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AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

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    AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

    Almostfamous;1270852 wrote: Yea LibraryGirl, you're almost a week into your new life!!! I'm ticked off at the cute, little Girl Scouts who made me buy her thin mints. They ain't making me thin!!!!!! ; )
    Shamelessly false advertising!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

      I've eaten a few thousand Thin Mints in my lifetime too but not this year!
      I am on a losing streak (a slow one) & I want to keep going. My goal is to try to get my B/P low enough to come off the meds ~ sick of taking them.

      Kaslo, you are the perfect patient......crazy & funny as hell :H :H
      Hope your delusions don't keep you up tonight

      Rain on the way tomorrow but at least I don't have to do any shoveling :yay:
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

        Sunshine- false advertising for sure! Curse those cuties and my cravings!
        lavande- good job! I'm letting myself slide for a few more days then back to business. At least I'm exercising.
        AF since 2/22/2012


          AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

          I used to be a big Girl Scout cookie pusher back in the day :H
          I was a co-leader & the cookie mom for my daughter's troop - Geez did we ever sell cookies :H
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

            Oh I could have made your troop BIG profit this week if you were still "pushing."
            Ok, time for my hot tea, my book and then some s l e e p.
            AF since 2/22/2012


              AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

              Hi Everyone, just a quick check in. I'm with SAUSAGE day five for me and feeling better. Last night I wasn't in a good mood and really was surprised how I thought about drinking. I won't but just really surprised at how my slip has messed with my progress. I can't wait until I get that AF feeling back where I don't even think about alcohol at all. I'm realizing that I have to deal with some yucky issues I held back during wedding time.. with friends and family. I really can't believe how much my family drank at my wedding. More then anything I'm just taking a personal inventory right now so that I can be healthy. Not drinking was the first step, a year and a half ago... the pain of my issues just got to me again and I lost strength. Back on track now and working through some stuff. Thanks again for listening. I really enjoy reading what you guys are up to and wish you all well. :h


                AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                Holy Smokes batman!! You miss a day and WOWZER!!

                Welcome Library Girl and Almost Famous!! :welcome: You will have so much fun on this thread and we are all hear to help you stay on the straight and narrow. Its so cool the mix we have of newbies, oldies (sorry!!) and middlelies (I made that one up, can you tell? :H).

                I am going on 1 month of chronic congestions (sinusitis?) and am miserable so please forgive the inability to reply to everyone. My meds should be coming in the mail on Friday-I could kick myself for not planning ahead as this happens every freakin' year at this time. Last nite I was so miserable I didn't turn on the computer when I got home. Just went straight to bed!!

                Kas my dear- I'm very worried that you have a raging infection going on, possibly even pneumonia. Get thee to a MD asap please!! You need antibiotics from the sound of it. Just hope the drugs don't hinder your poetress alter ego!!

                Not much to give you tonite. Quilting is going well. After 3 weeks I have 1/4 of a tote bag done. :H Agility tomorrow (and snow) and then Thursday is DD's annual PE with a new vet. We'll have blood drawn and sent out to Dr. Jean Dodds in CA ( for thyroid analysis to see if he is subnormal. If he is, that could explain his fear and aggression issues and meds could get it under control. (for those new to this thread, I have 3 dogs and DD is my foster turned adoptee 4 years ago and also my agility dog. TONS of issues with him. It's been an interesting and most times frustrating journey but one definitely better done AF!!)

                Snow forecast for the evening commute tomorrow (I may sneak out an hour early in hopes of missing most of it)-could be our biggest storm since October with up to 8 inches. oooohhhhh, i'm a scared!!

                Time for tea and Bedforshire (love that term Shue!!).
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                  I really have to apologize to all of you new folk who are trying to connect about quitting the sauce, its really important, I want to encourage the bejaysus out of you. However, just that I have been off it for over a year so I am onto new things, old hobbies, and I cant resist ONE MORE ON THE THEME OF HAVING A COLD.....

                  I found myself in the laundry
                  Washing out my underwear
                  Why I was is quite a quandry
                  I havent worn them anywhere.

                  This cold I have it keeps me coughing
                  Like a bastard all day long
                  I seem to leak with every boufing
                  Thus the laundry, am I wrong?

                  Its all because my perineum
                  Suffered childbirth double fold
                  I have a cough,*
                  I have a cold*
                  It doesnt help that I am old.

                  I really wish someone had told me
                  Having kids would last this long
                  Doing laudry*
                  In the Basement*
                  After all the brats have gone.

                  Kaslo of the FN. If any of you new folks are alarmed that you might end up like me, rest asured i was this odd BEFORE I drank.

                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                    Cross post Pap. Im ok. Improving slightly. Im milking it for all its worth, believe me. And I hope YOU feel better soon.

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                      OK Kas, good to hear. Just make sure you are improving OK? And thanks for the poem, I had to giggle!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                        Kaslo;1270901 wrote: I really have to apologize to all of you new folk who are trying to connect about quitting the sauce, its really important, I want to encourage the bejaysus out of you. However, just that I have been off it for over a year so I am onto new things, old hobbies, and I cant resist ONE MORE ON THE THEME OF HAVING A COLD.....

                        I found myself in the laundry
                        Washing out my underwear
                        Why I was is quite a quandry
                        I havent worn them anywhere.

                        This cold I have it keeps me coughing
                        Like a bastard all day long
                        I seem to leak with every boufing
                        Thus the laundry, am I wrong?

                        Its all because my perineum
                        Suffered childbirth double fold
                        I have a cough,*
                        I have a cold*
                        It doesnt help that I am old.

                        I really wish someone had told me
                        Having kids would last this long
                        Doing laudry*
                        In the Basement*
                        After all the brats have gone.

                        Kaslo of the FN. If any of you new folks are alarmed that you might end up like me, rest asured i was this odd BEFORE I drank.
                        God, I really shouldn't laugh. I can relate. Good night, fabbies!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                          Good night!


                            AF daily - Tuesday, February 28

                            Dang, I missed some fun on here last night! Was too beat to check in after my 5th work day (technically my Tuesday night is my "Friday" night...have Wed/Thurs off, thank the Goddess for that!). Had a few big cravings before I hit the gym after work last, yep, the thought of f'n modding...the thought of getting to 10 days and then caving, the thought of getting to St. Patty's Day later next month and then caving...the thought of drinking last night cause it was the end of the work week, and hell, I didn't have to work this morning. F*** IT! I continued my work out, with quite a lot of vigor I must add, and as I was doing the ab crunch machine and noticing some very slight and prolly non-existant if only in my own head an outline of 6 pack abs emerging through my sweaty tank top and thought to myself: "I will never get 6 pack abs or look good in a bathsuit this summer if I keep drinking, even if modding cause I know for sure it will get me right back to the bloated unhappy chick I was when drinking every day (or some wordage just like that) and I decided right then and there to nix the thought of modding, finish my workout, get home, eat my low carb dinner and lots of water and get to bed. I knew I would feel like a million bucks this morning and I do! Day 8 is GREAT! I also lost about 7 lbs since I quit last week...combination of not drinking 1,000 calories or more of empty wine calories a night and it's bloat of wrath, following low carb diet to a "T" again and and a harcore 1 hour workout at the gym (or more) everyday except Sundays. Life is good!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

