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AF daily - Monday, February 27

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    AF daily - Monday, February 27

    Good morning, fabulous Abbers,

    I was so tired after skiing I missed all the AF thread action yesterday night (and the Oscars, they were past my bedtime but I recorded it ? my annual guilty pleasure).

    After a weekend of fresh air, exercise and good sleep I woke up with a monster headache (and I don?t get headaches ? I guess more detox action?). Anyhoo ? my boss just called and approved 2/3 of my bonus (her part), magically my headache is 2/3 gone. Hooray !!! I am expecting another call in the afternoon from the big CEO honcho for the last 3rd .

    I made more coffee (I chugged the first pot) ? and there are some leftover garlic waffles from Det .

    TND (hide that carrot cake from me), Cleanhouse Sidney, Chocolateless Greeneyes, Sausage, Pap, Lav (that little girl takes after granny doesn?t she?) , Blonde AF (+Coco), flyaway, sunshine, Uni, Choice, Det, DoggyGirl and quickest shot on 400 ? Kaslo (who got a birdie on the 18th ) Wishing you all a fantastic week !!!

    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF daily - Monday, February 27

    Good morning, AbberDabbers!
    Sue, thanks for getting us started. GREAT news about the bonus!!!! I'm sure that last 13 is a "shue" in, but let us know all the details!!
    I am so excited to have reached the triple digit status today--and it happens to be my (59th) birthday! That part isn't so exciting, but it's the first sober BD in years!! And I survived the big dinner party last night unscathed!! I was honestly not tempted by all the bottles of wine. There was a nice bottle of Chardonnay, but even that didn't start me salivating!! Plus--there was SO much food that the drinks were secondary. One friend is a former chef, and brought water chestnuts wrapped in bacon, a broiled cheese dip that was to die for, and Cauliflower w/bacon and leeks in a cheese sauce. There was also home made guacamole and salsa and the best chips to go with, pate, goat cheese, and nuts. Then a spinach salad w/apple pears and candied walnuts, my spinach casserole, mashed potatoes, and the big fat Tur Duc Hen stuffed with a spicy rice and cornbread! It was the biggest bird I've ever seen. Said it feeds eight--no, nore like eighteen!! We all took leftovers home. The cake--sorry, I confused you, it was chocolate--came out and our friend managed to blow out the candles. I'm glad he wanted to take it home, even though they are leaving today for a month long trip. I'd have continued to eat it for weeks!!! Anyway, I tried to stay with small portions, but have not eaten like that in a very long time. Luckily I didn't have indigestion or anything. No AL makes a difference.
    Our friends have a kitty who they found near a dumpster a couple of years ago. He has had several operations, including the most recent, where they had to remove part of his lung, as his pneumonia was not clearing up. A specialist did this. I swear Kitty has spent half his life with most of his little body shaved. I had some small doggy coats left over from my samples, and they fit him and look great. I also had a little tee shirt that he loved wearing, so we left it on him. He is so playful and sweet. Only an animal lover could understand that my friend told us to be really enthusiastic when coaxing him to eat. We are a crazy bunch!
    Saw some of the Oscars before falling asleep. The Mr TDN came in and announced the winners. I haven't seen any of the films anyway.
    Have to make coffee and set up at AA today. I hope I am not hit on the head by a table, as I was last week! Still have a sore spot on the back of my head. I will also go to my women's meeting later in the afternoon. Have to bring the snacks, but won't partake!
    Well, I hope everyone has a great AF day!!!
    "One day at a time."


      AF daily - Monday, February 27

      Afternoon everyone,

      Onto day 4 - woke still with a bit of a headache but feeling surprisingly dehydrated- especially since I haven't drunk alcohol. Guess this is the final part of the detox process. Feeling reasonably positive today and this morning I stocked up on alternative drinks at the supermarket.

      I was looking back at old diarys last night and I calculated that my last AF stretch was 257 days. I was so mad for giving up after achieving this. I was persuaded to have half a glass of champagne at my next door neighbours 18th birthday party and then it was all downhill from there. Almost 3 yrs later only now have I found the strength to pick myself up and start all over again.

      Really grateful to this site, without it I know I wouldn't get very far
      Thanks for reading and have a great AF day everyone.

      Day 4 ****


        AF daily - Monday, February 27

        Hi Monday Fabbers!

        Just a quick hello to everyone checking in this morning. Gotta run to work, busy day ahead with a full day of work and then gym for a big workout and then home. Will check on before I go to bed tonight.

        Shue, I'm the one with Coco, by the way . I think you mentioned it to DG. Love being amongst all these dog lovers! Thanks for making us a pot of coffee...I need it this morning!

        Day 6, here I come! Hi TDN, Sausage et all! Make it a great day and I'll catch ya later.
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          AF daily - Monday, February 27

          Good Monday morning Abbers

          Sunny & chilly this morning! Hoping that snow storm developing in the midwest goes somewhere other than here.....

          Shue, hope you get that approval for the last third of your bonus!!

          TDN, Wow!
          CONGRATS on your 100 AF days :yay: & HAPPY BIRTHDAY:bday7:
          What a big day for you!!!! Sounds like your dinner last night was awesome
          Have a great day & avoid head injuries at all costs :H

          Greetings Sausage & Blondie & everyone!
          I'm off to Curves to work off BD cake, etc, etc.

          Wishing a great day to everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF daily - Monday, February 27

            Happy Birthday, TND !!!!

            TND ? Happy Happy Birthday !!!! :bday7:

            What a wonderful present to yourself ? 100 days AF, way to go. :yougo::yougo::yougo::cheering:

            Holy guacamole that was a lot of food at that party ? I only heard of the tur duc hen from my American friends ? never seen one up close.
            workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


              AF daily - Monday, February 27

              hello people I'm on day 6 after a weekend mess up after 7 months, I'm kinda hurting sad at the moment, feel like crying
              "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                AF daily - Monday, February 27

                Happy birthday and 100 days TDN! Big letter day for you.

                Stayed up way too late watching the Oscars. Now tired at work. What is with that Angelina Jolie? Great dress way too thin but don't you love Meryll Streep. Such class. And funny too. I want to be as vibrant as Christopher Plummer at 82. I was getting pretty fed up with the old jokes though.

                Hope everyone has a good Monday. And Lav what a cutie your granddaughter is in that pretty dress. Take care Sid


                  AF daily - Monday, February 27

                  Hi guys,
                  Sugarbeat, don't beat yourself up - I too have slipped after a period of sobriety. But for the grace of the people on here I have poured all my hidden stash down the drain, woke up, had a hot shower, and put some makeup on so that I could feel good about myself and not dwell on my mistake. I know you can do the same. We're human, we're in recovery, it's hard. We will make mistakes. As long as we accept those mistakes as ours and do not blame others we can get up, dust ourselves off and start again. Which is what I intend to do today. Thanks everyone for the support yesterday. Sugarloaf, dust yourself off and jump back on the wagon - I am extending my hand to you and have moved over to allow you room.

                  Love and hugs to all,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF daily - Monday, February 27

                    thank you so much, i really needed that and now I am crying

                    At least I've done 2 of those this I'm back on the wagon, and definately don't blame anyone only myself, just have a real heavy heart, I so want this, I'm only 31, have been given so mny chances by thoses around me, alot of friend have stepped away for a while after this last slip, for there own good, I know they love me but can't be around me at the moment. One once told me that they loved me too much to leave but didnt like me (the addict in me) enough to stay

                    I know we'll reconcil some daybut for now I just have this journey to go on where I learn to love myself, the best friends, family, jobs or rehabs have never kept me sober

                    Where did I pick up this harshness for myself
                    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                      AF daily - Monday, February 27

                      Hi everyone. Minus 5 C here, which is not that cold really UNLESS YOUR COUGHING YER ASS OFF.

                      I dont wanna hear about it, if there is alcohol in Nyquil. I only took a half a dose in the hopes I would not wake up coughing (did anyway). And now I am so stunned from that stuff I forgot I need a coffee, and sat here wondering what was missing. WTF?

                      I will not be operating any complicated machinery, unless you want to include a heating pad in that.

                      CONGRATS ON 100 days TDN! Way to go!!!

                      Have a great AF day Fabinsters. I am glad I dont have a hang over with this cold virus I have. Ont thing is for sure.

                      Kaslo of the Freezing F'ing Snow and Ice Dammit.

                      EDITED to say Sugarbeat, buck up, everybody fails a few times trying to quit, you just have to keep trying and eventually it DOES stick, so drink some water, get some exercise, and dont be so hard on yourself.

                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF daily - Monday, February 27

                        Hello friends!!

                        Wow, it is great to see so many that feel comfortable to join our thread for support!!! Sometimes we get a bad rap for being tough, but trust me, everyone here has been there-done that and only wish to help anyone and everyone that wants to be sober!!

                        Anyway, :welcome:

                        I feel like I haven't posted for so long, I better give a SANDWICH WARNING!!:H

                        So much going on the thread, I wish I could respond to everyone, but my brain I'm sure won't let that happen. I want to send out hugs and support to those feeling down in the dumps--I was thinking of Papmom (but hopefully her luck has turned around!) and Uni (it sounds like you have picked yourself up and brushed yourself off--good for you!)

                        Sausage's post really struck me this morning how she decided to have ONE GLASS of champagne and it took 3 YEARS to get back on the wagon! Just goes to show how powerful AL is and holy cow--who wants to take that risk for 1 DRINK!! I'm so glad you are back with us Sausage!

                        I had a MAJOR drinking dream the other night that felt SO REAL! I had decided to have ! DRINK which turned into a bender--I don't remember the details, but I do know I was extremely concerned about what my MWO friends would think. I was so GRATEFUL when I woke up and realized it was just a dream!

                        3DN--your description of the food at that party--OMG!!! Makes me wish I was there! During my drinking career, all I cared about at any social gathering was being able to drink and smoke. Any food would certainly spoil the buzz. But now, I love to enjoy the food at these gatherings and actually look forward to going to some of these if I know there will be good food! :H Happy Birthday and congrats on 3 digits! Huge Milestone.

                        This weekend kicked off a month-long season of traveling team basketball for #2 son. They played 1 game Friday night, 2 games Saturday, and 3 yesterday. They ended up getting 2nd place which was fantastic considering the competition. They experienced their 1st loss in 3 years, which didn't hurt them a bit. Unfortunately 2 boys ended up with sprained ankles and my son sprained his wrist. One of the boys hurt his ankles so bad I am concerned it may be broken. I love all of these kids, but this one is very special to me and I feel so bad for him! Not to mention he is our best player so who knows what the rest of the "season" will look like.

                        I enjoyed working at the vet clinic last week, but I just don't think I could go back to that full time. There are so many things I enjoy, but other stuff I hate! I have become pretty independent since I left, and for 17 years of that job I was almost strictly office manager. To go back in and do tech work I haven't done for so long, and not get to do any of the management/bookkeeping stuff I used to enjoy so much was difficult. But a nice change of pace, a little extra cash, and always glad to help out my friends.

                        3DN--your description of the cat with the shirt reminds me of my SIL's dog. She is having some major skin issues and has been styling a T-shirt and a diaper around her neck for awhile now.

                        Ok, I best do something constructive. It is amazing how bad the house can get when one is gone so much! Lav--that granddaughter of yours is simply beautiful!!

                        Have a great AF week all!!!:h

                        PS--cross posted Kaslo--take good care of yourself! My mother in law ended up in the hospital last week with a NASTY stomach virus! She is better now, but there is a lot of crud going around here!

                        Oh! And I forgot to mention #1 son was the Junior King attendant at their Winter Royalty dance Saturday night!!! Whoo Hoo!
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          AF daily - Monday, February 27

                          Shue you had a busy, active weekend. Skiing is great exercise. Sorry to hear about the headache but congrats on the bonus!

                          TDN, a shue-in! HA! Good one! Huge milestones for you today! Triple digits, birthday, and first sober birthday! Fabulous job and what a party that sounded like last night. Enough food for a week. :bday7:

                          Sausage well done on Day 4! I bet the headaches are detox related. I can only imagine your disappointment after being AF for 257 days. It's amazing the power that one drink holds.

                          Sugarbeat I'm sorry that you're feeling so down right now. It must be painful to have friends turn away. Please be gentle with yourself. You are not your addiction. You are worthy of love.

                          Uni you sound much better today. Way to go on pouring the booze down the drain. :good job:

                          Kaslo you forgot coffee? My God girl, you must be deathly ill! I have heard of several people having pneumonia this season, so don't let that cough go for too long.

                          Hello to LVT, Sidney, Blonde, and the rest.


                            AF daily - Monday, February 27

                            Reading back god I am awfu hard on myself and that never did me any good before, so gona try and shake it off
                            "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                              AF daily - Monday, February 27

                              sugarbeat;1269808 wrote: Reading back god I am awfu hard on myself and that never did me any good before, so gona try and shake it off
                              Being a perfectionist can be crippling. I should know! How would you talk to a friend who was in your exact position? What would you expect from your friend? Probably a lot different from how you're talking to yourself or loving yourself now. :l

