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AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

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    AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

    Good glorious morning Abbers,

    We had a lot more snow yesterday and this morning I walked the dog in a crisp minus 7 Celsius. A flock of grouse (I counted 7) has burrowed in our garden last night (they have been spending the night in various gardens in our complex). I was surprised they stayed with us this time because of the dog – I suspect leaving bird food around was too tempting though.

    Hubby asked me how do I know for sure they are grouse … told him I know them from Transylvania but the truth is I just recognized them from the Famous Grouse scotch bottle How sad is that?

    The coffee is in the French press (my favorite way) - this time I made a Jamaican Blue Mountain brew especially for Blondie (feeling bad for misplacing Coco, birdbrain that I am) .

    Wishing you all a super day.
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

    Its a mid overcast morning this side of the world but at least its not raining, aways find i amazing that we all over the world chatting easily about the same problem

    Anyhow its a week for me, woke up hurting and negetive today but reached out to a friend, sent her an email to tell her what happened didn't call her because I just didn't want to hear her disappointment, but it helped to get it off my chest and I feel a bit better.

    Finding the guilt around my mother hard to handle, she got her disaappointment off her chest last night, throw alot of what I have done in my face and I let her but it hurt, would love to make her feel better

    Anyway I'm not too bad still confused but still sober and long may it last
    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


      AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

      Good morning Abberoos! I had a hard time going to sleep last night. I know I looked at my phone at 1:20am. Then I woke up at 6:15. Tried to go back to sleep but gave up and got out of bed at 6:45. I feel pretty good though. It's going to be another beautiful day here. It's supposed to warm up to around 50F or 10C and be sunny. Rain predicted for tomorrow which usually triggers a headache in me, but we'll see. I'm going to head out and do one of the chores I dread the most--grocery shopping. I'm hoping it won't be too bad this early in the morning.

      Shue I'm sipping my coffee as we speak. Thanks for starting us out today.

      Sugarbeat congratulations on getting a week in! Have you heard people on MWO talk about the Jason Vale book Kick The Drink Easily? I think it's a great book to help with this addiction and it might help change your thinking.

      Have a great, AF day!


        AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

        Good morning, Shue, Sugar and all to come today!
        Love the French press, Shue. I heard some ridiculous thing on a news report the other day that making coffee this way raises cholesterol! Can't remember why. I'm having the usual French Roast and it is pretty good.
        It's cold here, IMO, but nothing like what you have. A few snowflakes swirling, but it's tomorrow when we are supposed to get something more significant, whatever that means.
        Sugar, I am sorry for what you are going through. Not sure why your friend would have been disappointed--is it because you were feeling negative? Glad you did reach out by email and then came here. I think it's great you've done a whole week AF with all that's going on! I had some bad thoughts myself yesterday. Having to rely on my husband to get me to meetings, etc. and spending every day with him is hard for me, as he has always been a trigger. I went to a womens' meeting (AA) at 4:00 p.m. and it helped me a lot. There is no alcohol in the house, and can't get any, thank God. I had serious thoughts yesterday and it scared me. I have to keep thinking that I do NOT ever want to go back to that life of drinking. I am also dealing with the end of my COBRA insurance, and have to get a new plan in the next couple of days. The agent I used to work for emailed me the plans. The costs are unbelievable--but I also know that I will most likely be turned down due to DUI, detox/rehab, etc. Drinking won't help that, either.
        I had a good laugh over Kas's poem last night. Loved it!
        Okay, have to feed the Three Stooges, so will just say goodbye for now and will check in later. Having coffee with my sponsor--or first chat together--and then a noon meeting and lunch with her after that. Hopefully will get to the gym later this afternoon.
        Wishing you all a great AF day--no matter what!!
        "One day at a time."


          AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

          Hi Shue, Sugar, Fly, and Threedog(please forgive the shortening but I can barely remember my own name) ; )
          Glad to be waking up on day 7 of no AL. Sure beats waking up at 3 am wondering what ridiculous things I said in front of my family the night before or if I hid that bottle of wine good enough. Nope, don't miss those feelings AT ALL. Wishing you all and those to visit later a great day.
          AF since 2/22/2012


            AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

            Off to a meeting to talk it out, wish me luck, I hope I don't get my usual stage fright

            Have a great day everyone and I'll let ye know how i get on later
            "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


              AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

              fingers crossed, sugar, we're right behind you

              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                Cool...Blue Mtn Coffee, you're the best did you know? . No worries about Coco...with so many dogs on this sight, it's confusing to know who's is who's!!!

                Gotta be quick this morning as I've got a few things to do before I leave for work in a half hour. But I can tell y'all that I am feeling fine this morning. Waking up to 7 days today, yahooo! Also, the diet and gym and no AL are started to pay off cause I'm back to the weight I was last year when I cut out AL for a few months. Not to be too graphic but the last few days I have been peeing constantly and I think all that water retention from being constantly dehydrated from AL has finally balanced itself out and left the building so to speak. So I am feeling lean and mean! Plus I've been hitting the low carb diet pretty hard and going to the gym 6 days a week for pretty intense workouts each visit. At this rate, I might have to invest in some new bathing suits for me trip this summer and actually feel good about wearing them!!!

                Have an excellent day Fabbers and I'll check back with you tonight when I have more time. Gotta run. Thanks again for the Jamaican Java, Shue!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                  Hello friends and good morning to all of you early birds!

                  Good luck at your meeting Sugar--hope it helps you to feel better. Sometimes only time can heal those hurt feelings and guilt and shame. I was married to an alcoholic for 4 long years and my current husband drinks a lot, so I've been on both sides of the fence. :l

                  Hello to Fly, Shue, Blonde, Almost, 3DN! I can only say hellos if I get to the thread early, poor short term memory.

                  Had a fairly productive day yesterday. #1 son and I ended up making a quick shopping trip to find track shoes and he and his friend convince his mother and I to take them out for Chinese. They were in a talkative mood and like the other mom said, it won't be long at all before they don't want to spend any time with us, so we took advantage of it. I was so tired and was not how I planned my evening (missed a meeting) but oh well!

                  Hubby had been to the bar when we got home and started chewing ass almost immediately. Does anyone else think it is weird that he yells at the boys for drinking too much milk. It's no wonder they don't like to be at home much.

                  Speaking of boys, it is time to get lunches and breakfast made. Have a good if not great sober day all!:h
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                    hello you good people

                    Just bac and it was good, got a bit said, not all I wanted to say but there is plenty of time, lots of inspiratioal peoplein there, about 40 at it hard to get in there much and to be honest I found it a bit intimidating, but I'll just keep goin
                    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                      AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                      Good morning Abbers!

                      Coffee, sunshine & heading to 50 degrees again today ~ pefect

                      LVT, yes it is weird that your husband yells at them for drinking too much milk. Reminds me of the chronically unhappy YB - no one could ever please him either
                      The kids learned to ignore him & I am doing the same!!!
                      It is nice when your grown kids want to spend time with you - enjoy!

                      Greetings to shue, sugarbeat, FlyAway, TDN, Blondie & everyone!
                      Time for me to go tend to my egg laying flock

                      Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                        Good Morning All,

                        Stopping by for a quicky hello. Wow, it is so fantastic to see all of the new folks here who are committed to being AF. Keep up the good work. I remember those early days of feeling as if all of my focus was on not drinking. It was so much a part of everything I did. I lived to drink. How sad is that?

                        Well, it gets so much better. Hardly think about drinking anymore. It feels like a part of the distant past. But, it's good to check in here to let all of you know that it does get easier. And, it reminds me that every day, I am only one drink away from where I was almost 4 years ago which wasn't pretty.

                        Love and hugs to newbies and veterans :l:h
                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                          Hey 3DN, I guess we were posting at the same time this morning. I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling a bit, but you got to your meetings so good for you. You're so right, drinking won't help the insurance situation. Best wishes to you on finding good insurance.

                          Almostfamous--Way to go on getting to Day 7! What is up with the 3am wake up calls? I hate that!

                          Sugarbeat--well done on speaking at your meeting! I suffer horrible stage fright too and hate speaking in front of a group.

                          Blondie--Day 7!! Woo Hoo! It's great that you're seeing results with your diet and exercise too. Lots of positives in your life that wouldn't be possible with AL.

                          LVT-Drinking too much milk? That's a weird one. Why get upset?

                          Momof3--I love it when those with a lot of time under their belts stop in here. It seems like a lot of people leave the site after being sober for a while. I can't wait until not drinking is automatic to me.

                          Hi Lav! Loving this weather.

                          Been to hell and back--grocery shopping. It's definitely going better early in the day. I think I'll spend some time cooking today, getting ready for my crazy work week which starts tomorrow. And I want to get some kind of cardio in today since I lifted weights yesterday. Well, off to do dishes and get started cooking.


                            AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                            Greedigs Febbies,

                            Shue, bird ident by booze label has to be a new method. Come to think of it birds feature a lot in AL names and labels. It must be the flying thing. I.e. Flight envy. Its kind of Freudian when you think of it.

                            Hi to all of you. Like M3 (hi M3) I am thrilled to see new people on here trying hard to make it out. This is the place, post here often. Pretty soon it works that you dont want to dissapoint people on here, and that helps beat the rap too.

                            LV, I honestly wish we could raise our kids alone sometimes, I wish I had the courage to turf Mr Kaslo when he started getting super mean with the eldest. Hes still around and they have an OK relationship now, but it still boils up. I grew up in an explosively violent abusive household, and fortunately my dad left and was killed when I was still quite young, (yes fortunately) but the adult children never recovered from him. I just hope it doesnt go much further than yelling and stupid stuff, and at LEAST THEY HAVE YOU.

                            Okay, I cant stop when Im started..

                            Dear Lav its true
                            I feel like pooh
                            Coughing till Im turning blue
                            My chest is wheezing
                            And Im freezing
                            Tell me when I might stop sneezing?

                            My head feels mean
                            Kleenex boxes =17
                            But still Im grateful to be clean
                            To beat a virus of this class
                            Only Orange Juice and
                            Sobriety will kick its ass

                            Kaslo, of the FN, -11 C but warming. Unusually cold, fortunately snow covered.

                            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                            Status: Happy:h


                              AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                              news flash! got at taste of inner peace today, head slowing down, attitude slightly moving n the right direction, suppose I do have a certain amount of recovery underneat my belt despite my relapse
                              "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"

