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AF daily - Monday, February 27

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    AF daily - Monday, February 27

    Whoohoo.. this place is happening! :H

    Happy Monday, everyone (don't mind me, I'm high on caffein) and Happy 29th Birthday, and happy 100 AF days, TDN! And.. errrm... thanks for the recap of your feast.. now I'm starving.

    :h Lav! Lily is just the the cutest little button! Hope her feet didn't get cold!
    Sugarbeat and Uni... up and at 'em, girls. Uni, you sound better.. did you end up getting a hold of someone for face to face support yesterday? Sugar - don't beat. Won't do any good.

    Kas... take care of that cough... hope you start feeling better.
    LVT... aren't those dreams just plain scary? I get them, too, from time to time. I hope sports injuries will heal quickly and you'll have a great remainder of the season.

    I watched the last half of the Oscars, I guess... I had seen 2 of the movies (actually just last week) that won.. The Artist and Midnight in Paris. Loved them both.

    Am done barn chores for the day.. what a weird day! Was snowing and blowing like Jack the bear earlier and now it looks as if the sun is trying to peek out. Also got my mandatory lovin' from Boris (the barn tom).. did I ever mention his nose fetish? He licks and bites and kinda gently swats noses. He's a strange one.

    Alright.. hello to all before me and all to come.. I better go make some money. One thing is for sure!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      AF daily - Monday, February 27

      WOW! I have really enjoyed reading today's start and the end of yesterday... So much to comment on and now I'm typing and forget I guess my overall feeling is happiness for those who feel good today and for those suffering I hear ya. This is such a roller coaster.. Life with it's ups and downs and then the addiction twisting the emotions. Big congrats to TDN and Happy B day! I am starving now... lol.. Sugarbeat.. I'm glad your working stuff through.. :l Uni, good for you on pouring down the hidden booze down the sink. I felt better yesterday when I did that so I hope you did too. Lav- loved the photo of lily in her party dress!! Sunshine, I can almost feel the snow.. I miss snow so much I think it's been 3 years since I've scene it and I miss skiing shue. Flyaway.. I like what you wrote about being perfect.. yes it is crippling... LVT, I have a house that needs attending to myself.. lol... Sausage.. I am on the same AF day as you so we can count together... Hi to blondy.. and there it goes... my short term memory! Hello everyone! I'm good today. It's sunny and I've got a list that is so long I'll probably have to disregard it and see how much I can just get done one step at a time. I'm still bummed that I have to start counting days from the beginning.. but I also think it's a good thing to do.. I noticed that I almost slipped each milestone and wish I'd been paying close attention to my 180 months it may have keep the beast at bay. I think all the ways we get to an AF life are important. Counting the days no madder where your at can keep one going.. So here I am day 4. Relieved I'm back on the wagon. :h


        AF daily - Monday, February 27

        Just got done doing a weight lifting workout for 40 minutes. The sloth-cells in my body and saying WTF? :H Feeling good! Now I'm going to go outside and take about a mile walk. It's beautiful and sunny and I need to get outside and connect with the earth.


          AF daily - Monday, February 27

          Day 4 completed, feel v low and tearful tonight for some reason. At least it's over.
          Have a long day at work tomorrow but aim to check in tomorrow evening.
          Take care all


            AF daily - Monday, February 27

            Bit tearful myself, end of day 6, night everyone and thanks for your encouragement today,

            Its getting better everyday I'm away from it
            "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


              AF daily - Monday, February 27

              Happy un-hung Monday ABerooooooos!

              Shueaddict, your headache suddenly got 2/3 better ahahahahaha! precious!

              oh boy, so many good posts I wont get to many as I'm still in a manic Monday work day.

              Kas, don't let that cough get too far if it's getting worse dear (nag nag etc)

              Threedognight, huppy birfdy dear! xxxxx and kudos on the big 100
              that was some pretty hot culinary porn you wrote now I'm so hungry!

              Sausage, your doing grand. my first couple weeks I was an emotional wreck. I'd be driving down the road and just burst out crying. how manly LOL oh well.

              Flyaway, I've been slacking on the exercise, thanks for the inspiration. think I'll get in a heavy bag workout before dinner.

              Sugarbeat, I've had a TON of crapouts since beginning this journey including one last year just prior to my 3 year mark. d-oh! but you sound like you have a solid attitude and will be just fine.

              if anyone is feeling depressed today hop over to the 'laughing outloud' section and check out the magic of David Blaine. it will leave you inspired with the joy of magic. xxxxxxxx

              LVT, that was a Doggygirl sized post LOL xxxxx

              ok everyone, be well
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF daily - Monday, February 27

                Kaslo - do you need Ret Nurse Lav's services?
                Please feel better very soon.

                Hi sugarbeat & welcome
                Be kind to yourself but be commited to your quit. It will get better each & everyday!

                LVT, lots going on with you

                Hi Det!

                I was just reading about powdered peanut butter - 85% less fat & calories.......hmmm.
                May just give it a try - feeling brave :H
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF daily - Monday, February 27

                  Sausage and Sugarbeat you have both done a great getting through those tough first days. Good job! How are you both feeling in the mornings?

                  Choice congrats on Day 4! Being sober is definitely easier than all of the rules, thinking, promising, and disappointment you put yourself through when you're trying to moderate.

                  Sunshine I had to laugh at Boris and his nose fetish! Cats have such unique personalities.

                  Deter did you get your workout in?

                  Lav I've never heard of powdered peanut butter!

                  It's hard to believe it's February around here. It was about 50 degrees today or 10C. Glorious and sunny. After I lifted weights I went out and walked around my neighborhood. I even jogged a bit (a very little bit)! Then I came home and washed both of our cars. Did some cleaning around the house and DH suggested we go out for dinner. Good by me! We just went to a little diner nearby and had a quick meal. Now I'm just relaxing. Thinking a nice soak in the tub and Tibetan singing bowls are in order. :h


                    AF daily - Monday, February 27

                    Bonjour Fabines, thanks for all the expressions of concern. I slept most of the morning, and tried to work in the afternoon, not too hard, I must say. This must be a hell of a virus, I wouldnt be surprised if it kills elderly and immune compromised people. Its certainly trying to make fast work of me. I think there is a gallon of salvageable goo from various unspeakable and seldom examined orifices wrapped in processed cottonwood fibres in trash cans here. Why is it when i get sick I never lose my appetite though? I can be on DEATHS DOOR and I will still crawl down and strap on the feed bag. Other people might have the sense to use this excuse to lose a few pounds but not the SS Kaslo here.

                    Ive read the thread
                    Im not yet dead
                    But in my head
                    Theres crap instead
                    Of brains and therefore
                    I must not bore
                    You with my interp
                    Retation or userp
                    the general way of chatting
                    by describing lungs a-shatting
                    stuff that looks like cotton batting
                    Except its hues of various greens
                    But I digress and hope tomorrow 'll be seen
                    As usual
                    Full of beans.

                    Kaslo of the FN

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF daily - Monday, February 27

                      eating means your still alive dear friend from the blizzardy north.


                      Fly, got in workout yes. yay!

                      I'm having to be careful with all my injured/broken bits. stupid body falling apart.

                      Lav, powdered peanutbutter? ok, I can see having that in the bomb shelter, or in space. only those circumstances!

                      speaking of space, any Trekkies out there? I can't believe I only recently discovered where there are a ton of the original episodes to view for free! weeeeeeee!

                      i can hear the theremin in my head now..... actually I think that's always playing in my head
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF daily - Monday, February 27

                        Hi Fabaroonies!

                        Kas, you are quite the poet, did you know it? Hope you are feeling better soon, this bug is going around!

                        Welcome Sugarbeat!:welcome: Yup, as a perfectionist myself, I know just how hard it is! Do not be so hard on yourself. We have all been there. What's important is that we come back and start over and start building success and AF days once again. Life is better sober, let's face it.

                        Choice, I am also back in the early 6 for me. Had over a hundred days accumulated last year so at least that is better than none. Glad we are both back and staying with it!

                        TDN...100 DAYS!!! So great for you! You are an inspiration! Well done girl! Keep it up!

                        Fly: I did some gym time tonight too. I'm not as much into the weights as I am the cardio machines but I do work some of the weight machines after I sweat off about 45 minutes of cardio. And always situps...gotta do the sit ups to get my abs back from years of drinking wine. They're not too bad but, as a perfectionist, well, I don't think they're perfect!

                        Hi to Lav, Shu, Det, LVT25, PapMom, Sausage, Sunshine et all! Have a lovely evening!:h
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          AF daily - Monday, February 27

                          Determinator;1270111 wrote:

                          i can hear the theremin in my head now..... actually I think that's always playing in my head
                          Darling, you really shouldn't announce such things out loud. The nice men with white coats may hear ya :H

                          Lav, you, too are a misguided soul. The ONLY way, shape, or form that peanut butter should be consumed is in a Reeses. Sheesh. :H
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            AF daily - Monday, February 27

                            Kaslo we must be soul sisters when it comes to strapping on the feedbag. I know what you mean! Healing vibes to you.

                            Deter way to go on the workout! And I agree with you about powdered peanut butter! :yukko:

                            Sunshine I like the way you think! Peanut butter Reeses.....mmmmm.


                              AF daily - Monday, February 27

                              OK, ok.......
                              I'm still thinking about the peanut butter
                              Betty Lou's Inc. Makers of Great Tasting Healthy Snacks

                              I used to love Star Trek Det - maybe that's why I'm curious about the dried peanut butter :H :H

                              Kaslo - are you delirious? :H
                              Love your poetry but hope you are feeling somewhat better ~ poor thing!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

