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Tues Jan 16th!!!

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    Tues Jan 16th!!!

    Good morning Absville! Well it is 5:30am here in my part of the woods and awoke to our 15th storm since November - ACK! At least the snow is pretty this early in the morning.

    Good to see you Becca and Lou! And of course all of the others! Day 18 for me - HOLY CRAP! The LONGEST in 6 years putting aside my pregnancy two years ago. It is one thing when you CANNOT drink but another to actually CHOOSE not to drink. In the beginning I was filled with self doubt, but with you all..... ahhhh...... much love and thanks for being here.

    You are all so wonderful and supportive. I thank you so very much for that! :h

    Cashy - welcome!!!!! I am sending you love and lots of support! You will get through this difficult time. Just keep posting, love. We are here for you.

    Olly - congrats on your new purchase!! A new home is a wonderful thing. Just think.. just like MikeupNorth - you too can start a new life in your new home being AF!!!!

    Paul, Hidden_Gem, Lisa, and all of the rest of you who are here, have a wonderful day and keep on truckin!!!


      Tues Jan 16th!!!

      It's hard not to be bothered when someone is harsh or critical Becca. I was just hoping that it wouldn't get you down too much. I'm glad you are responding with a little bit of piss and vinegar and being mobilized to put another O in your drink tracker.

      Anyway, I'm up now, starting my day 1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it won't be too bad tonight with cravings, but even if it is, I will only have about 2 1/2 hours to get through at home before I can go to bed. I think I can manage that. I have a bottle of sparkling cider in the fridge if necessary.....I've been having a lot of cravings to just eat, eat, and eat, too! Yikes! I think that L-Glut is supposed to help with that too.:fingers:

      Best wishes with your new house, Olly. That is exciting news.

      It's good to hear you sounding better, Lou!

      Paul, you are sounding consistently good these days.

      Congrats on 16 days, Gem. I love your avatar too. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

      I hope you have a good trip to your grandmum's Macks. I'll miss you and be thinking of you.

      Welcome aboard, Cashy. I wish you all the best as you begin ABS. It can only help with your moods in the long run. We're starting at the same time, so maybe it will help us both.

      Lisa, it is always lovely to see you. How long are you abs, now? A few months, right?? Have your kitties completely recovered now?

      Great on Day 18, Accountable. I'm glad that you have some pretty scenery to look at. I hope you don't have to get around in the snow however. I'm actually missing having at least SOME SNOW here in Maryland. It's been so freaking warm here! Now it's going to get cold again, and none of us will be able to deal wtih it!!

      Oh well, wish me all strength and fortitude today loves! Bombard me with good vibes, please:l !


      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Tues Jan 16th!!!

        Hey all,

        I know... sparkling cidar and other substitutes would be good. Here is the scenario: it'll be just the four of us, the current owners who are really nice folks and my husband and I. We invited them over to "celebrate the exchange of the house. We have a bottle of my husband's familiy's champagne (they are wine makers... ugh) and my husband would like to pop the bottle to make a toast to the exchange of "the home". I'm really thinking it will be much easier to just lift my glass to the toast and take a sip and then , without undue attention, just sip that glass slowly. (maybe not even finish it..) Then, when the bottles of red wine come out (we know they love wine... we've seen their wine cellar) I'll opt for water. I think I can comfortably turn down drinking the wine by just saying "no thanks, I'd rather not" and move right on without too much trouble. But, making a big substitution for the champagne or turning that down for the toast would make it a huge to-do.

        I don't know... maybe I"m making a mistake or hopefully I will be able to do this. I have never really tried moderating (as I really just don't want to drink anymore) but I'm hoping I can partake in a glass of champagne on this special occassion without immediately slamming two bottles of wine by myself. We will see...

        If I can do this, as I plan, I will still consider myself AF... at least mentally AF. If I can't do this... well then, I guess I need to consider this as a black and white issue for me with no grey zone.



          Tues Jan 16th!!!

          Kathy...every good vibe i have in me is at this moment winging its way to you...i wish you all the luck in the world, you deserve it so much. Stay close to the boards tonight for support.

          Fingers crossed for you honey

          Lou-Lou x x x x
          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


            Tues Jan 16th!!!

            Well, Good luck, Olly. I think that some of us need to test ourselves. You will learn where you are at from this.

            Thanks Lou-Lou! I'll check in, but I know I'm going to be tired! I'll be out of the house for 10 hours today! But that will be a GOOD THING!
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Tues Jan 16th!!!

              Thanks Young at Heart..
              It will be a test. I'll post my results.



                Tues Jan 16th!!!

                Good morning all,
                Well, I am breezing a sigh of relief, the Becca girl is back and Lou carries a 180 degree smile on her face. All is well.
                It is 4 degr. fahrenheit this morning, but the sun shines bright and clear, so it won't be hard to have a Lou-smile on my face today.

                Cashy, welcome to Abs. You will do fine. Like the Oirish said, put that toe in the water etc.
                Olly, I'm sorry and I may get trashed for my opinion. You don't buy a house everyday, especially one in Switzerland. You have to have a glass of Champagne and let it end at that. Congrats.
                Paul, Hidden Gem and Kathy, you are doing so well.
                Mack my thoughts are with you and your beloved Grandma.
                Lisa, how is the Kiddy situation?
                Accountable, I hear you have snow like us here in Ontario, finally. It is so much cleaner and brighter out, when there is snow. My sqirrels have finally decided to go to sleep. The little beggars cost me a fortune in peanuts.

                And last but not least, I am starting day 16 AF and feel so good about it. I am slowly getting back some of the boundless energy I used to have.
                Some... mind you! In lieu of family support I say, way to go Lori.

                God help me if I forgot somebody, but you all have a wonderfully peaceful day. May you accomplish what you set out to do.
                Love Lori.
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  Tues Jan 16th!!!

                  Some how or another I was unable to get on the thread yesterday. The board treated me like I was a criminal trying to break in or something. This morning I finally got it to send me my password which was a series of numbers that is as long as my arm. Which is wierd because my password was not a series of numbers but a word. Anyway, it is great to read everyone's posts and it looks like apart from some hanky panky last night things are going quite well. The long awaited day one for "Young at Heart" has arrived and we are all wishing you well. Pau,l you continue to be the rock that gets us started in the mornings and signal our victories each night. Newgirl keeps plugging away and is no longer a rookie and welcome to the fresh new faces that brings us fresh life like blossoms in the spring. As for me 22 AF to which I owe in no small measure to all of you.

                  Here's to one more day:



                    Tues Jan 16th!!!

                    Well after some thought, I have decided to join absville as of today. As some of you may know, I have had a really, really, REALLY terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. Anybody familiar with the book Alexander and the Terrible, horrible, no good, Very bad day?...oh but I digress here...I used to work as a School Counselor for grades K-3, and that was one of my favorite books...well, anyway, I had a day like that, well more like a week like that. And I imagine I will have more weeks to come, SO I have used it as an excuse to drink a rediculous amount the past few days. I woke up this morning with a revelation...It will only make things worse...Wow, I must have a brain cell or two left.

                    So, I am going abs for least, I am going to give this a shot.

                    Wish me luck all. In the drinking department...and in life in general...I could use it.


                    formerly known as bak310


                      Tues Jan 16th!!!

                      I am sorry I find it hard to respond to everyones posts, I get confused But you sound quite motivated, Hey Becca!! Shout out to Young At Heart! I am on day 4 here, did I just say that??? Cool, anyways. It has been a struggle but i am doing okay, i find that if the craving gets bad, reading does wonders to pass the time. I am at work so can;t really post or respond much, I will check back later when i get more time.
                      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                      James Gordon, M.D.


                        Tues Jan 16th!!!

                        Hey Beth...welcome to our not so little will get nothing but encouragment and support from us guys...and..if you happen to fall, which some of us do now and again...we'll be here to help you pick up the peices...without judging you.
                        Hope you have a long and happy stay

                        Lou-Lou x x x
                        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                          Tues Jan 16th!!!

                          Oh my goodness!
                          So much has happened here since yesterday. It's taken me all morning to get it all read and digested.

                 go girl! I like that P&V !


                          :goodjob: &:welcome: to everyone else!

                          Kathy..........I'm holding you in a special place in my heart today as you get a fresh start. You can do this........I just know it.

                          Finally turning colder in Bama. Not anything like in the midwest though. We NEED some cold to kill off bad bugs so that our growing season won't be covered with them.

                          Today is my youngest grandson's birthday. He is nine.
                          We call him "Scooter" because he has always had plenty of go-power.
                          We almost lost him before he was born because of the stress my daughter was under in a awful marriage. My x son-in-law was drinking and taking drugs and gambling in excess... He had a pattern of this we didn't know about until after their wedding. Our daughter, Liz, kept trying for about a year after he was born but she found cocaine ready to snort in his desk drawer at work. He is a doctor.
                          Short story long...........tried to get him to get help........tried....failed........tried.......fai led.....tried.....failed..
                          So she divorced him and has since remarried...he remarried first and has two more boys...
                          Scooter is so special, as all our grandkids are, to us.

                          OK all.........much :h to you.........
                          Keep up the good work!
                          af 14days 07
                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            Tues Jan 16th!!!

                            Wed Jan 17th!!

                            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                              Tues Jan 16th!!!

                              checking in again Lou, paul, olly, mack, southernbelle, bak310, birdman, lori, becca and anyone who i have missed i apologize. I hope everone is remaining strong today and you all are in my thoughts today, your posts remain and inspiration and I dont think some of you realize the affect you have (the positive affect) on others, you are a wonderful group of people, thanks for sharing you time with everyone.
                              It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                              James Gordon, M.D.


                                Tues Jan 16th!!!

                                Sorry comp seemed to go a bit haywire there!!!!
                                "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

