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AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

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    AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

    What a handsome boy!!!!


      AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

      I second that!! He is very striking!! Would you come over to the states give my DD a dose of your Alpha B**chiness? I would be forever grateful!!

      Hey DG-great to see you! Did you notice us all on the beach enjoying the show? Oh, maybe the umbrellas were too big! :H Do you have some pics to share? Glad you had a blast!! More about this sober vacation when you get a chance please!!

      Sid-sorry you're under the weather! feel better soon!

      Hey Sunni and Greenie (great visual there!!)
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

        Hi All! Thanks for the warm welcome backs today. I know I am in the right place, and PapMom, I agree, the bright side is the place to be! :thanks:

        Feeling hopeful, got day 1 over with. I've already had dinner and now onto some reading a cup or 2 of herbal tea. Had a killer workout at the gym today and found myself forcing myself to leave! Had to get home to see hubby before he's off to teach tonight and won't be back home till almost 10PM. On nights like these, I would normally be 3 glasses of wine into my evening since I have Wednesdays off. Not tonight. Feeling really good about it.

        Missed you all and again, thanks for letting me back into the circle. Hi to some of the newbies that weren't here when I was active on this thread a few months ago. Shueaddict, I remember you from the Newbies Nest a while back, nice to see you on the abbers thread. I love Mastiffs but have never owned one. I've had 2 St. Bernard's in my time, both females and both quite large! Now we have a mutt who is about 30 lbs and that's just fine for now! She's part Jack Russell and part beagle and part pshycho thrown in for good measure. Just got back from taking her for a spin around the block before din din and I swear she could go on a walk forever!

        DG! Turks and Caicos! I so want to go someday ever since I heard of Jo Jo the Dolphin story...did you see or hear about him when you were down there? It's a wild dolphin that swims in the waters around that particular island and makes friends with swimmers even at the beach. If you search for Jo Jo the Dolphin on, there are some very nice videos about him. Anyway, it looks like such a beautiful place I'd love to go. I also want to learn how to scuba. Did you go snorkeling? We did last year in Jamaica. We are going to Bermuda in June on a Boston to Bermuda 7 day cruise and there is a scuba course there we may take to try it out. In any case, I am going to do lots of snorkeling while there, it's such a cool thing to see all that underwater life and I guess there are lots of shipwrecks to snorkel in Bermuda. Anyway, I know I am rambling but I am wicked excited about going...can you tell?

        Have a great night all, I'm looking forward to waking up and embracing the world sober again, and just like Kas, I'll be the energizer bunny!!!:H

        PS, Greeneyes, I agree, modding is way too freakin' hard, it's easier to just be done with it.

        I ordered a book from the library to read called My Lush Sobriety, anyone read it? I should have it in a day or 2. Looks interested...I read the first few pages on Amazon. Also on my list is the Jason Vale book but I have to buy that one since it's not at my local library system.

        Ok, I guess I am a busy body tonight. Everyone chill out and have a good one I hope! Glad to see this thread hasn't lost its great vibe! Love you all!:h
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

          Oh, and since we have some shoe affectionatos on this thread, I'll add my 2 cents...half of my walk in closet for clothing is shoes. I have all sorts of boots, mostly dress boots, plus numerous high heeled sandals that I never wear only about once or twice a year since I am on my feet all day at the health food store wearing comfortable shoes (gasp!). I don't consider flipflops to be shoes so I must have over a dozen of those in every color imagineable and a friend once gave me a magnet that reads: Flipflops don't count when he said you have too many shoes", or something like that...not sure where it ended up but it was so true!

          Shoeaholics unite!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

            Wow, I had a serious x-post syndrome thingie this morning and didn't even notice :H
            Hello P3 and greenmonster! So, you're seducing the boys at the shop, huh? That reminds me... G-man hasn't shown his mug lately!

            Sid, I hope you're feeling better! I didn't give you my sniffles, did I? 'Cause I still got em!
            Shue... love your boy! Very handsome! And if you'd ever like to borrow a saddle.... :H

            Speaking of animals.. not sure if I mentioned this at all... our last stop on Monday was at a horse farm.. by the sounds/looks of it online a 'high end' breeding facility (mind you, it does say that they are shutting down their breeding program). Anyways... I was very conflicted and have never done this before... but I ended up calling SPCA. Haven't been able to connect with them yet.. phone tag. I only saw 4 of their horses up close... all 4 looked to be underweight, but what worried me much more was the state of their hooves. I've never seen feet that bad... the (very sweet) stallion was the worst of them :upset: I tell you, I was really happy to come home to my chubby ponies. And, one of my first calls yesterday morning was to my farrier. Mine are due, too. I couldn't imagine ever letting my horses feet get to the state that these poor creatures' were in.

            Blondie! So glad you're back!

            And DG! We need to hear more about your fabby trip and where are the pictures!? Hm?

            Ok, over and out... hope you're all having a great evening
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

              Wow! New friends here today! Blondie, I remember you from last summer. You, Pap3 and I all live in the same general area. I think I'd like to work in a health food store. So glad you are here.
              Bouchard, glad you're here, too. Think I read a post on one of the other threads. Anyway, good to meet you!
              DG, hope we see some pics!! Must have been an incredible trip. Now back to studying, but you did so much before you left, it should be okay.
              Sid, sorry you haven't been feeling well. Have missed your posts.
              I am in LOVE with the big boy, Shue!! What is his name? I love all dogs--from the tiniest to the biggest!!
              LVT, so sorry about the boys losing the game. Sounds like your son has a great attitude. Didn't know you were a vet tech! I'm sure that it's stressful and I bet the "parents" can be difficult to deal with. Have heard stories about that!
              Okay--signing off until morning.
              "One day at a time."


                AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                hidy ho! just getting caught up on my work in hotel room here on the San Fran peninsula after a big day of driving.

                Bouchard, welcome and kudos on AF time!

                BlondeAF great to see you again. same here....modding just doesn't float my boat no matter how many times I've tried. it just ends up crashing into 'no good Atoll' oh boy that was an awkward play on words

                Turn, hope your enjoying your cruise and eating some German Choc cake for me

                Shueaddict, I'm a definite boot addict. bought 3 pair in the last 4 months. I'm outta control!

                off to check chat...

                be well everyone
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                  Good morning everyone,

                  I am back in work after my work trip to the country side. 3 months ago we went on the same format and I partook in the evening drinking – ended up responding to flirting from our main consultant – who does not even register on my sober vision. I was mortified the next day – this was one of the signs that it is not “in vino veritas” more like “ in vino madness”. Nothing ever happened as I think our married selves consciousness took over but I could really see the personality change that AL brings. Scary stuff.

                  I was so painfully aware of that memory this time around so not drinking was extremely easy. Which brings me to the point – I have managed many social events AF – I actually find that easy because my favorite bar in the whole city is my own kitchen. While at home, I still struggle sometimes. I used to actually get a kick out of sneaking a swig from the bottle with hubby not knowing. Why? I see my son getting an extra kick when he smuggles a Malteser or 3. Is this the forbidden fruit allure?

                  I need to watch myself at home. The craving sometimes hits me with no warning. My plan for now is just to keep busy and drink stupendous quantities of tea.

                  LVT – it is amazing how widely accepted AL is. I am amazed that doctors do not flag it more often. In UK they are starting to ask about drinking history as part of the health background check. They warn kids in school about addition to drugs but nada on nicotine and AL . It is not just the US lobbying, EU is also making big bucks on taxing these 2 evils.

                  Greeneyes – you must have a pretty hot body , cannot hide it no matter how many layers you’re wearing:bigwink:

                  Doggy – I have drooled over the Pandoras in London, they are so very “in” – still I don’t need to add Pandora charms to my addiction list.

                  Sun - my son was actually riding the dog when he was younger – poor mutt would take huge amounts of abuse from my son and his friends, amazing how such a large animal has a high tolerance for little kids and their antics

                  sidney;1266613 wrote: They are burying me in my pumps.
                  make sure you put that explicitly in your will – that means a bigger coffin!

                  Shoeaholics unite !!! I like that

                  Glad hump day has passed, have a great day everyone – so nice to see so many animal lovers
                  workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                    AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                    ThreeDogNight, yes, I remember you also from last summer! Good to see you on here too. Love this section of MWO the best and so grateful for all of you. Yes, you me and PapMom live in the same region I believe. Aren't you loving the mild winter we've enjoyed???

                    Determinator, a big hello to you too. Yep, seems as though modding just can't be done. I am choosing to just remove AL from my life, it's so much easier. Sick of going back and forth, back and forth.

                    POLL: How many times have you guys all tried and failed to quit and what was the last straw to keep you sober?

                    Shue, maybe we should have a Shoe Addicts Unite thread at some Glad to get to know you and happy you are here. Love your sense of humor and style girl! Plus, it's nice to get to know someone from a very different area in the world! Thanks for being here

                    Alright everyone, I'll be off for a while and will check back later tonight. Need to get ready for the gym but have to hit some errands in town first. Blessings for a bright and beautiful day no matter if the sun is shining in your part of the globe or not. It's all how we feel INSIDE.

                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                      BlondeAFAmbition;1267013 wrote: POLL: How many times have you guys all tried and failed to quit and what was the last straw to keep you sober?
                      Countless before a year AF. Once after the year AF. Straw? Observing myself with a glass in my hand in the morning and finding it impossible to call it modding.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily~Wednesday, February 22

                        POLL: How many times have you guys all tried and failed to quit and what was the last straw to keep you sober?

                        Good poll, Blondie, I tried and failed for about 3 or 4 years. Everytime i tried, i had it in the back of my mind that I might start again, when "I felt better". When I started up again, after a month or less, I told myself, ok, eegit, lets just do this like when you were years younger and it was like ONCE a month I might drink something. And always moderation would get less and less like real moderation. Every time I would just find myself hung over AGAIN, trying to do something I wanted to do but couldnt because of my state.

                        The last straw was sitting in my chair in the living room, the Hub was on his way up the stairs knowing not to disturb me, and me looking at a half full glass of wine and thinking. Fuck what a chore this is. Its just a CHORE to finish this. I think it was only a third glass of the evening (no matter my glasses were the size of FLAGONS...). I sighed, got up, walked in to the kitchen, tossed it and what was left of the bottle down the sink, looked at my tired, baggy, pale face in the mirrow in the hall, and said 'Kaslo, yer done."

                        Have not touched a drop since then, Feb 14, 2011.

                        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                        Status: Happy:h

