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Free and Fit February - Week 4

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    Free and Fit February - Week 4

    that should say lift us all lol
    I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


      Free and Fit February - Week 4

      Hi Gang!

      I'm off to the lad of Nod pretty quick here but couldn't end my day without saying hello to my favorite fit and free Febbers! Made it through Day 3 and looking forward to another sober sunrise...

      CHILL! I was looking for you! So you're making the big move! I am so excited for you but I understand how stressful it may be. You are so adventurous! Best of luck with it all and keep us posted. What are you going to do with Elle? Can you take or is that out of the question? Yeah, me and my bunny slippers are back...hopefully to stay this time, although I have my eyes on a new avatar and may change with the seasons

      Thank you for sharing your lovely quote with us Looking forward to getting to know you on MWO!

      Tomorrow will be a busy day for me at the store so I must get my zzzz's. The past 2 nights I have slept so much better without AL, that in itself is reason to quit for good! But as we know, there are countless reasons and we just need to keep reminding ourselves of what they are!

      Love and peace to you all across the globe!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Free and Fit February - Week 4

        Good night everyone. :h


          Free and Fit February - Week 4

          Good morning everyone

          Thanks for the lovely quote Raven and welcome to the thread. Enjoyed your's too LBH, it put a smile on my face when I logged in yesterday.

          Chill - good to see you back, that is all any of us can do take it ODAT. I like more March madness, after all we have been together more than one March now.

          I had a lovely meal last night. There were about 10 neighbours there, 5 couples, some I really like, others, well enough said. We got there at 8 and left about 11.30 as I had to pick up my daughter and hubby was exhausted after travelling. The wine was flowing so no doubt it went on for a good few more hours. She did a large shoulder of pork, 24 hours in the oven, a Nigella Lawson receipe and the meat just fell off. Very tasty. I did not miss the G & T before the meal or the wine and am go glad to wake up AF this morning.

          The sun seems to be shining so going to take the goldie for a walk. Have a great Saturday everyone.



            Free and Fit February - Week 4

            As the Sufi poet Hafiz advised, "Learn to recognize the counterfeit coins that may buy you just a moment of pleasure, But then drag you for days like a broken man behind a farting camel."
            I love that quote! Thank you LadyBird! It's hilarious and so true.

            Chill I find it easy to get overwhelmed by my mind at times too. I doubt if many people would think of an alcohol addiction as a blessing, but really if we don't learn from our experiences then what is the point? Thank you for showing me a way to find the positive in all of this. :h

            Raven what a nice quote. Spring is definitely an uplifting time of rebirth.

            Blonde I hope you slept well and have lots of energy to sustain you through the day.

            Rustop well done on your get together last night! It's funny how you never miss alcohol the next day.

            Good morning to Dill, Lav, Papmom, and anyone else I may have missed.


              Free and Fit February - Week 4

              Morning Glories!

              Hi to everyone checking in today. Hope you have a super sober Saturday. Must dash to work know but I hope to check back later when I have more time. Busy day ahead of me, good thing I didn't drink last night and can handle it all with a clear head! Day 4, onwards!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Free and Fit February - Week 4

                Good morning all -

                Blonde, good job on day 4 - so glad you are back.

                Flyaway - hello - and today must be one week for you, right? Congrats!

                Rustop - so glad you enjoyed your party, and didn't miss the AL. (I've never actually made a Nigella recipe -- I get too entranced just listening to her talk about food --)

                Chill - wow, what a transition you are preparing for. You are amazing. Do take care, and you are right, ODAT is it; after all, that's all we have. Hope your day-to-day life starts to feel more peaceful.

                LBH - that is about the best description of being in the grips of an addiction that I've ever read. Agreed, hilarious, and so true. Thanks for sharing.

       - how good to see you!

                Hope everyone is well this morning - Rusty, how is studying and how is the neck? Shout out to G-man -- Sooty, how is your heartache without your dog?

                Weather here like a bucking bronco -- snow yesterday, then rain, then gale force winds all night. Still wild winds this morning, but clear with a blue-violet sky and big Spring clouds that are scudding across the sky like they are late for the train...

                Cheers for a happy day -
                to the light


                  Free and Fit February - Week 4

                  Good morning Fit Friends

                  The wind is crazy here as well cyn but the sun is out!!!!

                  I plan to spend some time making cookie crumbs & fingerprints disappear from my house today - must be done

                  Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Free and Fit February - Week 4

                    Good Morning Everyone,

                    Chill-you'll get through this and land on your feet....I just know it.

                    Welcome Ravenjoy!

                    Welcome back, Blonde, and congratulations on your string of AF days!:goodjob:

                    Lav, I saw the pic of EB on the Daily gosh, he's grown. He's so cute. You asked about how many pounds my therapist uses for traction. 10 lbs. of traction. It worked wonders on Wednesday. One week left of PT. If this doesn't work, acupuncture next. Thanks for the suggestion.:h

                    I am battling a terrible cold. Also, with much embarrassment, I have not been Fit in February. I have gained 4 pounds. :l Will recommit today to finish February on a positive note.

                    Rustop-great job on enjoying your outing and not missing AL.

                    Big hugs and hellos to everyone else. Have a wonderful AF Saturday!


                      Free and Fit February - Week 4

                      Flyaway - hello - and today must be one week for you, right? Congrats!
                      Well now you're making me scratch my head. The 17th was the last day I drank and the 18th was my first day sober. So should my signature read "AF since 2/17?" Today is my 8th sober day.


                        Free and Fit February - Week 4

                        Hi my fit and fab feb friends!!

                        Had a sort of meltdown this week and expressed it on the daily thread if you want to go read it. Seems kind of self indulgent now but I also wanted all the newcomers to that thread to understand that even people with a long time of AFness under their belt can have their bad weeks but dealing with fear and sadness and uncertainty AF is WAY better than sweeping it under the rug with AL. Anyway, after cleaning my bedroom from top to bottom and decluttering, I feel much much better and ready to keep moving forward.

                        Rusty-I'm so glad to hear that the traction is working somewhat-hope you keep improving!

                        Rustop-congrats on staying AF on your outing. It can be so hard to say no and question if one little glass could really hurt but we all know it doesn't stay at one little glass. That's the hardest part I think, accepting that fact and believing it. But then you get past it, have a great time anyway and wake up so refreshed!! Whoo hoo!!

                        Cyn-so cold and windy today!! No snow tho!!

                        Lav-good luck on cleaning away the smudges-mine are permenant I think LOL!!

                        Blonde-have a great day at work!

                        Chill- millions of :l for you. You will get through this and break out to sunshine on the other side. Believe!!
                        Lunch in a bit then working on my bro's friends new website (creating it from scratch) and then hopefully some food shopping so I'm not buying my meals like I did last week.

                        later friends!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Free and Fit February - Week 4

                          Happy Saturday Guys

                          Rav - where the heck have you been, its been way too long, hope you check in again soon and tell us how you are doing.

                          Flyaway - :welcome: I would say your signature of AF since 2/18 is correct. Great to have you onboard.

                          Had a wonderful meeting this morning with my Positively Alive group, I just love these guys! Im also booked to go on a "Mindstore" course next Saturday which will be quite something as its a Glasgow based Self Development company and it was the 1st ever positive thinking course I went on which was over 15 years ago.
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Free and Fit February - Week 4

                            I simply can?t believe that we are almost into March already ? where have the last few months gone?? I?m happy to read all your news and that you are all well; we have some new folks contributing which is great and hello to you all. I want to say a special hello to Kaslo, you have been dipping your toe in and out for a while but it is lovely that you have decided to finally join us, I especially love your dry wit and of course your photos, we all love your photos so please post more.

                            Rusty I hope you are well and the studying is not too onerous, I think your exam is around the 2nd of March so not too long now (apologies if I have the wrong date). I have been thinking about you recently and I truly wish you the very, very best and a happy result all round. I want you to know you have been in my meditations.

                            I have had a very difficult few days ? I am under pressure to stay (at work) although I am still on sick leave and should not be contacted. It really does make me very angry that I can?t be left in peace.

                            The company I worked for did a lot of the Mindstore workshops with Jack Black in Scotland during the early 20?s Chill
                            , while I found them interesting I wouldn?t have paid for them myself, I thought he was very arrogant, conceited and ?American? (for a Scot). However I appreciate that we are all on different pages so you may well think very highly of him, so apologies in advance.

                            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                              Free and Fit February - Week 4

                              stay strong Dew! and don't answer the phone if it is the company. You are entitled to your sick leave and you are entitled to take retirement. Tell them to Feck off!! :h
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                Free and Fit February - Week 4

                                Hi Gang,

                                Happy Sober Saturday evening! Today was jam packed for me and I'm glad to be able to sit down and have a few minutes to myself! Hubby and I are going to lay on the sofa and watch a movie in a few minutes. Just had a lovely dinner and cup of tea and now I may have another tea cause these days I just can't get enough if y'all know what I mean!

                                I had a major urge to drink tonight when I was at the gym after work. It was so strong but I beat the crap out of it. What helped was remembering what it is like to wake up in the middle of the night with pounding heart and head, dire thirst, disgusted with myself and bloated. And asking myself WHY WHY WHY do I do this to myself. Remembering that plus all of you guys is what got me home and eating dinner sans a bottle of wine. I opted for diet soda instead and I am so dang proud of myself, I have to admit. Although it is interesting how the devil appears out of nowhere and played in my head for a good chunk of my workout. Then I was doing some ab crunches and I was like, no way...if I keep drinking, I will never get anywhere with these exercises! So, my friends, vanity works too :H I'm OK now and ready to snuggle with the hubs and the critters and just lollygag in front of the TV for a quiet Sat night. Gotta work all day tomorrow so I'll look forward to another sober morning and as we all know, ya can't beat those!

                                Hi to Papmom, Rusty, Chill, Flyaway, Raven, Dew, Lav (very windy in my neck of the woods too! Almost felt like I would end up like Mary Poppins on top of a rooftop on my way home it was so darn windy!), Kas (keep those pics comin'!), DG, Shue, Sunny, Cyn (hope you are feeling better?) and anyone I missed. Thanks to you all, I think this is finally the turning point for good for me. I am so blessed.:h
                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

