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Free and Fit February - Week 4

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    Free and Fit February - Week 4

    Thank you for the hypnosis link, Lav, and the info on coconut oil Blondie and FlyAway. I love Bragg's vinegar with the MOTHER. I am working really hard to reprogram my brain so I don?t go into that agitated panic lock up that has plagued me internally since childhood. I am glad this is a short month as it appears I am going to make it AF. The tension I was feeling the last few days finally broke last night, not sure why, all of a sudden it released and I actually wept momentarily with pure relief. I am certainly enjoying the Chopra Mediation Challenge this time more than ever, far less chatty and informative, just simple and right to the heart of things. I missed three days but have caught up, and I realize now I could have listened on my cell phone but never thought about it at the time. Enjoy your juice fast, Star, I love the feeling of having even my blood clean, getting away from alcohol makes me so much more sensitive to other things that are unhealthy and grateful for their absence. Hi Dew and Rustop and Rusty and Chill and Cyn and Pappy and SD and Sooty! Keep your eye on the prize Dill, it makes it much less of a ?struggle? per se, the only way I got through the past few days was to get and hold onto a very vivid picture of myself moving through the evening without alcohol, I saw things through my clear eyes, felt them with my restrained emotions and my curious intellect, saw what I would being doing, even what I would be wearing (I was gorgeous), and, finally, what would happen if an elk walked into the room (I read that last part in Oprah:H). Keep letting us know what is happening, it helped me a lot after I did an evening of drinks the last night of January, I felt that I not only messed up an AF month but ?messed up the WHOLE YEAR? which could have easily led to WTF (as if I needed yet another excuse) if I had not been able to transform such goofy thinking with perspective and humor. Love, Ladybird.
    may we be well


      Free and Fit February - Week 4

      I need to check out this Chopra you got me thinkin'! I know I need to meditate but haven't been able to get it into a weekly, nevermind daily routine but I shall try it. Another positive thing to add to my new sober lifestyle!

      Fly-Yes, I heard that about the alzheimer's and Coconut Oil. There is just more and more reason to get this stuff into our bodies, isn't there! I eat it straight off the spoon, I think it's delish!

      Well, here's to the end of February and happy birthday to anyone who only has a birthday once every 4 years (lifts up bottle of seltzer and chugs). Ahhhhhhhhhh.......
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Free and Fit February - Week 4

        there's also may be a link between Alzeimer's and alcohol. here's just one article: Researchers study alcohol's link to Alzheimer's -- Hazelden

        In my mind, and since my mom died of complications of Alzheimer's Disease, I think the best way I can prevent going down that road is to not drink AL anymore (done), add coconut oil to my daily diet (starting) and keep learning new things all the time. Fingers crossed!!

        LBH-I''m so sorry I totally missed your fright with your little doggie and the bone! I can only imagine the panic you endured and the fear. I'm so glad he is OK. My wallet has been litened many times for my fur kids!

        Good on all of you fitting in exercise! I still am having problems with that. Still can't get up early enought and today it was snowing so no walk at lunch. Snowing when I got home. I keep trying tho!

        Rusty-when is your exam? I feel it is close?

        Star-welcome back from FLA. Sorry the weather stinks! My dad is coming back on Sat from SC. He might want to extend his visit a week or so :H

        Dill-hang in there and believe that you can do this! We all know you can!

        Lazy nite with agility canceled due to the weather (yes we're inside but so many of my classmates called our instructor HOURS before the snow started to see if we still had class she decided to just cancel. Bah.) I've had a nice somewhat homecooked dinner and I hope to get some reading in before I fall asleep. Tomorrow is the big vet day for DD and I'm hoping the snow will be cleared away before noon and that CT isn't too bad. Not working tomorrow nite so another free one. What shall I do with all this free time?????
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Free and Fit February - Week 4

          You want to hem two pairs of dress pants for my DIL in your spare time papmom?? :H :H
          She came over for dinner tonight, then sat & did homework while I chased kids around then left me with all this hand work to do (which I don't like doing anymore)
          Oh well ~ I'll get to it at some point...

          Just rain here all day (thank goodness). Hope you folks having snow are OK

          LBH, just picturing myself guzzling wine again is enough to break my heart. I just can not/will not put myself into that place again. Glad you were able to visualize yourself clearly & work your way through the anxiety. I never find time to meditate each & every day BUT I do find it makes me peaceful for at least 2 or 3 days. Maybe there's a cumulative effect??

          Greetings to Blondie, Rustop & all those who have stopped in today & to those who haven't (yet).

          Sister Dill, those shootings at the Ohio HS - was that anywhere near you? How tragic this bullshit keeps happening in our schools. Hope you are doing OK.

          I need to wind down now. It's 10:15 pm. Chasing those kids gets me too wound up :H
          Wishing everyone a great night.
          SD - how many feet of snow did you get??

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Free and Fit February - Week 4

            Good morning to all...

            SD, I think I get your blizzard tomorrow and Saturday...lucky me. Oh, well, I will sit by the fire and read. It's kind of nice to have school cancelled ahead of time, to relax in the morning, get food in and just hibernate.

            LBH, how scary about your doggie, great to hear it all worked out. I appreciated your description of imagining yourself AF and healthy, then following through. Getting through an entire month AF is a great accomplishment. After having spent time with my parent, I relived some of the feelings of not being good enough, anxiety and tension, and attempting to please someone who cannot be pleased. Something like your past, and it does engender feelings of unworthiness and wanting to stop the painful feelings at least for a while. I was actually content to be back at work in my self-created world, rather than feeling so uneasy, on edge.

            Blonde, the licensed counselor sounds as if she has worked hard to obtain lots of skills/options for her clients. Hope she is a good fit.

            Lav, isn't it crazy that young people have access to weapons and use them on their peers? I heard on the radio that he shot at people randomly, totally out of reality. There are so many lonely hurting young people, it is a tragedy.

            I had a great day back at work, feeling refreshed and renewed, loving the structure and routine. I like to work, cannot imagine staying at home at this particular time in my life. We'll see how I feel next week, right? The vacation did what it was supposed to do, getting away was really good for me, and five days is just about right for me. The juicing is going well, I was hungry, but guzzled water, and feel so sensitive to smells, weather, and realize that going without is good for a time. To all, have a great Thursday. Oh, no, I just realized it is March!!
            Formerly known as redhibiscus

