Drinking my morning coffee, of course! Not much planned for today. Gym later this a.m. and running a few errands. Have friends coming tomorrow for late lunch/early dinner, and am making a slow cooker beef stew (Emeril recipe) that takes eight hours, so will make it this afternoon and reheat tomorrow. Watched a very odd and dark movie on NetFlix yesterday called Most High. Guy who gets addicted to meth. Looked for Best In Show, but you have to get it on DVD and I just have the instant watch option. May watch another movie today.
Was remembering talk of a face-to-face meeting last year in Chicago, I think. Did that ever happen? Think it was DG who mentioned it? I would so love to meet you all at some point. Pap3, I can see if hubby would consider going to All Dogs Gym when you have agility there this spring/summer. Until I can drive, not much else I could arrange.
I hope you all have a lovely AF Saturday!
