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Friday January 19th

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    Friday January 19th

    Good morning abbers!

    Is'nt January just flying past.
    I'm into my 4th week of AFness. (22 days).
    I have a severe test tomorrow. You may know that a friend has invited us over to their house for a belated New Year thing; just the four of us. I'm not looking forward to it but I don't feel I can pull out.
    In the past when we have been in their company, the drinking usually goes on till 4/5/6 in the morning. I'm not going to drink. I've thought about being soooo boring that they will be ushering me towards the door by 10 pm, glad to see the back of me. . Just one of life's trials I guess.
    Anyway, I'm feeling good this morning, as I hope you all are. I'm off to work shortly. I'll be back later.
    I hope you all enjoy your day.

    Friday January 19th

    Mornin' Paul and good day to all to follow,

    Good luck this evening Paul. Hm, if you start getting really nervous before going, maybe you can use a little white lie and tell them you can't drink because you're taking anti-biotics (for a urinary tract infection..they won't ask) It might just get you through this test and keep you strong.

    I too have my little test this weekend. We were soppose to have our guests (the couple we just bought a house from) over this evening but it's been changed til Sunday as my husband is out of town and won't be back til late and will be exhausted after driving 5 hours. So, I've got a few more days to decide my strategy (although I'm not obsessing about it or even thinking too much about it) I"m still thinking I'll partake in the champagne toast and then decline the wine with dinner... I'm still in my early days of dealing with my alcohol problem and part of me is hoping that down the line I'll be someone who can moderate. I know this subject has been on other threads lately. I guess this will be a well timed "test" to see if I can actually do what I plan when the alcohol and intimate little social gathering happen. I'm hoping that after two months here at MWO and being "conscious" about my problem will help me stick to a controlled evening. Time will tell.

    But, for now, I'm on day 19 and feeling really good. I just love the fact that I'm getting up at 6:00am every morning and getting so much accomplished before the sun is even up! I love this feeling.

    have a good one all,


      Friday January 19th

      Morning Everyone - Olly - did you set and plan to AF for 30 days originally from the start - or were you just 'seeing how it went?'
      I think I might feel really cross with myself if I got to the amazing 20 odd day mark and then had some champagne - I know it's only a small thing; but I know from past experience that (for myself) it would be the smallest excuse that I needed to think that 'just another one' the next day wouldn't hurt etc etc - but I know everyone is different...... You also talk about a 'plan' with alcohol and social occasions - how are you tackling that? Interested as some of my friends are buying the local pub (currently shut) and will be opening halfway through my AF period - I am trying to think of some 'strategies? already!
      How's the glow today Paul - I'm so jealous!!
      Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


        Friday January 19th

        Hey Ilex,
        I actively started here in late Nov and early Dec because I just didn't want to drink anymore, period. I went AF up through the holidays and then had some wine with the three big family dinners, and stopped at 2 glasses (these are marathon meetings around the table and I would have drank a lot more "before") Then, on New Years' Eve I started early, drank too much and went to bed (but, no blacking out or falling down or total loss of control, but drunk) Started back AF the next day again. And, I don't have a 30 day plan per se, I just want to go as long as I can without drinking... I don't miss it much. This champagne toast is a bit tricky for me, as I haven't admitted to anyone that "I have a problem" or "I am not drinking"... I'm wanting to get some more time under my belt. Anyway, this social toast is a once in a lifetime sort of thing. We just bought a house from this lovely couple who took 10k off the asking price at the last moment as a token of appreciation... and so we've invited them over for a toast and dinner. With only the four of us, I'm not comfortable excusing myself from the toast (it's a bottle of champagne made by my husbands' family... big deal) at this point. I would rather be able to make a toast, sip the champagne, or maybe not, and get on with the evening without making a scene. I know, perhaps I should be concerned that this will lead to drinking more, or worse, drinking too much... but I think this will be a good time to test my mustard.

        Fortunatley, this will be Sunday evening, it's not a party atmosphere, there won't be any social anxiety for me (wanting to imbibe to be more friendly, more "funny", more relaxed...) and it's a relatively controlled situation.

        I have another party on February 2nd which is a traditional "Ladies Night" ... where we traditionally drink a ton of wine and end up dancing and singing our heads off... use to be great fun. For that situation, I am not going to drink. period. I'll opt for something else. But, this house exchange toast is bit different.

        Guess I'll know how it goes once the evening is over.


          Friday January 19th

          Morning all,

          I fell off and drank some last night, but WAY less than I would have before. I was angry and upset about something and was just ready to not be good to myself - however, I only drank 4 glasses. I had poured another glass, but it sat almost full by my bedside table this morning. That was a nice feeling - especially since I am only on 25 mg. of topa and that should not really be impacting the amount I drink.It does seem wise to go ahead and up my topa 50 at the end of next week. I did NOT drink enough to have a hangover!!! Also, please note - it is 5 AM and I am up on time! Was asleep by 11.

          So, in keeping with my usual plan, I am back to AF today and will commence with AF for the rest of the month. That will give me only one day off plan. So 30 out of 31 days AF. I can live with that. Hopping back on after I drink really is the best way for me to ensure that my drinking days are minimal. Ilex, I was looking to go the 30 days, but I have learned that if I don't make it the MOST important thing for me is to jump right back on AF the very next day. It does take some practice to get that mindset. Going off one day is not an excuse to follow that trajectory. I am also not beating myself up today. Have already added a zero in my drinktracker.

          I need to get back to doing some things for myself that I have been putting off. I MUST contact my advisor and start working on a paper for publication. Also, must get out my vita and start to round up references so I can get a second job teaching at the university each semester next year (maybe even this summer). This is really critical stuff to me. Procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate. I will at least contact advisor and send out vita this weekend ....

          Happy AF to all - and get right back on if you happened to fall off!!

          Hugs to all,


            Friday January 19th

            Good morning to all, Pansy, you always have a great attitude, I love your posts....(by the way I am reeaaallly bad at procrastinating as well)
            Woke up this morning and rode an exercise bike which i dont usually do, i usually run, but i have a long run this afternoon so i didnt want to look like a dork this afternoon b/c i had burnt myself out this morning so i took it easy, have you guys ever been on those things, my butt fell asleep!!! Holy crap!!!
            Anyways, today is the beginning of day 7 for me, never thought i would say that...but most of you know that by reading my original posts of craziness, I am still doing well. I have my moments, but I really think I can do this. I started taking my 50mg of topa., I take it at night when i go to sleep, wasn't hungry this morning, guess thats the topa, had to eat anyways so i wont be tired. hopefully my run this afternoon wears me out so much that i dont worry about drinking tonight. I plan to just relax tonight. I am kind of worried about the weekend but only a little, I quit drinking last weekend which makes me think I can make it through this one. I feel so much better now and it is only day seven, I cant imagine how i will feel in another week or two.

            Well I guess i will go do some work now, dont really want to.......I hope you all have a wonderful friday and i will check in later.

            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              Friday January 19th

              Good Morning to All in Absville,
              Paul & Olly, good luck with your parties this week-end. I bet you both can have fun with-out drinking!!! Especially among good friends. I have had that test yet, but now that I am day 12, really don't want to go back to counting from one again.
              Pansy, love you xoxox. I understand you being upset yesterday. You are a stong, really, really smart person and you will continue reaching all your goals.. Avoid phone calls not in your plan. Victoria, good luck this week-end.
              For all those to come, have a great day!!! Filled with life & laughter!! I watched this movie on the lifetime channel last night. The dad had a twenty year old daughter. The were in a big arugement, and she turns to her dad and says, "You were to drunk to notice, when I was growning up and what I really cared about."
              I felt a moment of guiltness & thought I do NOT want to be the drunk mom and not notice everything about my two girls.
              Hope everyone has a great week-end.


                Friday January 19th

                Good morning all in Absville!

                Paul, you will do just fine! You will be offering a different dynamic to the fold now. Stay strong. I am sure you will have just as much fun, if not more being the sober one there.

                Day 21 for me. The 3 week mark. I am feeling better and better by the day. I honestly don't have the urge to drink. The memories of being so sick from the drink are still as vivid as ever. I definitely would choose waking in the morning in this state of wellbeing anyday!

                Anyone having dreams about posting on this website? It has been so bizarre! The last three nights I have had continuous dreams of posting on here. They started to happen after the Word Association game LOL! I must of had over 100 posts that day in total.... 67 or more just in that game! I have to laugh. I guess I need to try to focus on other things during the day as well. Too funny!

                I wish you all another wonderful day! Congrats to all for your wonderful AF accomplishments!


                  Friday January 19th

                  Good morning to all Abbers who have been and are yet to come.
                  I was away in the city yesterday. I needed to have a doohickey removed from my face, an appointment I made almost 3/4 of a year ago. It went well and the thingy has gone for biopsy.
                  We went out for lunch and dinner and I had mineral wate for lunch and green tea for supper. It really was not a hardship.
                  Have not had time to catch up, but just wanted to say to Mack that I am glad all of his family could get together for the sake of grandmom.
                  I am starting day 19 AF today.
                  Yes Pauly January is just flying by.
                  It is snowing madly out there and I am glad that did not happen yesterday when we were on the road.
                  Love all.
                  *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                    Friday January 19th

                    oh... and Olly.... so sorry, love. I wanted to say to you as well, you will do just fine this Sunday!!!! You sound like you have a plan of attack and you are feeling strongly about it!!! I wish you alot of support for keeping strong too!


                      Friday January 19th

                      Someone posted it takes 21 days to break a habit and I have heard that before. I am on day 23 now.

                      Perhaps 21 days should be the initial abs goal instead of 30. May get the same end result and it seems more doable.

                      I am thrilled to see the successes here. My hat is off to all.


                        Friday January 19th

                        Day 5 for me. Congrats to all on your successes and good luck on the weekend challenges. My weekend is going to be pretty easy - I've got a knitting thing on Saturday and a bunco thing on Sunday (I'm such a girl sometimes) and I'm an afternoon drinker. My resolve is in full gear for some reason. I see scotch and I think poison right now. You all are such an inspiration to me.

                        Lucky, whereever did you get that tutu - I want to wear it Sunday


                          Friday January 19th

                          Day 5 for me. Congrats to all on your successes and good luck on the weekend challenges. My weekend is going to be pretty easy - I've got a knitting thing on Saturday and a bunco thing on Sunday (I'm such a girl sometimes) and I'm an afternoon drinker. My resolve is in full gear for some reason. I see scotch and I think poison right now. You all are such an inspiration to me.

                          Lucky, whereever did you get that tutu - I want to wear it Sunday


                            Friday January 19th

                            Hi All! :wavin:

                            29 today and it feels like just yesterday .......

                            Lucky~most psychology books say breaking a habit takes longer (30-45 days). Those quick "fix it cures they offer on the net & in books" for say "stopping smoking/nail biting/nose picking refer to 21 days" LOL!

                            Paul: we're behind you...and you are far from being a bore ( maybe not that dependable on dates but not a bore).

                            Congrats to adding another ZERO today everyone!:yay:
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Friday January 19th

                              hi paul
                              at last saturdays party i told my friends i had a suspected ulcer, and that the doc advised me to cut out the booze for a questions asked and nobody tried to force a drink on me....still had a great time...

