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AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

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    AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

    Happy Saturday, AbberDabbers!
    Drinking my morning coffee, of course! Not much planned for today. Gym later this a.m. and running a few errands. Have friends coming tomorrow for late lunch/early dinner, and am making a slow cooker beef stew (Emeril recipe) that takes eight hours, so will make it this afternoon and reheat tomorrow. Watched a very odd and dark movie on NetFlix yesterday called Most High. Guy who gets addicted to meth. Looked for Best In Show, but you have to get it on DVD and I just have the instant watch option. May watch another movie today.
    Was remembering talk of a face-to-face meeting last year in Chicago, I think. Did that ever happen? Think it was DG who mentioned it? I would so love to meet you all at some point. Pap3, I can see if hubby would consider going to All Dogs Gym when you have agility there this spring/summer. Until I can drive, not much else I could arrange.
    I hope you all have a lovely AF Saturday!
    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

    Good Morning TDN and fabbers!!

    Bright and sunny here this morning but a little cold. We're getting spoiled I think!!

    TDN-I'll defo let you know when that trial is. Another option if you want to make a day of it is the trial at the Deerfield Fairgrounds. I'll definitely be going to that one both Sat and Sun. I'll be printing out the Premium this weekend and sending it in. I'll be stayin up in Northwoods I think it is. Have to look at my email from last year. It's about 20 min from the fairgrounds. Unless I won the lottery last nite I won't be camping at the trial which has been my plan since last year. :upset: the weekend for this is April 27-29th. I'll have all my dogs with me at that one. Only DD will go to All Dogs since I'll just be going up for Sat.

    Breakfast and Tea on the menu and then my hair appt at 10. Can't wait. Haven't been since Oct I think? I'm definitely getting a color done, possible something in the red tones instead of my natural blonde. Heard that going all blonde makes thin hair look even thinner. I'll see what she has to say. Also may do a different cut although I'm kind of enjoying the longer length. I'll decide when I get there. No matter what it will be an improvement!!

    Then at 2 DD has his appointment wiht the vet/behaviorist. Definitely will let you all know how that goes!!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

      Good morning Abbers!

      Super lazy here this morning but kind if enjoying it, really

      TDN, hope you have a nice time with your friends. I love Emeril's recipes - sounds good!

      Papmom, my hair is super short so I get it cut every 6 weeks (or more often), color it myself mostly to keep the grays covered. Hope you enjoy your cut & color

      Not much on the plan today - DIL & grandkids & YB coming over later for dinner.
      It's 10 am so I'd better go wake up Maxie - geez :H

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

        Morning abbers!

        I have a busy day today, my sister is coming in from Florida so I have to pick her up at the airport. Sadly though it is not a social visit, our Godfather passed away so it is a funeral. But at least I will get to see my nephew again and be with my sister during this time.

        I'm still feeling okay - wasn't as tired yesterday. And little uni's hockey team won their first round of playoffs so they are off to round 2. Hopefully they play well. Unfortunatly I will miss one game due to the funeral but I'll catch up next week.

        I will be back on Tuesday so I'll check in then. Have a great weekend fabbie abbies! One thing is for sure here, I won't be letting the beast in this weekend.

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

          hidy ho ABeroooonies!

          listening to a fascinating health/nutrition podcast last night with the ever sagacious Chris Masterjohn. some profoundly disturbing data on fatty liver and it's causative role with cardiovascular disease. check it out:

          Chris Masterjohn on Cholesterol and Heart Disease (Part 3)

          i'm such a nutrition geek

          ok, off to take my advanced class ham radio license exam. it's the final one and most complex. trying not to stress here. ommmmm ommmmmmm

          kudos to little Uni for the win!

          Papmom a redhead? groovy.

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

            Its official-I'm a strawberry golden blonde instead of a dirty ashe blond california 25 yo girl wannabe. I think I like it but it's huge difference for me. Kept the length sort of the same but lots of long layers and she showed me what to do with the curling iron. Should be easy (famous last works!!).

            Det-good luck on your exam! Hope you get the top marks!!

            Uni-keep on rocking girl! You're doing great and are on the right path!

            Lav- have a great lazy day and nice evening with the fam.

            Hear from my dad in SC. Weather hasn't been condusive to golf but they are getting to the driving ranges so that is a change from last year. They are taking a few senior classes, going to museums, restaurants etc but pretty much taking ti easy. I would say that is deserved at 84 and 88!! :H

            He'l be home on the 5th which will come in no time.

            No lottery win last nite. 2 more chances tonite!

            Off to fix DD!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

              All this talk of hair made me realize I need to get my butt into a chair and fix this mess. But I found out my stylist has gone AWOL! She lost her husband to a quick-moving cancer about a year and a half ago and has been real bad shape - there's been a lot of drunk drinking. She is no longer answering any of her numbers and her shop co-workers don't know what is going on. I hate this addiction!

              I am tucking my skunky mop under a hat and going up on my roof today to shovel. I bought a climbing harness rope and some carbiners. Got a knot tying hey...if I fall I will just end up dangling and twisting in the wind. Whoo hoo.

              I am tired of all these crazy roof leaks. The ice dams this year are just heinous - the worst they've ever been after thousands of dollars in new insulation too!

              It's a nice day as far as that goes...maybe I'll see the Alaska Range from the top! That would be worth the price of admission. I am soooooo glad I am not hungover or just counting the hours until I could drink. I truly embrace being AF.

              Gawd, give an old girl a harness and this is what happens....I may be heading up Denali next!
              Sober for the Revolution!
              AF & NF July 23, 2011


                AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

                Had a wonderful 2hour consult with the behaviorist. I was initially a little suspicious as I drove up to this HUGE house on top of a hill with gorgeous views as i thought she's probably all pretentious and rich as hell and will just give me a script for meds for DD. Boy was I wrong!! She came out to greet me with hair soaking wet, in scruffy jeans and a sweatshirt. The house was a mess-filled with dog and cat stuff. Just my kind of house! I was a little put off as there was a trail of pee in the living room from her bitch in heat (how do you NOT clean that up when you know a new client is coming?) but I managed not to step in it. Anyway, she was a little full of herself but possibly was just trying to convince me she knew her stuff. She met Koby briefly then decided he was too stressed to come into the house (she has lots of dogs that were barking up a storm but were put away). We left him in the car and went in to talk. I've got a great plan and one of the first things she said was we need to get a thyroid panel done on him. I was soooo relieved!! I've been thinking for years that he might be hypothyroid (linked to aggression and fear in dogs) but every vet I talked to said he didn't present as a thyroid dog (they rarely get hyperthyroidism like cats do). She siad when they show those symptoms the disease is already advanced. She then proceeded to give me example after example of dogs she's worked with that didn't have symptoms except aggression and fear and tested positive for hypothyroidism. Once on the thyroid meds their transformation was incredible. I am going to be praying my heart out that this is the case for DD. She agreed with the new training protocol I'll be putting into place, suggested a gentle leader for walks (and went over how to get him desensitised to it so I don't get bit putting it on him), melatonin at bedtime (yep-seriously!! I had told her I suspected he had restless leg syndrom like me but couldn't find anything on the web), no more vaccinations except rabies ( required by law), some suggestions on how to manage his aggression going in and out the door and a few other things. The most dramatic suggestion however was to stop taking him to agility class and to find other venues to practice at. She feels that he's gotten too comfortable on his home turf and doesn't feel like he needs to stick with me even tho he feels anxioius. I feel I need the practice tho so I'm going to need to find another dog to run which is going to be difficult since I'm in the most advanced class my instructor offers. If one of my classmates who has multiple dogs that they run would let me borrow one of theirs that would be optimal. It's also going to be difficult to find run throughs that fit my schedule and aren't an hour or so away but I will try for DD's sake.

                So, all in all, for $100 I got my money's worth, validation that my intuition was right all along about the thyroid and permission to stop vaccinating as well as a great plan of action. once we get the thyroid results back we'll discuss meds.

                I'm exhausted and so is DD!! It will be an early nite and then up early tomorrow for the NH gig.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

                  jaysus Turn watchit willya?? Will you check in and make sure you let us know you are in one bit? Maybe you can see Russia from up there? Ha ha.

                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

                    I'm with Kaslo on that Turn ~ please let us know you are OK!

                    Things break a lot easier after you've been 29 for a while
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily~Saturday, February 18


                      Geez...I saw CANADA from up thar!

                      Thanks for caring....I like my new rope system. I just need better boots now!
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        AF Daily~Saturday, February 18

                        Well you can add bungee jumping, the Capilano canyon, any forest canopy platform and roof rappelling to my list of Bucket NOTS. I am afraid of heights, cant even climb up a two step shortie to clean windows. Wait. Not afraid. Terrified.

                        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                        Status: Happy:h

