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AF Daily~Monday, February 20

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    AF Daily~Monday, February 20

    Well, Abbers, had this all done and suddenly logged out by system!
    I'll try to remember what I'd posted.
    First off, Good Monday morning!
    Watching local news this a.m. and first up was a man who decided to strip naked in a Walmart parking lot and enter the store!! Hope it was in a place that's warmer than it is here, LOL!! He looked like a LARGE man, although I couldn't see his gherkin! They said that they thought he may have been on drugs--really, ya think????? Next blurb was about the rising number of teenagers (before puberty) showing up at doctor's for transgender requests with parents' permission.
    Had a nice late lunch with friends yesterday and we had Shirley Temples to start. Made with diet ginger ale. Delicious. New drink of choice! And the beef stew was as good as ever!
    Sunni, so great that you and Sid got to meet up for coffee!! Two purdy girls AF in a cafe! Love it.
    Going to look for a onesie on ebay! The snuggie was abandoned after I put it on backwards--plus it isn't designed for comebody barely five feet tall
    Lav, Kas, Uni, LVT, Greenie, Pap3, Det, Sid, Bear (know you're reading) and all to come, have a great AF day!
    Not much for me--making coffee and setting up at AA today, and then have a women's meeting at 4:00. Not sure if gym is open (holiday) but will be there if it is!
    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Monday, February 20

    Hey TDN and all to come! What news to wake up too :H but really sad about the teens and the gender issues. I keep thinking our species might be self selecting ourselves out of this world the way things are going (and not just gender issues) but luckily for us it won't happen for eons. But still. Anyway, enough of a rant. I myself just got up 30 min ago and have yet to turn on the news.

    Sunni-sounds like you had a fab time meeting up with Syd. How very very nice! Enjoy your day in Toronto and safe travels back home.

    Very low key for me today. Working in the dining room, laundry and maybe some clean up then hockey game at 8. Last home game evah for my neph but it looks like they will be making the Super 8 playoffs so hopefully it won't be the last game evah for me to see but it will happen soon. End of an era. My youngest nephew likes hockey so far but he's an hour away and who knows if he'll continue for long. He doesn't come from a hockey family like my other nephs did but his mom was a semi pro ballerina in her teen years until she blew out both knees so he's got some athletic genes in him.

    Anyway, that's it!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily~Monday, February 20

      hey guys,

      mind if I joined in?

      in between the monthly moderation and monthly abstinence I choose the latter.

      My day in work is nearing the end - have to brave driving in deep snow and ice to get back home. Better do that sober !!!
      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


        AF Daily~Monday, February 20

        Good Morning All!!!

        Taught a 90 minute community class yesterday as part of my yoga teacher training requirement. It was SO MUCH FUN! Want to do it again. Anyhow, I'm officially done this week!!

        Hi Shueaddict. Welcome.

        Bear. You're going to try modding AGAIN? Seriously? Your posts indicate that you are so much happier when you are AF. I wish you peace.

        Good morning TDN, P3.

        Middle daughter is marching in a parade today with her band so off I go...

        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          AF Daily~Monday, February 20

          Good late morning Abbers!

          TDN - that naked man in a Walmart happened in my neck of the woods! SO glad I wasn't out shopping that day - geez :H :H
          Hope you have a great day!

          papmom, working from home is a challenge.....easy to blow off work when you're not really in the mood. Fortunately I don't have a whole lot going on at the moment. The weather is nice so I'll be outside

          Hi shue, welcome to the serious AF thread!!!!!

          M3, both of my kids were in the high school band - loved seeing the parades
          Congrats on completing your yoga teacher training!

          I guess my efforts to kickstart my metabolism have finally paid off - I've lost 4 lbs so far this month. Believe me - that's a big deal for me :yay:

          Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Monday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily~Monday, February 20

            Way to go Lav on the 4 lbs!! You are right on track and doing something right!!

            Lav-I'm not doing work work today-I'm currently packing up my china to clear out the built in china cabinet so I can use it for sewing storage. I'm kind of sad even tho I never ever used it (I only used my mom's china that I ended up giving to my sis). This china is from my nana because no one else wanted it. Real pretty but only 4 full place settings. Lots of extraneous peices. I also found a ton of different dessert plates and teacups/saucers that I have no memory of where they came from!! One of the sets I'm going to look up on ebay now. Interesting but not my style. Why do I have these???? Anyway, I'm hoping that my next house will have the room for a real sewing room and a separate space for dining and that I'll be be able to separate the animals so they can't be heard. I really think I'd like to have my family over for holidays again-it's been 9 years-or at least some casual dining. I'm getting tired of being so isolated that I don't even have people over anymore! But it can't happen in this house. Too small and too awkardly laid out. I didn't win the lottery this weekend so I guess that dream will be put on hold for a while!! :H

            M3-so good to see you! parade sounds like fun but it would be cold here today!!

            Welcome Shue-we are deadly serious about our AFness here. Can't and don't want to help those who are playing around with modding. We can't, therefore we don't want it in our lives. Sorry to be so blunt but it's our lives here. If you are truly serious about being AF as a lifestyle then you are quite welcome and will have a lot of fun with us. Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself? We love a good story!! :l
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily~Monday, February 20

              Hello Abstinence Daily thread. I would dare to differ with Pap and say we are serious about being AF but not DEADLY serious about it.

              Shu I have been reading about the amount of snow in Europe, its amazing. I live in a part of British Columbia where the snow is several meters high on the side of the road and in piles in parking lots, and how it GETS there is a feat of shear herculean effort. So I am amazed at how calm you sound, because I know it must be worrisome dealing with that much snow if you are not used to it.

              I feel like this little froggie today....

              everyone have a great AF day.


              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily~Monday, February 20

                Fair warning Papmom3,

                Since joining MWO I have not really tried modding ? just trial and error quitting AL ? learning each time new ways to trick my triggers and surf the urge. Reading and more reading about made me realize that there is no actual benefit in it ( Jason Vale brainwashed me here). Besides I do not want to drink 1 glass only ? I want the bottle.

                So ? here?s my story:

                Shoe addiction has defined me for ages, sadly last July I had to admit that I probably loved New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc a lot more than Jimmy Choos.

                I am 36, lively and happy by default, I have a great family (married a special Irishman who can take AL or leave it ; we have a 7 year old son, 1 huge mastiff dog and 2 cats) . I am blessed with a nice expat life in a small European country but I do work for it, I have a challenging job that I really enjoy.

                I think my unhealthy relationship with wine started when I consciously started allowing and glorifying 1-2 glasses of wine to be my permissible indulgence; it was over 6 years ago and I was on great fitness / diet regime, trying to lose the baby weight; my dietician/ fitness guru has kicked me into the best shape of my life, where I managed to remain for 3 years (despite repeated episodes of binging). Then my job kicked into gear and the focus was no longer on myself or my family ? I used this excuse over and over to explain letting myself go and drinking more, not sticking to the healthy eating. I would celebrate success with drink, avoid anxiety with drink, abate hunger with drink, getting more energy from drink, try get my mind to stop spinning ?again with drink, getting myself to sleep with drink, until finally I realized that I even drank out of boredom in the evenings alone, because by then I was no longer using wine as a crutch but simply arriving home from work and opening a bottle had become a well ingrained habit (one bottle a night became the norm ? with episodes of more).

                2 years ago I ordered some hypnosis CD?s and even if I did not follow the whole program through they worked in curbing my consumption for a while. All I ever wanted was to find a ?stop? button after the second glass. I think it really works if you stick to it. But I didn?t, thinking myself to busy and important in my great career path. Dry days became very few and far between and were eventually replaced with ?moderate days? - 2.5 glasses. And my weight kept creeping up, but I was no longer vain, I was getting plenty of satisfaction from work success. Besides, I could still hide it well (this is what high heels and Spanx are for). I started to drink more and more in hiding from my husband, continuously replacing bottles, claiming I spilled one, shameful really. I would sometimes drink at work. On business trips I used to get back from dinners and order yet more wine from room service.

                Last year after Xmas and New Year debauchery I was landed with pain in my right side. I went to see an internist whom I expected and counted on to scare the living daylights out of me with stories of cirrhosis. Instead he declared my blood tests normal, my ultrasound satisfactory and told me that different people tolerate different quantities, please be moderate in the future. But how do you do that? 6 months later I was drinking even more, not really wanting to- many times but getting ever more crafty at hiding it.

                And then I found MWO and slowly came to the realization that I have crossed the invisible line with AL and went form problem drinker to addict.

                Now I am keen to just get on with my life AF free, get to know the people that went through AL hell and came out the other end. It is nice to see that life goes on.

                Whoa, I rambled on for quite a while, sorry. Feel free to tell me off, I am pretty obedient.
                Have a nice night.
                workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                  AF Daily~Monday, February 20

                  Shue-you are going to fit right in here! You've taken the most important step and that is realizing that you have no STOP button, like all of us here. Once you accept that, the choices become obvious although not easy.
                  You are hysterically funny and I look forward to your wit on the days you choose to post.
                  Best of luck to you and maybe one day those Jimmy Choos will be back in your life!! BTW-I love shoes but have never gone high end. What is the deal with Jimmy Choos and why are they so coveted?
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily~Monday, February 20

                    Kaslo - love your froggie
                    I had something similar around here a while ago - will go search, see where he got too....

                    Papmom, be careful what you wish for. The bigger the house the more junque you collect & the longr it takes to clean, etc, etc.
                    Here's a link to my favorite shoes (picture them covered in mud & chicken poop) :H :H
                    The Original Muck Boot Company? Edgewater Camp Sport Shoe - 709415799 | Tractor Supply Company
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily~Monday, February 20

                      Hey!! I can't see the froggie!! :upset:

                      OK, Kas I'll give you that one. I will amend it to say I am deadly serious because if I ever go back to the drinking life it will kill me sooner rather than later and that I am 100% sure of.

                      Shue-I totally get the anxiety about the snow, especially if you're not used to it. We had over 7 feet last season-we were shoveling everyday and eventually there was no place to put it. There were still some piles left in store parking lots in July!! I am not lying!! This season we've had less than 6 inches so far. I'll take it!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily~Monday, February 20

                        Like the boots Lav but a little too pricey for me!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily~Monday, February 20

                          HiDeHo Abbers far and wide...

                          TDN - you sure started my morning with a great laugh about the naked discount shopper! But THAT wasn't the funny part. It was your comment: "He looked like a LARGE man, although I couldn't see his gherkin!" THAT made me choke on my Cheerios! (Det - that is just a figure of speech, this Paleo woman does not eat that alleged "food" product.)

                 the nekkid dude is one of YOUR people? Maybe you can get more exercise by chasing down this exhibitionist to verify the mystery gherkin for TDN? Congrats on 4 pounds!

                          Mom3 - you are already a marvelous teacher - imagine what more time is going to do for your skills! I wish I could learn Yoga from you. Have you thought about you tubing?

                          PapMom - I can definitely empathize about the end of the youth hockey era. We went from spending 4 or 5 nights a week at the rink watching our son to nothing. We still manage to get together every now and then with our favorite parents. I still get my personal hockey fix by playing in the old lady league here. Last night, in the last game of our regular season...our 'bad news bear' team BEAT the only team in our division that had not yet lost a game all season! We are HOT HOckey HOs this year! I will miss most of tournament...but will be back for the last game - and hopefully the CHAMPIONSHIP match!

                          Welcome, Shue!!!! This is such a great place for supporting the AF life. I've learned a lot from all the wonderful folks here. It helps a lot to surround yourself with other like-minded people who are successfully living free of that vile addiction. I'm glad you found your way here and I am so thrilled you are moving to this incredible new way of living.

                          My day will be full of all those last minute details of dealing with leaving the ice cube. Why is the day before a trip so durn full of stress? I am actually fairly organized this time, but still there's more to do than time to do it. I'm ALWAYS glad to get on the plane...that's for sure. I will treat myself to a decaf skinny latte first thing tomorrow morning.

                          We've got a couple of looooong layovers so I may be able to do wifi at airports tomorrow assuming I can find an empty plug. Have you ever noticed the short supply of those in older airports? I have a secret tho: if you ever find those self massage chairs around there is usually a big surge protector hanging out underneath the back. I don't know what the wifi situation is at my dad's place in Florida. And who knows in the Caribbean? I'm planning on popping in at least to read as shore leave permits. If the timing is right, I might see about going to an AA meeting on the boat. I have never been to one. Not that I think this would be typical. But tropical, for sure. I am excited to make more new AF pathways in my brain. This will be my first sober cruise. No coco locos - solamente soy loca sin cerveza. Whoo Hoo!
                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            AF Daily~Monday, February 20

                            xpost with Kas...

                            Your froggie is sweet and oh so deliciously tacky. Did I also mention I find lots of unique stuff for the garden in Canada? Really. You canucks just rock!

                            Bought a new underwater point-n-shoot - we'll see whether it's a POS or not so very soon! I must take a BEFORE picture of all of our snow.
                            Sober for the Revolution!
                            AF & NF July 23, 2011


                              AF Daily~Monday, February 20

                              OK, tell me this. How does my Dining Room go from mildly cluttered and disorganized to major chaos AFTER I packed up 3 boxes and one large suitcase of china and put most of my fabric stash into the china cabinet???? It lookes like a bomb went off! But I'm tired and done for the day. Rest of the house needs a major overhaul as well but that will have to wait until my vaca. I still have 30+ glasses to pack up and some odds and ends but ran out of newspaper. Out of all the china I had, I could only find one pattern on the web and my little creamer and sugar bowl looks to have a replacement value of $50 so they might go up on ebay. They are not part of any set I have and I didn't even know I had them :H.

                              Turn-have a great trip!! Safe travels my friend
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

