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AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

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    AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

    Good morning dear Abbers,

    I might as well post a new thread from the ski lift, the sun is up, the wind has died so we're skiing at the top today.

    So nice to wake up early, clear headed. My friends had lots of mulled wine, could not help smelling it but I focused on the spice rather than the AL vapor. For the second time I found I was not salivating. My God, not Pavlov's dog anymore ?

    I left the coffee pot on for you guys, help yourselves.

    Sending you some sun Attached files [img]/converted_files/57461=6684-attachment.jpg[/img]
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

    Morning Shueaddict - and all to come
    Really envious of you on your ski trip,!
    Start of day 3 for me ( survived day 2 Sat night) feeling quite rough this morning with a headache - dont normally suffer from headaches, do have a bit of a cold but not bad enough to give me a headache - wonder if it's because I've not had alcohol for 60 hrs ? Although I didn't get this last time and I was "only" drinking about 35 units a week unti 3 days ago- not sure if that's enough to do this.?
    Anyway have a good AF sunday everyone and I'll drop by again later x


      AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

      Good morning, everyone out there in Abberland!

      Shue, you are amazing! Starting us off from the top of the lift!!! And making coffee, too. Sounds like you are really enjoying the AF life! It is great to wake up without feeling horrible, physically and emotionally.
      Sausage, you are doing a great job. The headache is most likely a withdrawal symptom and will subside after awhile. Drink tons of water (with lemon if you have it.) Are you taking vitamins and supplements? A hot bath with epsom salts can help remove toxins, too.
      Going to church today, then home to make my spinach casserole for birthday dinner for friend tonight. The cake is in a box in the garage to keep it fresh--and away from me!! Had the same woman make a bd cake for Mr TDN last year--a carrot cake--and we kept it in the garage for a month, I swear, and it stayed almost as good as the day I got it!
      At least some people will be drinking tonight--wine, mostly--but I am not worried about it. I am happy with selzer and lime or even a Shirley Temple!
      Hope you all have a great AF day! Off to feed the Three Stooges!
      "One day at a time."


        AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

        Good morning Abbers!

        Happy Sunday skiing shue!

        Sausage, be sure you drink lots of water. You could be experiencing a little dehydration, causing headaches, etc.

        TDN, today is my grandaughter's 1st BD! Heading out for an afternoon party real soon!
        I have charged the battery in my camera so hope I can ge a decent pic or two

        Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Sunday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

          Hi Shue, TDN, Lav and all of you other fine peeps checking in today! Thanks for getting us started, Shue, and from the top of the world no less!!! Happy Skiing! Kudos for not giving into the mulled wine. I bet you are getting more out of the trip than those who partook last night in AL!

          TDN, I so LOVE spinach casserole. My mom makes it. It's her signature dish. And so easy too. Love it. Have fun at the party.

          Also, happy birthday to your grandaughter, Lav! Post pics later if you can, ok? I'm sure she is adorable. Have fun!

          To the rest, take it easy today and keep it real. I'm off to work soon (have to open at 10AM on Sundays, not 8AM like Saturdays, which is a killer). Glad to wake up sober after quite the turmoil over whether to drink or not to drink last night but I just followed my heart and am so glad I did. Got 8 hours of sleep and feel like a million bucks. Had I drank, I would have felt like shit, let's face it. This is sooo much better! Thanks for listening and have a super Sunday!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

            Today must be a great day for birthdays. I'm going to a birthday party tonight too. Booze will be flowing, but not in my body! I have absolutely no desire to drink. Lord I hope I continue to feel this way in the coming months. Seems like I usually struggle around month 2-3.

            Lav happy birthday to your sweet little granddaughter. Can't wait to see the photos!

            Shue doesn't it make you nervous using your phone on a ski lift? Knowing me it would slip out of my hands and be lost forever in the snow below.

            Sausage I must have sent my headache to you. Stay strong. You're probably going through the worst part of the physical detox now. Hope you're feeling better soon.

            Blondie and Deter, I saw in yesterday's thread that you both low carb. It's amazing how much better I feel avoiding wheat. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who loves cheese! I do use coconut milk in my coffee instead of cream, but cheese is something that I can't imagine doing without.

            TDN I'll be thinking about you tonight at your party while I'm at mine. Carrot cake is sooo good!

            I wish you all a wonderful day.


              AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

              Morning Fabbies!

              Had an awesome evening... dinner at THE restaurant on the island.. Greek night, then home and watched 'Midnight in Paris'... great flick! Flyaway... I also find myself with no desire to drink.. none whatsoever. I'm getting quite used to iced tea at restaurants and the usual (litres of) coffee and water at home.

              Off to spring horses from the barn and hopefully find my shedding blade (can't wait for the tack room to be done and everything in its place). They are seriously shedding out already... I really do see the end of winter approaching in the not too distant future.

              All you birthday celebrators... have fun, eat cake, and be merry! Oh.. and take pictures, for sure! :H Lav, give Lily an extra hug from me... such a cutie!

              I totally missed this yesterday... TDN - Happy Anniversary! :l
              Shue.. I don't even ski anymore.. and I don't like winter.. but your photo almost made me envious!

              Hey, where's Sid? Yooohoo! Pop in, will ya!?

              Hello to all and all to come.. time to toodle off! One thing is for sure!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

                Hi everyone! Shue, have fun skiing. How cool you started us off from the mountain!

                Sausage, congrats on making it through Saturday night! One day at a time. You will start feeling better soon.

                TDN, not too long ago Mr. D and I were out to dinner and I orders a selzer with a splash of cranberry juice. When it arrived I said "all it needs is a cherry and this would look just like a Shirley Temple!" LOL I'm trying not to think about cake now.

                Wow Lav! 1 year old! Have fun at the party and post us a pic, OK?

                Speaking of pics...I got the few I took downloaded from phone to PC (hence the avatar) but have not gotten them from PC to photobucket for posting here. They all look just like the avatar with beautiful sky, pool, ocean, beach.

                Blondie, so happy to hear you made the right choice. Keep doin' it one day at a time and one day you will rarely even remember there IS a choice.

                Fly, I am a cheese lover too and can't imagine life without it.

                Hey Sunni! Seems winter is going to be over early here too. I can't believe the amount of birds, etc. already back from winter vacation.

                Hi to everyone else. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to keep up with everyone. That isn't going to change for a while I don't think, so please forgive me! I'm struggling today to get my head into my books which I really must do as I have a psychopharmacology quiz tomorrow, and then midterms all the following week. Dont' know why I'm resisting. I'm going to "just do it."

                My Dad was better yesterday afternoon, but as we already knew his condition is serious and his body probably can't take much more of this. He may or may not make it through. There is a part of me that hopes he doesn't have to suffer in pain and misery much longer. I feel guilty as though I'm wishing my Dad would die. That ties to some unresolved issues. But those issues will not ever be discussed between us no matter how long he is or isn't here. So I'm trying to just make peace with everything inside me.

                One thing is for sure.... booze is what kept me from addressing my family feelings for all those years. Booze won't help me now.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

                  Hey ho everyone!

                  DG, I'm awfully sorry to hear about your dad and I hope you soon arrive at a place of peace regarding the issues. It's tough. :l

                  Nice birthday party last night. Good entertainment and someone made the best chocolate in the universe and I have a bummer of a sugar hangover. Had a little conversation with a small group of people about my not drinking. They were VERY curious and so gushing with admiration (or was that envy? ) that I finally stood up and took a bow. Sheesh! Interestingly, they were very curious about what type of drinker was I, what specifically was the trouble area, or how did it manifest itself and was there a moment of realization that compelled me to quit and what was it. They all shared their problematic patterns and all agreed that the effort to control was very big. Perhaps some productive soul searching will take place. All that said, I am not able to talk to people like that (in a party setting kind of thing) about hiding bottles, rotating shops, middle of the night shots, booze for breakfast, etc - the down and dirty stuff we talk about here. I remember finding MWO and seeing that I wasn't the only one of the face of the earth that did that and that there was indeed life without the plague of alcohol. How grateful I am to be out from under that.

                  I want cheese. Do you paleo folks eat brown rice at all?

                  Ok off to run a couple errands. One thing's for sure besides no chocolate for greenie today.

                  P3, sending you love and light, you kind soul.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

                    Hi all Abstinecers. I see we are off to a great start today. Big shout out to ShuSki, TDN, Blondie, Lav, Flyaway, Sausage, Sunni and DG, did I get the whole rollcall for today? I have a cold suddenly, and I am in bed watching the pine siskins in in the feeder on the deck squabbling over the sunflower seeds and hopping around like eegits. I was supposed to be skiing today as well, but not going to happen. I might get up the E=mc2 to sew. Mr Kaslo has brought me the 400mm so i can cough and shoot, shoot and cough, type and cough. Type and shoot. The lens makes a whiring noise, but I can only hear out of one ear. Whats with that? Anyway, you guys have a nice day, I'll be fine here with my camera and box of kleenex.

                    Cross post Greenie, such a thought proviking post G, as usual. And yes, i should have said to DG, sorry about your Dad... I too avoided confrontations with my mom, and I was glad that i did because I know it would not have solved or resolved anything. Im glad I put a sock in it.

                    Pine siskin...has the hilarous latin name Spinus pinus.

                    Kaslo of the Frozen Snow.

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

                      Hi Abbers,
                      Just making sure I post everyday and really enjoy reading all your posts. Sorry to hear about your dad DG. Sounds like a really hard time and that you are being really strong. Shue, I love skiing and haven't been in ages! Seeing your photo I could almost feel the air on my face. Greeneyes, I can relate to explaining my stopping drinking in a party situation. In my situation I can since most people think I'm being radical not moderating. I've made some new friends (finally) who have only known me as a non-drinking person. Both women are very nice and I get a lot out my new friendships. They both drink wine. Far as I can tell both are "normal" drinkers. They respect that I don't drink... and I'll admit sometimes I wish I could "bond" with them over a glass. But I can't. They have no idea the trouble I had. My hubby and I went to dinner a few months ago with a couple who has no idea of our issues with alcohol they only know us as gym goers and health nuts. Since not drinking hubby has lost 60 pounds and I've lost 40. It's so strange that people would not see us as out of control drinkers. I sometimes feel compelled to talk about why I was so bad, I think hoping to get some type of congrats for my decision now. But I am learning that some places are not safe to talk about my problem... at least the down and dirty aspects of it. It's scary stuff that unless you've been there you don't understand. It's an odd limbo these days making the transition as a non drinking social person. I can't say I don't like it. I do.. it's just a whole shift in identity. Oh sausage... just had a thought about your headache... I think it is withdraw. I hadn't drank in such a long time then drank the rest of a bottle of wine.. I think it was 3 glasses.. I'm thinking large. Because I'd been clean so long.. I can really tell how long this stuff is taking to get out of my system and it is pretty intense. I'm not sure if I've really done harm to myself being a heavy drinker and just can not take the stuff anymore or if in fact this is just how I felt all the time. Really hard way to function that's for sure. No way to live. Thanks for listening to me ramble. Hope everyone has a great Sunday :h I'm beginning my Monday and it feels pretty hopeful and it's sunny.


                        AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

                        hi guys, sorry for not checking in lately - I'm struggling - need some pick me up and encouragement. Last couple of weeks with my godfathers death has been really hard and I haven't been doing so well. I have started hiding booze again which is so not how I want my life to be. Reaching out. Love you guys.
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

                          Hi Uni,

                          I never post on this thread but saw you were struggling and just wanted to reach out.:l
                          I am sorry for the loss of your godfather. How sad and alone you must feel. The deaths of people very close to me, and another with whom I'd had unresolved issues (my brother) ignited my AL problem in 2008. You can be AF, Uni. You've done it before. I used to think the AL made me feel better...or was soooo good at numbing feelings.... when I was mourning the losses of my best friend, and my father....and the break-up of a longterm relationship. What we forget when we are drinking, is that there is no more powerful a depressant that AL. If we feel sad, lonely, and abandoned, AL will only make us feel sadder, lonelier, and more isolated. If I were you...I would pour out all the booze you are hiding. You know if you're drinking, that hidden booze will toss you into a well of infinite darkness.

                          Can you call someone from AA? Is there a friend nearby who can come and sit with you a while? Maybe go into chat? If I am not the right person to talk to....just say won't hurt my feelings. I have broad shoulders.


                            AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

                            top O the Sunday ABeroooooos!

                            Uni! please accept some love and hugs from us xxxxxxxxxxxx ditto what Rusty recommends about getting some face 2 face support.

                            Doggygirl, so good to see your hypermotivated blur here

                            Sausage, hang in there! good diet, water, rest and you'll be shipshape in a couple days.

                            well, I made garlic waffles today. I really did. I really enjoyed them (of course) but my dear Dx was somewhat less enthusiastic than I was. oh win some and you lose some.

                            spectacular hike in the mountains yesterday

                            Greenie brown rice is actually not commonly eaten on a primal/paleo diet for a couple of different reasons. I won't go into details because I think I've used up all my dietary ranting credits LOL
                            and don't want to bore everyone. happy to PM some links if you ever need a cure for insomnia.....

                            ok, I must seize a carp
                            er.... crap on my diem
                            er.... I'll figure it out

                            be well
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF - daily, Sunday, February 26

                              I know you guys are right. I have lots of people I can call. The problem is I don't want to. Like a lot of us here I have had a lot of loss and I just am really not very f@##$ good at dealing with people who are close to me's death. Det can attest to that as he has been around to see me lose quite a few friends since I have joined MWO. Not that I'm blaming, I'm not, this is my issue, I need to deal with it. I just have a really hard time dealing with deaths pain. I know it's a part of life. I know I need to learn that. I know I need to accept the pain, cry, deal with the sadness and move on. However all I want to do is numb so I don't feel it. Eventually I have to. I know that. But god damn it's fucking hard sometimes. He was my godfather but was more of a father to me. My own dad wasn't around and Jack lived next door. He raised me. I am hurting so bad and don't want to feel . Fuck. I'm sorry guys, I really am. I love you all, I just need some support. Pam, if you are around, I know you have my cell, do you still have my home #? Or Karen? I just need to cry to someone.

                              Thanks guys for being so supportive, I am so sorry if I hijacked the thread or did anything in appropriate by writing. This is MY issue. I need to take responsibility and deal with my feelings. I need to do this. I know that. It's just a bit of a challenge for me right now.

                              Love you guys and again, I'm so sorry for being a bother.
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

