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Tues Jan 16th!!!

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    Tues Jan 16th!!!

    Welll thought id push in this GOOOD MORNING To you all!!

    Hope alll is well today, im feeling v just ignore any of my messages last night...i know you alll love me for me and thats what matters...that we love each other for whom we are
    So wishing you all a good and happy day.....try to smile as much as you can matter how pissed you are, it actually works to lighten your mood!!!! Oh and if the voluntary smile is out of the question...try biting long ways on a pencil..cant help but smile then.....honestly it does make you feel better!!

    Lou x x x..
    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

    Tues Jan 16th!!!

    Good morning Lou, and all to come.
    I'm glad you're feeling better Lou. You're right about smiling.
    I've recently discovered deep breathing. It is really relaxing and calming. Next time the drink ogre comes a-knocking, I'm going to try and breathe him away.
    I'm going to work soon. I'll check in later.
    Have a great day everyone.


      Tues Jan 16th!!!

      Forgot to 8 for me!!!
      "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


        Tues Jan 16th!!!

        Hey Lou and Paul and others,

        How nice to see you've started the thread to start my day Lou. Good to hear you're feeling better. I just posted on yesterday's thread to both you and Becca. It's day 16 for me. woo-hoo. We just bought a house yesterday (well offically signed the paperwork anyway) It's a huge deal for us. We've invited the current owners over for dinner on Friday evening and my husband expects to crack a bottle of champagne.
        I may sip a glass... but stick to that. I guess it'll be both a real celebration and a challange as well. I'm thinking that if I onlly have a few sips of champagne and don't drink wine with meal I'm mentally still AF. Now, the real test will be whether I can do that.

        But, I have still four days to mull this over. Gotta run.
        Hope everyone has a great Tuesday.

        all the best, Olly


          Tues Jan 16th!!!

          Hello everyone on a very happy Day 16 for me,

          Hey Lou - eating a big slice of watermelon also helps with a smile!

          And thanks Paul for the reminder to BREATHE... you wouldn't think it was so easy to forget a vital activity, but we often do. I've love to be able to stick a big sign saying BREATHE on my screen at work... but then my colleagues might be a bit scared that I have to be reminded!

          Olly... good luck for the dinner on Friday!

          I'm going well at the moment, no cravings today, but I'm actually finding I'm pretty tired. Is this a common things after a couple of weeks sobriety?

          Free since 26th February 2012


            Tues Jan 16th!!!

            Good Morning all,

            Just a quick one this morning because i'm rushing out the door...Driving down to see my grandma today in hospital so i wont be back on till tomorrow night....

            Keep up the good work everyone..

            Love Macks:l
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


              Tues Jan 16th!!!

              Hi all,

              Here I am on Abs - Drs Orders as my depression getting out of control - highs and lows (more highs) and they lead to drinking - so upped meds as well. Now it's time to work out my other problems and leave the bottle on the shelf - hopefully full-time but working on a week at a time right now.

              So hello!


              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                Tues Jan 16th!!!

                Hi Cashy...and welcome aboard! x x
                "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                  Tues Jan 16th!!!

                  Thanks Lou,

                  I feel like i've made a decision now - and feel slightly better for it - we will see

                  "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                    Tues Jan 16th!!!

                    you'll do just fine here...and if you do happen slip now and then..well theres lots of us here to help you pick up, dust off and start over! x x
                    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                      Tues Jan 16th!!!

                      It's great to have all this wonderful support - hope I can do it for others this well in the future.

                      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                        Tues Jan 16th!!!

                        Hidden gem.....are you suggesting that we eat the melon??!!!...Me thinks that the wee one will not be too happy with this news!!!
                        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                          Tues Jan 16th!!!

                          Good Morning!!

                          Lou- glad you are feeling better too. I will smile extra today just cause you said too!
                          macks - hope your grandmother is feeling better very soon
                          Olly- congrats on the know sparkling cider is actually wonderful have you ever tried it? Just a thought. 16 days is Fantastic!
                          Mornin Gem! you sound great - congrats on 16 days
                          Cash - happy you are here! hope you are feeling better soon too

                          Getting ready for work now - it is getting cold today(here anyway) so hope everyone stays warm!
                          Hello to all to come


                            Tues Jan 16th!!!

                            Good morning all. THANK YOU again for everyone's messages. Tartanterror, Olly, Pansy, Paul, Lori, and Cash, thank you for your kind words and encouragement.
                            Last party I went to Olly, I brought a bottle of sparkling cranberry juice. It was very good and satisfied the itch to drink something out of a wine glass!
                            It's cold here today (24 degrees) and hubby out on business AGAIN. I will not drink today, though. I want another yellow 0, especially after the old smack in the face of that PM yesterday. (sorry, it still bothers me, but that's ok if it helps to keep the AF days going, huh?).
                            Off to work soon. Then to the gym.
                            Love you all very much!:h


                              Tues Jan 16th!!!

                              Don't you dare....

                              let that bother you Becca. Have a wonderful day - i'm off to bed
                              Lots and lots of love
                              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

