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Thursday January 22nd

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    Thursday January 22nd

    Good morning.
    I't's day 22 for me. This is unbelievable. I still feel good. Very few cravings and I'm happy. I have developed an inner 'glow'. I think that I might be getting to like myself....
    I hope that everyone else is fine today, and tomorrow for that matter.
    This is a great place. I love it here.

    Thursday January 22nd

    Thursday January 18th


      Thursday January 22nd

      Mornin' Paul and everyone else,
      I too am up and at 'em already ... day 18 for me! Yeah Baby.
      I have actually been in a sort of slump the past 10 days or so... not sure exactly what it was, but I was totally disconnected from my physical self (eating very badly and not getting any exercise) Thank the universe, I woke up this morning feeling much better and once again recharged and focused. I'm sure I would never have acknowledged this "phase" if I was drinking... because it wasn't a phase then, it was a constant.

      Have a great day all!!


        Thursday January 22nd

        Mornin Paul and Olly........ am up early too having a nice cup strawberry and vanilla tea..mmmm.
        Day 10 for me pleased, i cant wait to get to the gym!!!
        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


          Thursday January 22nd

          Well done Olly and Lou......
          ......I wish I was going to the gym. I've got to go to work and the weather is stinking. It seems to have been raining for months.


            Thursday January 22nd

            Lou, good morning!

            you should share your enthusiasm over on the Fitness thread!!



              Thursday January 22nd

              Good morning Olly, have taken your advice and posted on fitness board.....feelin so good today..i love it!!!!
              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                Thursday January 22nd

                Thank you Lou!!
                You are infectious... got me feelin' good too!! :happy:



                  Thursday January 22nd

                  Good Morning Paul, Lou, Olly,& all to come..

                  We got back pretty late last night, and after the long drive i didnt feel like doing much of anything..
                  Well i went to see my Grandma on Tuesday and Wednesday...She looks ok if not just tired...Its hard to even think she is as ill as she is.....She got a great surprise though....My cousin who lives in Sydney...Was over visiting with her husband..And was just about to get on the plane when she got a phonecall to go and see her....Sadly for her it will be the last time....So she got the overnight bus back to Manchester from heathrow...So when we all turned up Tuesday morning at the hospital....My Grandma was pleased as punch...

                  My Dads brother comes over from Ireland next week to...So we will go back down to visit again then....My Grandma comes out of hospital tomorrow, and is moving in with my mum and dad for the rest of her days...She even said if she feels upto it she would love to come and spend a couple of days at my house.....It blew me away....I think she loves spending time with her great grandchildren....Also My sister Josie...She is 14 with downs syndrome....Has converted her bedroom into a "grandma room"....My poor gran wont get 5 minutes peace ...But she loves it..

                  As sad as i am for my gran...I am also really worried about my dad...He is very over weight and has heart problems....I am just wishing the stress off all this dosnt do him any more damage..

                  I think it does me good to write down whats happening...Its all a bit confusing at the moment...

                  Be back later...Love Macks:l

                  Just an after thought....I was just reading back through and i thought...Why does it take something like this before family come back together again...Its crazy....Ive seen and am going to see family i havnt seen for over 10 years..
                  I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                  One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                    Thursday January 22nd

                    Good Morning from across the pond

                    Hello to Paul and Oly and Lou and Mackral. Mack it sounds like your grams experience in a wierd way is sort of bitter sweet with all the pain and love that beings swirled together. I admire the way you are managing all of that. Paul you just keep leading us through the battle. Oly and Lou, you guys have been really exciting to follw the last few days. Thanks for your contributions. I think this is day 24 for me but the only person who counts worse then Paul is me. I feel better every day. It is 6:30 here in Indiana and it is time to get to work. So I wish you lads all the best as well as the fair maidens to follow.

                    Here's to one more day.



                      Thursday January 22nd

                      Hello everyone, Great job Paul!, I want some of that tea Lou! Olly, glad to hear you are feeling better, and Mack, you are is sad it takes things like this to get families back together, my boyfriends grandfather died over christmas and it was the first time he had seen a lot of those family members in a while, he mentioned something about that too.
                      Well, I am beginning day 6, yes i said it folks, day 6, and I am pround to have 5 "0"s in the drink tracker, I cant remember who told me to do that for inspiration but thanks! I have kept a calendar and marked each day i make it through clear and sober with a pink highlighter (the next day of course, never count your chickens before they hatch) Woke up this morning and met my running partner in the gym yet again for out 5am run, ran just shy of 2 miles ( i only had 20 minutes) then headed home to get ready for work. I am still having some issues sleeping through the night and falling asleep, even though i take sleep meds. I think i just have a lot on my mind so it keeps me up and wakes me up. I go up to 50mg topa today, havent really noticed that doing anything yet, or maybe it is, who knows, it is all mental for me anyways, as long as i am positive i am sober, it is when I let stuff get to me that i fall. So fo rthe past six days i have been leaving all my anger, sorrow, and bitterness on the track and in the gym, and only taking the happiness home at the end of the day. Sometimes I crack, but then I try to push it out, okay enough babbling, see ya guys!!

                      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                      James Gordon, M.D.


                        Thursday January 22nd

                        congrats birdman i must have been typing when you posted
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          Thursday January 22nd

                          Good Morning everyone, went to yoga last nite and boy do I feel it today. Lou, Oly, Mackeral, Birdman I will check in later and thanks PaulB for the morning wake up everyday.



                            Thursday January 22nd


                            I didn't notice any difference on 50 mill on the topa but after that is started kicking in. I don't know if all the pasts posts are on record but your's would be an inspiration read from then til now just to see the way you have fought with such tenacity. What an inspiration.



                              Thursday January 22nd

                              Thanks Birdman, you are all being so nice to me, i feel very much spoiled, but to be honest i do enjoy it I hope you have a lovely Thursday!!!
                              It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                              James Gordon, M.D.

