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AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

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    AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

    Good morning, Abbers!
    Well, it was 43 yesterday, going up to 50 today, and yet we got about an inch of snow overnight! The trees look pretty, but it now looks more like winter than it has in a long time. Supposed to happen again tonight.
    Mammo over--no big deal, but I always worry a bit as I have a pre-pre cancerous condition which was only discovered by MRI after my sister was diagnosed with stage 2 BC five years ago at age 46. Suggested I get the MRI--and they saw "something." Will see my surgeon next month as I always do for follow up.
    Uni, I am sorry that you've had to go through the funeral. That is so hard. But you did it without drinking! And you got to see your sister, right? Hope you can now just get on with your life. You are doing so well.
    Shue, what a shoe collection!! I have only had a few pair of designer shoes, bought at a big discount store in Boston years ago. I also had the funniest pair of platform rocker type shoes I bought in London in the seventies. Kept them for years! I don't have need to wear heels now, and my feet are often really sore. Need to see a podiatrist and have been putting it off. Where do you live in Europe? I can't remember seeing that. Must be exciting to do all that travel!
    Always get a kick out of the mroning news on the lcoal tv station. Today there is a Mastiff who swallowed a knife, and they showed a shot of his stomach. "Luckily" he swallowed it handle first and didn't suffer any serious trouble. I'd hate to have the bill for the operation! That's one thing Dirty Harry hasn't tried--yet! And teachers in Buffalo eligible for all kinds of cosmetic surgery as part of their benefits--HUH??? Where was that when I was teaching, LOL???
    Lav, LVT, Pap3, Sunni, Det, Kas, M3, Greenie, Sid, Bear, and all to come--have a great AF day!
    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

    Good morning Abbers worldwide

    TDN, it's heading to 60 here today ~ nice
    You are wise to keep an eye on your health. One of my best friends had a double mastectomy 14 months ago. She's OK but I always have her in mind, you know
    OK, time to get in gear. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Humpday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

      Hi Wednesday Abbers,

      Lav, Mild and sunny here too. Feel like the sun is shining for my Day 1. Hope everyone is going great. I've been away from MWO for several weeks and am happy to be back. Missed everyone and hope you are all well. I know I'm preaching to the choir here but whenever I think I can mod, I end up drinking the entire bottle of wine and regret it the rest of the night. It needs to stop. Now. I hope you will send out good sober vibes to me!

      Have a great day everyone! I am feeling inspired and positive, and yes, I've got my plan together .
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

        Hi TND,

        Good to hear - wil tell a funny story about mammograms later ( when not posting from Bberry). Slept last night in a remote village, no WIFI.

        I have a Mastiff too ... OMG, you cannot believe what he swallowed and warped its way the other end. The one thing about winter and low temperature - it is a lot easier to do "bomb" disposal in the garden.

        I am based in little Bulgaria - the travel is fun for personal but sucks for work. Occasionally I organize fun meetings in cool places but getting on the plane all the time is a drag after a while.
        workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


          AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

          My day 2 today. I will not drink.
          Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
          Author Unknown :h

          AF - Sept 4, 2012
          10 days - Sept 13, 2012
          2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
          Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
          AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
          Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



            AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

            Hello friends and a big welcome to Shue, Blonde and Bouchard!!:welcome:

            I have been filling in at the vet clinic this week and I guess I have forgotten how exhausting that can be! Monday night I didn't get home until 8pm. The pace yesterday was fast and furious and the boss could easily get under my skin again if I let him. I really enjoyed working with the animals and feeling fairly productive again though. It's funny everyone is talking about Mastiffs. We have one coming in tomorrow for surgery, I didn't get so see him yesterday but I overheard 167 pounds when they weighed him! I can't wait to meet him, I love mastiffs, but can't imagine the feed bill!

            #1 son's team lost their game last night so they are done for the season. I felt so bad for them, because they fought so hard to win and overcame an 18 point deficit in the 2nd half but came up short with too little time left. It is especially hard for the senior boys, but they will move on to the next sport and get ready for graduation. My son has a great attitude about becoming team leader next year and working hard this summer to fight for a starting position. Bittersweet evening for sure.

            #2 son is on a traveling team so we still have 4 weekends of basketball to look forward to.

            I really can't think of anything else to say this morning. Hugs to all that need them and those that don't hugs anyway!! Have a great sober day all!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

              Good morning abstinencers, Blonde I was going to ask where you went, glad to see you back, full of energy or soon to be so again, I hope.

              Shu, Bulgaria huh? Post some more pix! I am dying to come back to little old Europe and take photographs again, 32 years later...

              Hi to LV, Uni, Bear if youre there, Lav, TDN, Greenster, and all new folk on here.

              I see so many people struggling on these threads, that have been struggling for years and years, and I wonder WHY this topic is not addressed in schools? Those of you with kids in school still, is it? Am I just out to lunch? Because no one said anything about managing addictions or preventing the development of addiction to AL to my girls when they were in school. The youngest is 21, and the whole time it was all about staying away from the evils of crack cocaine and crystal meth at school, meanwhile the teenagers were drinking out in the bush every day, and coming to school buzzed. And laughing at the hokey films on meth addiction, the same way I laughed at the hokey films on jumping out of windows while stoned on acid, back in the 70's. She joined a Christian group just to try and be half assed normal. Alcohol is recognized as the 3rd leading cause of death in the US. After heart disease and cancer, and I would argue the heart disease and cancer have many root causes in alcohol consumption/over consumption..... What IS taught to kids in school about AL? Or is it like a big dirty secret no one wants to address, because half the population is wired on it? I just dont get that.

              Anyway, I am going to have to get to work before my writers block starts to sieze me up again, lol! Clean house, bills paid, books done, sewing done, skiing Whats that?


              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                Blonde!! I've missed you so!! I'm glad you've decided to come back to the light and bright side-it's the only place to be right? We're here for you and anyone else struggling.

                :welcome: Bouchard!! Please tell us about yourself!!

                Wow Shue! Little Bulgaria? Is there a Big Bulgaria? Who takes care of your big "bear" when you travel? I'm a small dog person myself. I think my 20lb papillon is huge!! :H

                Lav-enjoy the beautiful weather and have fun taking care of yourself today!!

                LVT-I didn't know you worked at a vet clinic sometimes!! I did a stint for about 2 months as a receptionist but had to quit when the doc refused to put an elderly cat down because the owner hadn't had it tested for hyperthyroidism or given it fluid treatments. The cat wasn't going to last the day and was suffering. Even if the owner didn't do all she could of the vet had no right to refuse the merciful thing in my opinion. Plus I was the one who had to give the message over the phone and take the agony and anger of the owner. I probably am not repeating the story clearly but it's been over 10 years and it still haunts me. I quit soon after. You have my respect!! Sorry your boy's season is over-yes, definitely bittersweet!!

                Kas-Ive just nominated you the new Energiser Bunny on this thread!!

                TDN-thanks for the news update! I never watch it anymore in the morning and if it isn't on FB from WCVB I have no idea what's going on!! I heard about the streaker from you!! I did see the story about the mastiff on FB but didn't see the pics. Poor thing. Glad it survived!!

                OK, must get to work. Play time is over.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                  Ho Fabbies!

                  I had to stop in at the house to get different shoes as mine desintegrated on the shooting range. Seriously. The whole tops of the sandal came apart and I had to do this limp/shuffle to get out to the car and drive home barefoot. WTF? They were red too, dammit! Shu can I dig around in your closet? :H

                  A big welcoming shout out to shu and bouchard.

                  Blondiegirl I'm so glad you've come back to resume living a better life. An easier life too, I think. That modding stuff is waaaaay to hard and seems to be rather damaging in addition to all the work it takes. Besides, I missed you.

                  Here's a second round of :l:l:l for everyone and especially uni. Gotta fly on to work. Geez yesterday I wore tights, boots and a long sweater thing (or short actually) and you'd have thought from the two guys working there that I was nekkid even the only visible skin was my head and hands.

                  One thing's for sure besides that I have on jeans and a loose blouse today....
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                    Hi kas and P3 - xpost!

                    Kas, there's lots of money in booze peddling and the lobbists that go with it and all the wining and dining of the lawmakers attached to lobbying. Just sayin'
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                      Hey-Ho Fabs and Fabinis!

                      Was looking a bit like Winter Wonderland here this morning but the wind has blown everything off the trees now - hrmpfh.

                      Welcome to the new faces, hugs to the 'old' faces *ducking* - not much excitement here.. feeling somewhat blah, musta given my mojo the day off.

                      I was going to mention... Shu, you'd be appalled at my shoe collection. 2 pairs of croqs, big ass barn boots, completely useless (albeit pretty) furry winter boots, I think I own a pair of sneakers, and 2 pairs of heels. Oh.. and several paddock and riding boots! :H

                      No Mastiff here and now I'm not sure I'd want one :H
                      Glad your mammo went fine, TDN... at the risk of making myself very unpopular.. I didn't find it a big deal (only had one, mind you).. then again, I haven't got much to be squished.. that might make a difference. Kas... aside from being the 'social' thing, let's not forget how much revenue booze brings in. I reckon that may have something to do with not making the curriculum. LVT, you always seem incredibly busy.. where oh where do you find the energy? I completed my 2 hour barn mucking stint this morning and could easily have a snooze! Unfortunately, this thing called work keeps getting in the way

                      Speaking of which.. better get back to it! Happy Hump Day, everyone!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                        Hi all...I am afraid I have been under the weather since Monday but feel on the mend now. Hate being sick reminds me of those awful hangovers. My daughter said to me at least we know you weren't whooping it up with MWO friend on Sunday. As for heels that is really all I own. I am shortie. They are burying me in my pumps. but not for awhile yet I hope. No AL has given me a new lease on life and I want to live it.

                        That's one big dog bigger than me. Sid


                          AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                          Hi fABbies! Just doing a flyby as I am pretty buried after vacation (Turks & Caicos)! Vacation was fabulous though. Definitely the most beautiful beach I have ever experienced. I'm thinking of taking up scuba diving so I can go back there one day and do that - everyone says it's breathtaking.

                          Uni - I don't know what happened but it sounds like you may have lost someone close to you. :l

                          Welcome to the newcomers to AF Daily! This is such a good bunch - serious about sobriety.

                          Greenie - you are right about the battle between prevention and marketing. What I find really said is the disproportionate marketing of legal drugs (AL & Nic mostly) in impoverished areas. It's disgusting.

                          Midterms are coming up fast so I am zoom zooming back to the books. Hope all is well in AbLand!

                          One thing is for sure...

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                            shueaddict, I am also a shoeaddict. DH got me a Pandora bracelet for Christmas with a few charms to start. One of them is a charm with a shoe dangling from it.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                              mastiff talk

                              Ok ... Here's my brute ...
                              I must tell you that it was hubby who wanted an Italian Mastiff ... I said yes ( it was the week I tried rhodiola for the first time for concentration / anti depressant and it was that week I'd say YES to anything, not just the dog but somehow he is the biggest consequence, literally) I did not even want a dog yet it wasme who sourced this baby in Transylvania.

                              Puppyhood was a killer, the dog must the litter's reject because he's got a huge domination streak. But apparently I turned out to be a real natural Alpha bitch ( not such a big surprise to hubby).

                              Needless to say, I love him loads. When we all travel it is either the neighbour or the nanny who look after him. I could never leave him in a doggy hotel, he'd chew the place up Attached files [img]/converted_files/1787420=6675-attachment.jpg[/img]
                              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

