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AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

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    AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

    Good morning, Abbers!
    Turn, glad you are okay!! You are a whole lot braver than I, that's for sure!!! My hubby once fell off a ladder on our deck while trying to clear the roof of snow. I didn't find him for a while, and he had a badly broken arm. Refused to go to hospital until he had showered!!! I avoid heights whenever possible!!! :H
    Pap--wow, you had quite the consult! I have to tell you that when Bud was just a year old, he had two grand mal seizures a month apart--both early a.m. as he was waking up. Frightening, and we didn't even know what the heck was happening. Vet wanted to put him on phenobarbitol, but a friend got me in touch with Dr Jean Dodds in CA, and she ordered a complete thyroid panel, which she had to interpret. (It is still run once a year.) Turned out to be autoimmune thyroiditis. If you PM me, I'll give you all the details, or my phone number and we can talk about the test. We have not done any vaccines except rabies on any of the dogs in years; do the titers instead, and they have never needed another one! Dr Dodds is the reserach vet who is participating in the rabies vaccine study.
    Rusty has the restless leg syndrome, and I have been meaning to use melatonin, so will do that now. Use it on Harry when he gets especially wound up.
    Bear, how goes it?
    Sunni, hope you are having fun with Sid!!
    Lav, LVT, Uni, Greenie, Marshy, Det and all to come--have a great AF Sunday!
    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

    hey there - I am going to try moderation for a month - no BS if I can't do it - straight back here.

    I have been moderately drinking recently whenever I have lapsed so I really want to see if I can do it.I am going to closely monitor how much i drink and if i am 'living to drink' inbetween/feeling rubbish.

    Thanks for all of your support/motivation/inspiration - I'm still going to read here as will really help me on af days - I won't post as I know it's not really the place.:h
    one day at a time


      AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

      Happy dreary, rainy, good day to work on taxes that I didn't do last weekend, sunday!

      Good day to make soup - canelli, kale, & veggie sausage to be specific. See? Silver linings everywhere.

      Turnip on the roof with special boots and ropes to shovel snow!! YOU ROCK! I flashed you from down here in SE USA, did ya see?

      P3 I'm so happy for you re your visit to the doggie shrink! We do love our dogs on this thread, don't we? I started to say pets, but you notice I rarely talk about my cat. :H

      Well, I got my hands on a feng shui book for a dragon year. Feck. Do I wish I hadn't? Maybe. Maybe ignorance is bliss. But I did and I read it and I know that I should flip my computer desk to the other side of the room if not the house, sleep somewhere else, and shit, neither of my entry doors is in a good place. Maybe I'll just stick a smudge stick up my arse and hope for the best. :H:H

      Gonna mod huh,Bear? Good luck with that. I don't know what else to say in light of the fact that there is a stark difference in your AF and drinking posts. Nothing I guess but seriously, I am so glad I'm not having to go through what you are. So.. good luck!

      A meet up with Sid! Oh I'm envious!!

      Det, I went to the shooting range and I simply must get a photo of my target to show you! " Greenie Oakley" :H

      OK, well little doggie isn't getting very far with my tax stuff. One thing's for sure besides paying taxes!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

        Good morning Abbers,

        I've let the chickens out, refilled their feeders & have done absolutely nothing else this morning (except drink coffee). At least I'm up :H

        Turn, glad you checked in - phew! I have an incredible fear of heights & just flat out refuse to do any ladder work, etc. Glad you got your job done safely

        TDN, I once had an English Springer spaniel who was so hyper the vet gave me Thorazine to chill her out for car rides - boy did that ever kick her ass :H
        I would love to refuse some of the vaccines, etc & save some $$ at the vet's office.

        bear, I couldn't make myself go through the hell of trying to moderate again - it never, ever worked for me, honestly. I couldn't just cut down on smoking either - the first one leads to many, many more. Wishing you luck!

        Greenie, we haven't done our own taxes in many, many years. The last time YB did attempt to do them he screwed them up badly I wish you luck with that job!!!!

        I have no idea what I'm doing today but I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

          back to work tomorow after a week off to decorate my house, feeling positive, love yo all abbers checking in today
          I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


            AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

            Hi all...I am off to meet Sunshine this afternoon in downtown Toronto for coffee. How cool is that. Hopeful we recognize each other. We are the women with the smooth unbloated faces. Will give her a hug for all of you. Take care. Sid


              AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

              Holew Faberns Hippi Samdiy. I am after not slipping merst of the nocht. Caffee, then ski stuff adn up tha hill. TDM thenkew for srting os oit this morning....OK COFFEE....FINALLY I CAN MAKE SENSE.

              Bear, we will be here and happy to see you if you return. Moderate drinking always led to occassionally immoderate drinking for me, and oh, I suffered from immoderate drinking, so much. I think back on it and I would be sitting here with a sick splitting headache, a vomity stomach, huge fatique, confusion, body aches, tired as hell, desperate to think of something that would make me feel better, and wonder how I got from 1 drink a night to 5. And 5 glasses of wine a night is an alcoholic, chez moi. All roads led to Rome. Good Luck, Bear. Just when I was hoping you would tell me what a onsie is. I think I know, though.

              Sid, we will be the sound of popcorn munching.... As I have had it explained to me that is the invisible presence of us all. I wish I could be THERE!

              Greenie and Lav too funny re taxes. I am just after spending a week doing the books for the company, (Hi LVT) and I actually enjoyed it. The books now go to the accountant and they file, and assess the tax which I dutifully pay. I dont MIND paying taxes. Its the attitude I object to. If those mofos in Revenue Canada audit me this year I am ready, big time. I fart in thier general direction. (from Monty Python). They LOST a filing made by my accountants in 2009, and billed me late fees with interest (even though they had the payment sitting in some acount). What is escrow anyway. Some kind of crow? With an Es? Anyway, it was THEIR mistake but I ended up paying and was told an appeal would be CONSIDERED. I will consider their rosy reds with this shot gun here.

              Anyway, dont get me started. Oh wait. I guess I was already started. Y'all have a grand sunny sunday. I bought myself a new pair of ski pants size DNL (do not laugh). And some hot socks, ear muffs with stereo hook up for the ipod. Wore it last night for hours till my ears started to smoke. AND some special wax for sticky snow. Ima have one more coffee then off up the hill.

              Kaslo, FN but signs of spring in the valleys here. Robins!

              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

                Happy Sunday ABadingos far and wide!

                Greenie-Oakley! how cool, please post your best target! I'm off to the range myself in just a minute.
                a buddy of mine is trying to talk me into some competitive shooting this year (for prizes and all that jazz) which I really don't care about but the experience and knowledge gained would be beneficial. definitely an AF sport!

                Turn you better be wearing a bungee up there on the roof. reminds me, I haven't been repelling in quite some time but still have the gear. must get back on rope again when the weather warms a tad. another AF sport. hmmmmm.

                garlic flavored hugs to Three Dog, Turn, Lavande, Kaslo, Greenie, Raven, Sidney, Bear and all to check in

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

                  I fart in thier general direction. (from Monty Python)

                  hahahahhahahaa much in agreeing with your directional flatulence my dear
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

                    kaslo - a onesie is kind of an adult baby gro - amazingly comfortable but not the most beautiful of outfits. I'm wearing it on the sofa now waiting for takeaway pizza for OH's birthday dinner.They are amazing!
                    one day at a time


                      AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

                      Ah HA! I see, with legs and feet and everything? COOL! Happy BD to the OH!

                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

                        Quiet around here today -
                        Nothing going on here either

                        Onsies are definitely a baby item here in these parts Kaslo
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

                          Helloooo Fabbies!

                          Had a wonderful 2hour+ coffee date with Sidney! She's PURDY! And really lovely all around! :H Just came back from seeing "The Artist"... liked it a LOT! K... almost bed time, long day of driving tomorrow. Hope you all had a great weekend! Read ya on Tuesday! :hallo:
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            AF Daily~Sunday, February 19

                            Wonderful time with Sunshine. She is just as thought...lovely. And man that girl is gorgous to look at. Hope we can meet up again and some others can join us this summer. Sid

