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AF Daily~Friday, February 24

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    AF Daily~Friday, February 24

    Good morning , Abbers!!!

    While you are all still in the land of nod I made a pot of coffee and some frothy milk for whoever wants a cappuccino.

    I took the dog out on the mountain extra early this morning - I wanted to give him a good run as I?ll be skiing all weekend. I tried to park in my usual spot but banked my SUV in pretty heavy snow. I heard it compacting under the weight of the car. Brilliant !!! Serves me right for overestimating my car and my driving abilities; I?ve been cocky about both for a while. Half an hour of shoveling snow later I got to solid ice ? I put the mats under all 4 wheels and finally got the myself out . Another lesson learnt the hard way.

    Back in work ? today is a BIG day ? I shall have my performance review with my boss . Fingers crossed, my big bonus depends on it. The numbers look good - I worked extremely hard in 2011 ? but the bank that owns the assets I manage took a hit regionally so not many people are getting bonuses.

    Wishing you a great AF Friday
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF Daily~Friday, February 24

    Please may I join you as I'd like to be AF today . I've not posted for over 2 yrs until today. I was AF for over 8 months between 2008/2009 but then I relapsed - lots of reasons -husband working away, struggling with the kids, stressful house move etc etc but most importantly (I think) because I had to go on a gluten free diet, for health reasons and I found this really restrictive especially at first and I struggled , felt the was no enjoyment in food and drink and started feeling sorry for myself and drinking again - have started another thread on general discussion about the difficulties of being gluten free and AF. I'm not drinking as heavily as before but I need to stop as my alcohol levels and weight are slowly creeping up. As always I feel strong first thing in the morning but I know it will be tough later on.

    Have a good AF day everyone x


      AF Daily~Friday, February 24

      Lost the whole post I wrote an hour ago! I'll just say welcome to Sausage--glad to have you here!
      Shue, your energy is incredible! I'd have left the dang car there! Will keep fingers crossed for the review today, and hope you get the big bucks!
      Blondie, I LOVE Coco! That pic was adorable!
      Happy AF Friday to all to come!
      Just posted on Blondie's poll. That one wasn't lost, thank goodness!
      "One day at a time."


        AF Daily~Friday, February 24

        Zooming, busy day, spent far too much time at work already this week and still have two days to go :H
        Will try to pop in over the weekend.

        Hi Shue, Sausage, ThreeDog and all to come.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          AF Daily~Friday, February 24

          Hey ho fabbies!

          Shue good luck with the review!

          Lovely doggie pics from you guys the other day!

          Lav, ohhhh envious of your visit to Longwood!

          WE WANT PICS, DG!!! Welcome back!

          And welcome back sausage! Good on ya for nicking this before it gets bigger (which it always does). Determinator will probably have some info for you re gluten free. You might take a look at the paleo thread.

          My yoga classes are unravelling for some reason. Wonder what's in store for me now?

          Uni, let us hear from you!

          Hey ho to everyone!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily~Friday, February 24

            Mornin' All!

            Shue, I'm having a pot of extra strong coffee myself this morning, black, extra dark, plain. GOOD. Good for you for getting out early in the AM. Must be so beautiful in your part of the world! Thanks for getting us started!

            Sausage, WELCOME! Glad you decided to hop on board. This is a great thread and will not let you down. Stay strong today and come here often. Keep yourself hydrated and don't let yourself get too hungry. I am Gluten Free too by the way, but I'm so used to it by now and I feel much better not eating wheat, etc. I've cut out most carbs except for those in berries and nuts and dairy, which has very little. Good luck to you! I hope to see you on here later tonight.

            Well, today is Day 3 for me and I had a little trouble falling asleep last night but nothing too alarming. I think I had such a great sleep the night before that I wasn't too tired! But I did sleep soundly although woke up 2 times for bathroom (thank you asparagus and your diuretic properties!), sorry...too much info, right! Anyway, I woke up this morning feeling great and grateful for today and everything in my life. Part of my morning ritual is to wake up and just lie in bed smiling and thinking of all the things in my life that I am grateful for. I also envision having a great day where all good things come to me. And doing that makes me feel really happy and ready for anything. Even work, and I'm heading there very soon today. With that, I will leave you to watch this very sweet video of The Affirmation Girl, which instantly put a smile on my face when a friend posted it on FB recently and I thought it would be appropriate to post here because this is what it feels like to wake up sober:

  [/video]]Jessica's "Daily Affirmation" - YouTube

            Now, doesn't that just give everyone the warm fuzzies? :h

            Hi also to Greenie and Marshy et all. Have a super day to everyone!!! I have a busy day...8 hours of work at the store and then an hour workout afterwards at the gym, then dinner, then MWO then bed and start it all up again tomorrow!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              AF Daily~Friday, February 24

              Good morning Abbers,

              Geez shue - that was some start to the morning for you
              Hope your review goes very well!

              Hello to TDN, greenie, Blondie, Marshy & welcome back sausage!

              Running a bit late this morning so I'll be back!
              Have a great AF Friday everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily~Friday, February 24

                Update ? the big review is delayed for Monday ? I am telling myself good things come to those who wait

                Sausage ? I was on gluten free and dairy free on 3 occasions. Each time it got easier and found new ingredients ? but the drag is that I had to cook everything myself every day. I think key to stay AF is not to let yourself go hungry or completely eliminate carbs (very easy to do in gluten free) ? you crave those back in AL units real quick.

                TND ? Leaving the car was not an option ? that meant asking for hubby?s help or some other man?s ? and they would roll their eyes at yet another woman?s driving prowess.

                Blonde ? I am a big big big asparagus fan
                Kaslo ? you could open an outdoor shoe shop with your collection
                Raven ? 5 kids AND you?re sober? I bow to thee. :bow
                LVT 25 ? how did the op go on the mastiff? How many anesthetic shots it took to get it over?
                DG ( and lovely COCO), Marshy, Greeneyes, Papmom, Sunhine_gg , I wish you all a lovely weekend. I?ll pop in if I can.
                I am going skiing with my girlfriends (one Dutch and one Canadian) ? and our collective brood of children.
                workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                  AF Daily~Friday, February 24

                  :new: HiFolks
                  One one on Army thread so came here to squat for a while
                  I usually go to the Army thread as there a a lot of Irish on there


                    AF Daily~Friday, February 24

                    satz123;1267856 wrote: :new: HiFolks
                    One one on Army thread so came here to squat for a while
                    I usually go to the Army thread as there a a lot of Irish on there
                    Shue - see you are new to AF . I have tapered off a lot but scared ( not sure of what ) to take the step to go a day AF completely .
                    Any advice for day 1 ?


                      AF Daily~Friday, February 24

                      Satz, Mr. Shue hails from Belfast. We have a lot of Irish friends here.

                      Took me a while to come to the realization that I am better off not touching the poison.
                      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                        AF Daily~Friday, February 24

                        Do ya'll mind if I hang out in here? I had a major fail after the holidays and feel like shit. I'm done with alcohol. I don't want to hang out with the Newbies and discuss drinking ad nauseum. I want to live an AF life, improve my health, improve my outlook on life, and give back for all of the blessings I've been given.

                        Today is one week AF. I still don't feel well, but I'm going to force myself to do something physical. A body in motion stays in motion and a body lounging around like a sloth and feeling sorry for itself tends to lounge around and feel sorry for itself. :nutso:


                          AF Daily~Friday, February 24

                          It's 8.15pm here in UK and I'm having a ginger beer - this is the toughest time of day for me, but I'm determined to get through Day 1


                            AF Daily~Friday, February 24

                            Hidee-Ho, Fabbinis!

                            Quick mid day fly by! It's been sn**ing all day.. what the heck? You'd think it was February, or something :H

                            :hallo: to the new faces... FlyAway, I know what you're saying; I fee the same.
                            Shue... are we related, by chance? I've found myself many a time in a pickle involving my vehicle and ice/snow/ditch, etc. Sober, even! :H Good luck on Monday's review.

                            Lav, how's your petting zoo? 'Da boyz' have been outside last night and will remain so for tonight... the new (as in built correctly, this time) stall doors came and should be ready to use after tonight.

                            That's it for me, really.. haven't got anything to say for myself Have a fabby Friday and weekend!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              AF Daily~Friday, February 24

                              Hi all, I like coming on late in the day when there is lots of peoples chat to respond to. If I come on early I never know what to say. I think I am a physical person, drinking was a physical addiction however much I knew I shouldn't and it was hurting me there was a craving. Doing positive physical stuff has been a real tool for my recovery, I have gotten into yoga, saunas, healthy food, better sex, cycling to work etc no caffeine when I get home from work only relaxing herb teas and focus on feeling better and better.
                              Flyaway reading your post gives me flashbacks to feeling ill and nauseas lots toward the end of my drinking and while getting sober. Now feeling physically good is my addiction.
                              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.

