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Free and Fit February - Week 4

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    Free and Fit February - Week 4

    Day 10 AF for me and I can't believe I slept until 10am! WTH? I haven't slept that late since I was a teenager. :H

    Ladybird I hope you get your computer issues worked out soon. Can you imagine if the people who spent their time inventing computer viruses actually tried to do something good instead? I made the switch to a Mac with my last laptop.

    SDloves you're right, the 18th is a fantastic day. :H Did you find anything good during your retail therapy?

    BlondeAF I was in Bermuda in 1994. So beautiful there. A cruise there would be nice. I've considered doing that myself.

    Lav Lily's dress is so cute! And I love the little bow in her hair. What a cutie. Do you love your iPad? My DH has one and is always going on and on about how wonderful it is.

    Dill I am so sorry about the loss of your dogs. My pets are family too and it's so hard to lose them. Even though you're disappointed in yourself, I think it's great that you didn't let 3 days become 3 months like I usually do. I'm glad that you are here.

    Hello to Cyn, Rustop, Chill, and anyone else that I've missed.


      Free and Fit February - Week 4

      Congrats on the 10 AF days FlyAway!
      My daughter's SIL owns a high end children's consignment shop in Princeton. The kids clothes that come in there are unbelievable.....mostly from France, etc. Lily will have no end to fashionable French clothing - hope she doesn't get too spoiled :H
      The iPad was a Christmas gift from my husband (who is starting to come around a bit after his meltdown & disappearance nearly two years ago)
      It is fun to use, very easy to use too. I put a bunch of kiddie apps on it & my 3 year old grandson is a total pro using the iPad :H

      Thinking about you sister Dill!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Free and Fit February - Week 4

        Hello Monday Morning AF Friends:wavin:

        Flyaway...congratulations on your 10 AF days!:goodjob: Sleeping in until 10:00 a.m.? Good for you....ahh....the restful sleep of being AF instead of the constant interruption of infinite thirst. Great job for keeping the beast away this weekend.

        Dill-I am soooo sorry for the loss of your two dogs.:l You must be so sad. Our pets love us unconditionally. They don't care if we're drunk, hungover....sad....they still show us incredible affection. Wow, that's a lot to deal with right now. I remember you telling us about your DIL wayyyy back....I am sure she is a huge trigger for your drinking. I so can empathize with you, Dill. I have learned slowly that my SIL (my brother's wife) not only is greedy but deceptive and calculating. I have distanced myself from her. We used to be so close (or so I thought).

        LBH-computer issues make me crazy...especially since I only have a laptop and not a desktop, Ipad, etc. I hope you can get it all sorted out. Whenever I had a major problem with my laptop, it was a huge trigger for my drinking. And yes, I've caved in a few times.

        Lav-little Lily has never looked lovelier. She looks adorable! She looks like a little princess. Who needs tights and shoes when she has a face like that. Lots of broken hearts when she grows up.

        SD-So you want another baby.... let me know when you're off to the sperm bank. I'll go with you and help you pick out a suitable father. Ok, a few requirements....the guy should be at least your 6'0. :H

        Papmom-I saw you had another possible job opportunity that you shared on the Daily Thread....please do tell. :-)

        Dew-I can't believe people called you at home when they know you are on sick leave. AAARRRGGGHHH!!! You will love being on your own. There's nothing like it. Thank you for putting me in your meditations. My exam is this Friday. You will be one of the first to know what the results are a blessing to me, Dew.

        March names.....Magical March....Magical and Marvelous March....Militant March (just kiddin.) Mischievous March. Phew...that was exhausting. I have to catch my breath.

        To anyone I may have missed and to all my other loved ones out there: Chill, Mr. G, Star, Sooty, Rustop, Cyn, Kaslo, Cassia (Come out, come out) Raven....have a fabulous AF Monday!


          Free and Fit February - Week 4

          Sneaking in to say hello while the boss has left early

          Dill-my deepest sympathies to you and your hubby on the loss of your 2 beloved dogs. I can't even imagine the pain that you are going through right now. As far as your DIL is concerned, perhaps following in Rusty's footsteps might be the wise thing and distance yourself from her.
          I truly believe that the key to this AF thing is to find other ways to deal with life's ups, downs and heartaches. It isn't easy and and it is sooo easy to fall into that "my life sucks, i'm so sad, I'm no good I might as well drink, what's the point anyway etc etc" trap. Or the "I just need to be numb for a little bit, I can't take the pain" trap. Its the beast talking and he is mesmerizing and very persistant. Each of us has to find our own way to kick him to the curb and it might take a few false starts before we find something that works. Lately I feel so close to blowing an almost 2 year anniversary. I really have to dig deep and look beyond the immediate effects of a drink or a dozen. I also have to tell that beast that he lies. But it's hard especially when you get kicked in the teeth over and over in one week. My heart goes out to you dear dill and I pray that next time the beast rears his ugly head you will be able to fight him off. :h

          Fly-congrats on day 10!! Keep it going girl!!

          Lav-OMG that pic was just too cute!! She'll be a heartbreaker for sure when she grows up!!

          LBH-I too am a PC gal but I've toyed with going over to the white side every once in a while!! My dad has had nothing but Macs/Apples since they first came out for public purchase (80's?). He doesn't even think about going the PC route. Good luck on your decision!

          Hey Cyn-I do hope you find a Reiki course-there are a couple of practitioners around here that also work with animals. Does your hubby play in a band in NYC? You mentioned something about a gig a couple of days ago. Just wondering!

          Hey Rusty-yep, Job number 1 from last year has a new position open that I would like very much. I was feeling very gunshy over the weekend about applying-I just don't know how much more I can take plus I don't fit into my interview suit anymore. But, I did go ahead and submit my resume. The application process closes on the 18th so there is quite a bit of time to wait to hear anything. But, if you don't ask, you don't get so to speak right? I guess I'm just not ready to tell myself I am staying at my current job for the next 12-15 years so there is some fight in me still. As Det said-ding ding ding!!

          Hey Rustop, Dew, Star, Jolie and anyone else missing. Hope all is well.
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Free and Fit February - Week 4

            Lav the photo of Miss Lilly is just adorable, what a little cutie and sure to win a few hearts down the road. You are so fortunate to have the family around you, it?s something we both cherish I think. Dill I send you lots of :l it?s not an easy path we are on sometimes and you have had a lot of issues recently, all I can say is it is so worth it when you do finally get your act together.

            , I just want to say although you might be struggling at times you really are very high in my regard and I so admire your strength and determination to keep ploughing on in spite of all the crap that life throws at you. I know it has been tough recently (and before that) but you give all the rest of us motivation and courage to keep going. I don?t think that you really appreciate the skills and knowledge that you already have. You are going to build a website for your brother from scratch ?? How can you simply drop that into a post like that is easy, it?s not? I know because I?ve been looking at doing something similar.

            Well it?s been another lovely sunny spring day here, we are having a few of them at the moment and I have snowdrops, crocuses and some other green shoots pushing through and I am not sure what they are ?a surprise awaiting. My garden is a mess at the moment but hopefully I?ll get a chance to tidy it up soon, I have a lot of beech hedging and it is very messy but also very good dug in for fertiliser or put into plastic bags and put away for another year. There are also a lot of buds on my clematis (I?ve got loads of them), the honeysuckle and the climbing roses have a few buds too, I just love, love, love walking around the garden in the spring seeing all the new growth. It makes me feel quite grounded and hopeful for another year, I can?t imagine being without a garden.

            My neighbour who has the paddocks behind me had a runaway horse the other day and it was quite funny, well a bit frightening at times but we laughed about it afterwards. I heard the commotion and went out to help, the horse threw her rider and then bolted and jumped over the fencing and went off up the road, and fortunately it went up the quiet, single track road and not the other way to the main road. My neighbour was cursing so much the air was blue, she was quite funny because she was so angry, but so worried about the horse too. Fortunately all was well and she got it back without too much fuss, but they are quite scary things when they bolt because they are so big. And I must admit I was of no use whatsoever!

            Love to you all and I am quite happy with any March name and hopefully I'll get back to more regular posting.

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              Free and Fit February - Week 4

              Greetings Rusty, papmom & Dewdrop

              Dew, your story about the horse reminded me of the riderless horse that ran past me last Fall, remember? :H
              I always wanted to learn to ride but knowing these people get thrown off & fracture things makes me think 'maybe I'll ride in my next lifetime' :H

              While I was at the feed store today (picking up dog food) I noticed they had tubs of chicks for sale. I didn't buy any, bought some packets of lettuce seeds though Can't wait to get some veggies growing!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Free and Fit February - Week 4

                Lav very nice of YB to buy you an iPad! It's interesting to watch the slow change in YB. Is he still getting therapy? How are your girls laying these days?

                Rusty no kidding about the constant interruption of infinite thirst! I hated that feeling. I like Magical March.

                Papmom well done submitting your resume! No harm can come from trying.

                Dewdrop I was out walking today and marveling over everything budding in the month of February! I'm glad to hear that the horse was safely recovered. I grew up on a farm and occasionally our steer or pigs would break out of their fencing. Quite a sight to see cars stopped on the road with farm animals meandering about them while I'd be trying to round them up! :H

                Hi to Cyn, Dill, Rustop, Chill, Blonde, etc. :h


                  Free and Fit February - Week 4

                  I have been trying to catch up but was out of town for 3 days and that put me way behind. I went cross country skiing at a place called the Valle Caldera, a huge volcanic basin. I am such a pitiful skier. At one point I had fallen and was so frustrated after falling down that I took off my skis and decided to walk. I immediately sank into snow to my waist!! Cyn, how's that for a spiritual mountain moment.

                  The next day a friend and I worked on a house that Habitat for Humanity is remodeling. I learned how to lay a linoleum floor. The house was actually a mobile home, holes in the floors, the walls. The woman who lives there does day care for her 4 grandchildren. Am always amazed at the poverty that exists in this country.

                  All in all, it was a very satisfying weekend.

                  Dill, you just get right back on that horse. When I relapsed in January, I drank all day for 5 days. God awful. I remember how hard Spring can be when you're working in an elementary school, any school for that matter.

                  Lav, you're making me jealous again. Those blue eyes.

                  SD, what a messed up spring break. It won't even let you get out of town.

                  LBH, I have a Mac Book, my constant companion.

                  Flyaway and Blonde, keep on keeping on. First days of sobriety aren't worth repeating.

                  nighty nites to all.


                    Free and Fit February - Week 4

                    Hi Fit and Fab Febbers!

                    Lav, yes, isn't it so nice to see the new seeds out! Spring, here we come. Although we really never had a winter per say.....

                    Fly, kudos on the 10 days! I am right behind you! Lead the way my friend. You are in double digits!!!:goodjob:

                    Dill, I am very sorry to hear about your doggies. My thoughts are with you.:l

                    How did 9PM get here so fast, ugh. I still want to get some reading done and I'm on a new no later than 10PM bedtime so I can get my 8 hours. Oh, and gotta do a load of laundry before bed too. Well, hope everyone is having a peaceful evening. I'm gonna sign off now and get some things ready for the morning. Love to get my coffee pot ready so I can just press go and it will start brewing. Although I've been enjoying the coffee Shue has ready for us on the daily thread each morning :H

                    Night all:h
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      Free and Fit February - Week 4

                      Sped great "spiritual mountain" story! Like a parable about drinking, eh? Btw I'm a pitiful skier too although I've never been cross country skiing. When you mention the poverty in the U.S. it makes me think of a show on National Geographic. I think it's called Alaska State Troopers. My DH likes to watch it. I'm amazed watching that show to see people living in old school buses, trailers with a blanket for a door, etc. Great job helping out Habitat for Humanity. :goodjob:

                      Blonde I'm just fine with skipping winter! I wish we could skip summer too. I love the spring and fall!

                      Good night my friends. :h


                        Free and Fit February - Week 4

                        Hello fitsters, we've had a fault on our phone and consequently no Internet since Thursday but the very lovely man came and mended it yesterday. I was quite lost without thenet, didn't really miss the phone!

                        I hope we are all doing ok, I haven't had chance to catch up yet. Have a great Tuesday one and all :l


                          Free and Fit February - Week 4

                          Good morning Fitsters. A beautiful day here.

                          Sooty isn't it funny how reliant we become on our gadgets? I too can do without the television, but step away from my laptop! I argued with DH about getting a computer, but now can't imagine being without it.


                            Free and Fit February - Week 4

                            Good morning and thank you all for your kind words and encouragements. It's really hard going back to the start and the pull is inexplicably stronger somehow. Day one was difficult, but is done. Pap, for me the motivation was to be numb. I just wanted to escape from it all. I truly admire you, your strength and determination in the face of all your life difficulties. Please keep moving forward. The numbing is temporary unless one decides to set all else aside and chase it to the exclusion of all else, including the many good and wonderful moments. The temporary nature of the numbing simply adds to the problems by adding a layer of guilt and self-loathing for lack of control. I know I'm not saying anything new here. Thanks for indulging me. Onward and upward!

                            Rusty, I wish I could distance myself from the DIL, but she holds many strings. The most important one is access to the grandchildren. As long as my son and she are technically married, they of course have co-equal rights. But she has the greater role in their care since she is the at-home parent. It is not unheard of for her to conjure an illness to prevent us from seeing the kids. So, I try very hard to keep a neutral zone as far as she is concerned.

                            Apologies for the all-about-me nature of this post. I really do read all your posts and wish you all well. I'm happy, Dew that you will be getting back to regular posting in March. And, Flyaway, I never properly welcomed you to the thread, so will do so now!:welcome:

                            , thank you for the image of your skiing adventure. I agree with Flyaway that it is a parable of drinking.

                            I must get ready for work. Cyn, Sooty, LBH, Lav, SD, Star, Chill, Blonde, Rustop, Raven, Kaslo, Cassia (come back!), pleasant af wishes for all.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Free and Fit February - Week 4

                              Morning all - hello Sooty!

                              I love 'March Magic' - I think we could all do with a bit of magic sprinkled here and there in this next month...

                              Dill, just want to say again how glad I am that you are here. Good luck with all the stressors, they don't go away overnight, I know.

                              Rusty - I'll be thinking of you all week, wishing you good studying and a happy neck!

                              PMom - great job putting in the application. I believe it keeps the energy flowing...
                              BTW, Mr Tree is a conductor (music, not train!), and he goes all over the place to do his work.

                              LBH - admittedly, I am too impatient to learn a new operating system with a computer. I hope that doesn't say the same thing about me in life...hmmm...

                              Sped - I love the skiing story. It really is a great metaphor; use the tools one has on hand. Or Leonard Cohen lyrics that I adore; 'ring the bells that still can ring'. That is a major karmic issue for me, doing what I can with what I have and letting the rest go. Thanks for the reminder...

                              Lav - I know that store in Princeton! I used to oggle (is that a word?) the clothes as I passed. Lucky girl, indeed. My favorite quote of the day is: "who needs tights and shoes when you have a face like that!" (thx Rusty). Maybe you should embroider that for Lily!

                              Dew - your garden sounds like such a place of solace. Hope that you have more time there this year.

                              A big hello to everyone. I must dash now and get ready for a plane ride. Getting things ready to leave 2 dogs (that I home cook for) has been so taxing, I just want to go back to bed. But I'm off to see aforementioned hard working HB. I may not be able to check in regularly, but of course will be thinking about everyone. Have great days --
                              to the light


                                Free and Fit February - Week 4

                                X-post, Dill and FlyAway! I love it when that happens...
                                to the light

