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Tues Jan 16th!!!

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    Tues Jan 16th!!!

    Hello again.
    Just a few words.
    Seems like we're all fighting fit today, which is always good.
    I can't seem to get back into my stride at work. I just feel as if I can't be bothered, but this usually happens after a couple of weeks off. I hope I get some of my ooomph back soon.
    newgrl...I also find it hard to respond to every post. I just hope that you all know that I'm cheering you on. We are all here for each other. This is a great place.


      Tues Jan 16th!!!

      Hi All,
      Day 17 for me. Thanks for all the encouraging messages. I love reading them.



        Tues Jan 16th!!!

        Well done on day 17 rivergirl!!!

        Lou-Lou x
        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


          Tues Jan 16th!!!

          Hi All!

          Good Afternoon~or Evening.....or maybe night.

          Just one shout out to Accountable- SEND SOME SNOW HERE! I live in the north eastern (New England) part of the U.S. & haven't seen any snow. It's unheard of! We've had record breaking highs for Dec. & Jan.!

          oh...Mack-hope grandma feels better.

          Luv to all- 26 and going strong! Keep up the good work everyone! Seems like alot of us are past that half-way mark of a month.:goodjob:
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Tues Jan 16th!!!

            Hi again all,

            Oh man, there's just so much love in the air today, eh? Kathy, I'm sending you cyber hugs and my shoulder to lean on if you need today. Newgirl, you go girl! I'm so happy that you are off to such a great start with AF, congrats on Day 4. Paul you are wonderful with the way you always give thanks to this site and the folks here. I realized today just how much you all mean to me. I was taking a long walk with my closest girlfriend here (she's also American) and in the past she was drinking buddy. I was trying to talk to her about the new awareness I'm having about "being social" and "socializing" without involving alcohol. (She knows that I have cut back on drinking but not that I am intentionally focused on AF) Anyway, she just couldn't relate. "Well, if you're not driving... why not have fun and have a few drinks?" I think was her response. I just sort of nodded , no comment and managed to move the conversation along. But at that moment, I thought. "Man, am I glad I've got my friends in Absville"!! You all are so important to me. Thanks.


              Tues Jan 16th!!!

              Olly...the feeling is mutual.....i dont know what id do if i didnt have you guys x x
              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                Tues Jan 16th!!!

                OK, SeaBreez. I just FedEx'd you a HUUUGE package of snow to New England. Most years we get a 'dusting' of the pretty white stuff. This year we have had a good snowfall oh, about, 5 times I am thinking not to mention all of the rain and wind storms we have had since November. (I know boo hoo for me) BLECH! I am a West Coast Girl! I tend to get those things called 'brain freezes' when temps drop past 0.

                So happy to now report the snow is now MELLLLLLLLLTING! It is so SUNNY outside now. Yeee haaaa!!!!! See ya snow! (No offense to those who are snow deprived!)


                  Tues Jan 16th!!!

                  Sending you some snow.

                  Sea Breeze,

                  I am from northern Indiana just off of Lake Michigan and we usually get alot of snow. So far, nothing. Well, atleast until last night. We got our first big snow. The first day the kids are off from school. It looks like about a foot. So just hold on for about 24 hours and you should be just fine.



                    Tues Jan 16th!!!

                    Hi All
                    That's me off to bed now. I hope you all had a good day and if you didn't, I hope tomorrow is better.


                      Tues Jan 16th!!!

                      Hi everyone! Just flying by to post my official 3 months ABs today! AND...somebody please send me some snow too! I feel a little bad about not posting personals to everyone as well, I just can't seem to stay on long enough most days. I do scan a lot of the threads and my heart goes out to those struggling and I'm so happy for those who are jumpling hurdles! I'm going well..I had a day this weekend..well, I don't recall ever feeling so content. Soo, I'm going to leave it at that..I'm feeling grateful, and clear in body and least this moment. Namaste!


                        Tues Jan 16th!!!

                        Wow, quite impressive, congrats to you!!!! May you have a wonderful day and many many more!!!!!!!!
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          Tues Jan 16th!!!

                          Hi everyone,

                          I just got back from my holiday, and I cracked on the 12th January when out to dinner. So am now on day 5 of AF again. This time more determined and NOT succumbing to peer pressure - it was soooo stupid, and jus not worth it. I really want to be alcohol free, for me, not for anyone else.

                          Hope you don't mind me coming back,


                            Tues Jan 16th!!!

                            Dilayne - 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Way to go !!!!!!!

                            People such as yourself who have a significant number of AF days under their belts offer so much hope for us whom are starting out!!! Not that you have to be a roll model or anything - it just gives us hope!

                            Congrats to your success and keep on going!!!


                              Tues Jan 16th!!!

                              well said, Accountable!
                              Awesome, D!!!!!!


                                Tues Jan 16th!!!

                                I'm not sure where to begin.:new:

