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Tues Jan 16th!!!

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    Tues Jan 16th!!!

    Begin wherever you want to touchofgray, and of course, you're welcome back Louie!!

    Anyway, I'm home now, and I must confess that my cranberry and ginger ale seems a tad boring, but I am stoked up on my supplements and my topa, and I don't feel tempted to drink, so that's a good thing. I made sure that I had a good dinner before I got on here to check in. So far so good.

    For all the good vibes and wishes, I say thank you so much. I know they have helped me. It's amazing how alcohol can SEEM to fill some of the holes in you that you really have to learn to fill yourself. That is what I am going to be working to learn to do. I had a dream last night that something was broken on my computer, and each time I fixed the problem, it led to something deeper that was wrong that I had to fix. I think that is a metaphor for me and the things I have to work on inside of me. In the dream I felt tired and occasionally pissed off, but I also felt a quiet determination to get to the bottom of things and get it right. I hope that is a good sign.

    Anyway, that's all for now. I'm off to read the other threads. On to day 2 tomorrow!! I haven't drunk so much that I've had hangovers or stuff, but it's nice to know that I am doing something good for myself again.

    Hugs to everyone,


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Tues Jan 16th!!!

      My Goodness! So nice to read all these great upbeat too!
      Kathy - I'm in your corner today and always. You sure have been in mine when I needed it. You absolutely can do this. And getting sleep is a great start too. I've been doing that - getting to bed early. It has helped. And to answer your af question....I believe I am at 81 days today. yea!! can't really believe it.
      And thanks Lori and Kathy both for asking about my kitty cat. I've been to the vet 4 times in the last week. I have to give him a pill every morning for 2 weeks and I know he is better because he has bitten the heck out of my thumb!! Wow they have sharp little teeth! I will have to figure something out 'cause he WILL take all his meds!

      Really though - thanks so much for asking. I have been down all this past week and I think it had a lot to do with the stress of my cat being sick. I'm just so ready for something fun to happen - like a vacation! I could do with a fun vacation. I think I will go in March. Any ideas of a great place to visit in March??
      Glad it was a great day for so many here.
      The success is contagious!!!!! Keep it going is truly worth it.
      And Olly - Don't worry too much about this - try it and see what happens. It won't be the end of the world either way! Let us know how it goes...


        Tues Jan 16th!!!

        Hi all,
        Just got home a bit ago. YAWN. There are so many people here I know I cannot remember everyone. But, I am thinking especially today of Becca and Lou, and so glad that you guys are here today. Hmm. Becca - piss and vinegar .... you are doing GREAT! Kathy sounds like you had a good night too. Where is our Melonator? Welcome to all the new folks who have decided to post in abs - Cashy and Beth - you will do great here. You have all my support. Congrats on those just starting out too - newgrl - Day 4!!! Bet that feels nice.

        I have not been posting much this week, so I have not had time to do a proper post. Lori, I am thinking of you - this cannot be an easy week. My parents are both elderly and ill, so I really feel for you.

        Birdman - it is like 15 here. You sent the cold weather or was that Accountable? I am on the shore, south of Lake Huron in Michigan. We have had hardly any snow and the bay has not frozen over even a bit this year. That will change by Thursday I think. We did not get snow though, we got ice. ICK.

        Okay, I will try to have a better memory tomorrow ....



          Tues Jan 16th!!!

          piss n vinegar....
          LOVE IT. make it as pungent as possible! I'm too soft and too sensitive much of the time. Too sensitive. But it's just cuz I CARE.
          Thanks again.
          Doing ok... I'll check in tomorrow.


            Tues Jan 16th!!!

            Yipee Birdman!
            Just turned on the news & indeed we might get something on Friday! We built a sunroom this past summer so that we could enjoy beautiful snowfalls in the winter and so far I got to see a 5 minute flurry pass by!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Tues Jan 16th!!!

              Let it snow! It's been so warm here (Northern Maryland) until now that it's downright scary! We might get some light snow on Thursday, but I'll believe it when I see it.....
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Tues Jan 16th!!!

                Just the girls.

                My lovely bride of almost 30 years and all the other girls we know like the snow here in northern Indiana. They look out of their homes warmed by the crackling fires with their hands wrapped around a warm cup of their favorite falvored coffee. And we poor saps dressed in all the clothes we own are out plowing and shoveling away, freezing our collective arses off(is that the old Brit spelling wee?). And yet some how the girls still find it quite beautiful. And so we galliantly start their SUVs and warm them up and they make their short dash to it's heated comfort and then drive through the winter wonderland to work or play-and you know what- somehow on Wednesday January 17th 2007 the world seems right again. Snow in the morning in January and I am not hung over.




                  Tues Jan 16th!!!

                  that warms my heart birdman


                    Tues Jan 16th!!!

                    g etting back

                    trying to quite drinking wine, Merlo is my weakness. any suggestions- thanks , Jim:new: :new: :thanks:


                      Tues Jan 16th!!!

                      :welcome: Hi have already taken the first step by posting on here...I could give you a whole list of things which would help but the best thing to do is to go to the main menu page...At the top is a headling which reads INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL DISCUSSION, the first option under that heading is FIRST TIME HERE..READ OUR FAQ, click on that, I think the page that will take you to has three options, go to the last one MY WAY OUT FAQ and I hope what you read there will be of help to you...

                      Take care, Louise...
                      A F F L..
                      Alcohol Free For Life


                        Tues Jan 16th!!!

                        Welcome Jim - door is open!!

                        :welcome: Jim - today's My Way Out - or should that be My Way In!! door person here to greet you. Suggest you pop over to Just Starting Out and if you feel comfortable with it, let us know a bit about yourself. If not, just say Hi and loads of totally bonkers people will say "HI" back! Read all the posts (probably take about a year out of your life, but hey ho!) and stick with us - help is on the way!

                        Good luck, matey!
                        The Terror


                          Tues Jan 16th!!!

                          PS - and everything that Irish Lady said as well - she rocks!!!

                          The Terror


                            Tues Jan 16th!!!

                            You knowTartanterror, I have just looked at your avator and mine, and there are a few more like, Weemelonhead, Mackerel and Paulb etc., I'm sure some people looking on here for the first time must think all the medical staff have gone home for the day and left the lunatics in charge of the asylum..Ha Ha ..
                            A F F L..
                            Alcohol Free For Life


                              Tues Jan 16th!!!

                              So true irish! But you know... yours and Wee's take the cake my friend!


                                Tues Jan 16th!!!

                                I'm Nurse Ratchett
                                AF as of August 5th, 2012

