. How long have you been on it for?


          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            I went through labor

            Thanks for your encouragement people. I may try high doses of Kudzu again. My mindset is right this time, I think. I hope!


              I went through labor


              If the campral is helping you, have you considered upping your exercise a bit to break through a possible plateau?



                I went through labor

                Maggie, I dropped from 200 to 150 of Topa and it made a big difference. Of course, not drinking on the stuff makes a difference too. That being said, I was AF for six weeks in the fall with nothing but the supps and the CDs. Lost 12 lbs too.

                We are kindered spirits. As of this morning I am counting points too. Got on the scale (eek) and got my three month journal out. I have day one under my belt. I am still under my WW goal but am hanging my head in shame. Yesterday was a hangover munchie day, so I will take my punnishment and move on.

                By the way, I also went through labor with no medication, epidural or anything. Twice. What were we thinking??????????

