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AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

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    AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

    Good morning, sweet Abbers,

    I hope the sleep fairy has done her rounds.

    Yesterday afternoon things started to go to pot slightly (bad PMS, fight with a big client’s lawyer + coming out of their posh downtown offices I saw my car getting towed by the “parking police”) – I called my “troubleshooting guy” to get my car resolved so I had one hour to kill. Normally I would be gagging for a drink or three by then. Instead I went to my favorite hotel lounge bar, ordered a Perrier and a yummy sandwich . Nothing worse than getting compounded triggers on an empty stomach. My Irish friends arrived shortly for a “pint after work” - I really did not feel like explaining myself to that crowd of thirsty men, not at that moment. Saving grace of all, I spotted the new shoe shop in the hotel arcade sticking a big 50% OFF on the window . Halleluja … bought over the knee beige suede boots (utterly impractical where I live but it’s not like that’s ever stopped me before) plus lovely beige pumps . Warning! Cross addiction can be expensive.

    So here I am, sipping coffee in my office feeling like Puss in boots - outside we already have 5 inches of fresh snow and a blizzard to boot , yet I feel invincible in my completely inappropriate footwear. Bring on hump day!!!!

    Coffee is brewed, help yourselves. No time for baking muffins this morning, gotta run and make some money! Have a super day, Affers!
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

    G'day all,

    Flyaway, to answer your question recently as to how long meditation took to work for me, well, it's a work in progress for me, which is fine (no rush), and an interesting and enjoyable journey. It is ongoing, but i found it to be special and beneficial right away, as it's my own special, quiet, reflective time. When my thoughts begin to wander, i just come back to my breathing, and focus on that. I practice 'Mindfulness' and being in the present, rather than the past or worrying what's for dinner later etc....A couple of folk here are onto it.

    Best wishes, G-bloke.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

      Good morning all
      DAY 8 AF
      ok so I'm not too bad today, as guitar mentioned its all about mindfuness with me at the moment, I don't want to sound ike a mad woman but the internal chitter chatter in my head, especially at this time can stop me in gear and I know alot of it can be self destructive so just trying to quieten that a bit reading the power of now again

      Got reply fro the friend I reached out to and she was brilliant, she told me not to hid and get in contact so wil be calling her tonight

      Aso looking for a job at the moment(not since the siptough), famly would rather I didn't work for at least another month, but the gap on my CV is getting big (nearly 7 months) and to be honest I really want to work again and get my independence back. So ya I'mgoing to start looking again this afternoon, have my eye one in particular so please send all your good vibes towards me gettingit

      Off to a meeting a 1 too, so that's me for now any how, chat later and I hope u all have a great day
      "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


        AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

        Good morning, Abbers everywhere!
        Shue, you are totally amazing!! Having a day like that and resisting a drink--especially in a bar--WOW!! Congratulations!! How the heck much snow do you have there??? We are supposed to get our first "significant" snow of the winter tomorrow. Should be about eight inches to a foot, which would normally be nothing, but this year it is a big deal.
        Sugar, so happy to hear that you are moving on! Speaking at a meeting is important, IMO. Is this a group you enjoy? Do you have a sponsor? I met with my sponsor yesterday for the first time, and it was great. Not somebody I would ever have met outside of AA.
        I sure can understand your wanting to work. I would love to have a job--even a couple of days a week to start--but am having no luck without a driver's license. I hope that changes for both of us. If you don't mind my asking, what is your profession? Best of luck today.
        I have an appointment with my therapist later this a.m. Probably the last for awhile, as I will most likely be denied all but the most basic insurance coverage when I meet with the agent later this afternoon. Also have an AA meeting at noon, hopefully gym later on. That's my day here.
        Looking forward to the next poetry reading from Kas!
        Have a great AF day, all!
        "One day at a time."


          AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

          Happy Hump Day Fabbers!

          Well, this is acutally considered a "Saturday" for me since I have wed/Thurs off instead of the typical Sat/Sun (hello retail lifestyle for my line of work!)!

          PMS, you too Shue? Although, I'll tell ya what, it sure is a lot less bothersome going through it sober. Usually, this TOM I would be bloated like a balloon but I have actually LOST 7 lbs since I quit a week ago. A few spots on the face but nothing too major. So, I think drinking was definitely aggrevating my PMS symptoms BIG TIME. Any other gals notice this? Sorry for the TMI gentleman but it's a fact of life!
          Also, Shue, in this case, the cross addiction was well deserved for escaping the throws of a bar after such a day and I can only think that the 50% off sale was a sign from the Universe which met you right at the "right" moment. Might as well revel in it and get some darling footwear to boot (sorry for the pun) girlfriend!

          Guitarista: Meditation! I need to do this more, well actually "start" doing it...who am I kidding, I haven't really tried meditating but I know it will help me. And now I have the time since I am not planning my life around the bottle. I am, however, really into living in the moment and have been reading loads of books around this topic. My favorite philosphy (if you will) is the concept of The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, who has also written "The Power" and now "The Magic", which I have yet to read the last title as it was just released. In The Secret, she expresses how important it is to live in the moment and be grateful for what you have this very second. By doing so, you focus on the moment and not, like you said, what you are having for dinner later that evening or tomorrow. Just the very moment. Because in the very moment, if you think about it, things are really quite perfect. Like us, here, reading and writing and supporting each other through a life change. Often, through the day, I say to myself: "Remember to Remember", as in, remember the present am I feeling right now? Am I happy? Sad? Anxious? If I am anything else but happy, I change the way I look at things so I see them in a positive light. I have been doing this for about a year and although a challenge at times (let's face it), it has made loads of difference in my outlook and ultimately, I am a happier person! Would love to hear any books/movies that you guys recommend around this area?

          Sugarbeat, you sound like you are doing better! So glad you are sticking around! Best of luck on the job front. I will send abundance vibes your way

          TDN....did I hear the word SNOW in the forecast for us...bleh. I thought we could get outta this season unscathed but here we go. Shouldn't complain though, should we. I believe we are getting some tonight into tomorrow. Well, I don't have to go anywhere so I'll be cozy and warm sipping some tea tonight and watching a movie. Hubs may have to teach (he teaches Phlebotomy 2 nights a week at a community college to earn extra $$$; during the day he is a full time phlebotomist, hard working lad that he is). Anyway, I am hoping that they cancel the class if the roads are bad because of the travel, so we may get a bonus night together!

          Well, I'm off to catch up on the other threads...didn't get a chance to come on last night since by the time I got out of the gym, got home, had dinner and spent time with hubby, I was beat and also wanted to get some reading done. Almost finished with a book called: Unwasted, My Lush Sobriety, which I find very entertaining yet very close to home and painful at times because I really see myself in the author...this is her memoir and I highly suggest it to all.

          Well, ta ta for now and hi to everyone else yet to check in!

          PS, when I re-set my goals this morning (listed in my signature), I thought that today was my 7th day when in fact it was yesterday? So I know have 8 days of sobriety!!! Yay!!!! It just keeps getting better my friends...
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

            Afternoon all !

            Just finished work ( only work part time) for today so I thought id check in to the AF daily.

            Day 6 for me. This is now the longest I've gone without alcohol since July 2009.

            Felt great when I woke - last 2 nights sleep have been really good and refreshing - none of this 2am wakening, dehydrated needing the loo, conflicted worries in my mind and unable to get back to sleep. I fel I have much more energy and am much more positive about the start of each day as a result.

            Not too anxious about tonight as we eat early on a Wed and then takr the kids to swimming club. Not much time for drinking- Wed was always my lightest night. We'll see how I get on and I'll look in again later.

            Have a good AF day all

            sausage xx
            Day 6 ******


              AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

              Good morning Abbers & Happy Humpday to everyone!

              Feel fortunate that it will only be raining here snow!!

              Nice to see you G
              Sign yourself up for the Chopra 21 Day Meditation challenge - that really helped me get started a few years ago

              OK, off to Curves then back here for a bit of work.
              have a great AF Wednesday.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

                Way to go Sausage, Day 6! Well done!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

                  Good morning Abbers.

                  Hi LibraryGirl. That wasn't a slip, that's what it's all about! You had a thought and you let it pass. Well done! You've got a week in today. Congrats!

                  Hi Deter and Sunshine and Guitarista.

                  Almostfamous--No kidding about those damn cookies! Those little green-clad witches hang around outside of my grocery store peddling their wares. How can you say no?

                  Blondie you are doing a fabulous job! Seven pounds lost is incredible. I've never read the Secret but have heard lots of people talk about it. A favorite of mine is called Loving What Is by Byron Katie. Her philosophy is that your thoughts are the cause of unhappiness in your life and quite often your thoughts are false. She has devised a way to examine your thoughts to found out the truth.

                  Shue those suede boots sound gorgeous! Shoes over booze! Whatever it takes.

                  Sugarbeat positive vibes to you on the job front. Day 8 is great!

                  TDN--Positive vibes to you as well when you meet with the insurance agent.

                  Sausage welcome to Day 6. Isn't the sleep great?

                  Lav we have been so fortunate this winter! I'll take the rain.

                  The Sleep Fairy definitely hit my house last night. I feel great. Now I'm hoping that the Headache Fairy misses my house. It's gloomy here and it's supposed to rain which is usually a trigger for me. I'll have a late night tonight at work so I've got to get moving. Have a strong and happy AF day everyone!


                    AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

                    just back from a meeting, one old timer was funny talking about helping others, he said you can't pull and drag a rose bush back to health youhave to love and nuture it, thought that was nice

                    thanks for all the good vibes everyone,I'm no good for advising ot helping anyone else yet but all going well somewhere down the line I'll be ablle to return the favour

                    ThreeDogNight I don't have a spnsor yet waiting for one particuar lady I know and liked listening to comes back, even if its temp. I'm a computer engineer or an IT engineer, its a broad area got my degree and experience and all that jazz, until life start falling apart for me bit by bit
                    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                      AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

                      Hi All, doing a mid morning check in before my last cup of Java for the day (I make mine in an oldfashioned perculator on the stove and add a pinch of cinnamon to the grinds to give it a hint of sweetness cause I take it BLACK and STRONG!).

                      FlyAway, I am going to check out that book you mentioned about happiness. I would suggest you check out the Secret, it was a life changer for me! Thanks for the rec!

                      Well, being on MWO on my first morning off in 5 days has been a guilty pleasure. Gotta get some housework done but maybe make myself a yummy omelet first. Then to the gym and then errands in town. I'll check with ya'll later gaters...
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

                        Weight lifting workout done and man and I beat! I am so weak and out of shape that my legs are just quivering. But I've got to start somewhere. It's time I start giving back to this body that has sustained me and carried me for all of these years.

                        Have a great day all. :h


                          AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

                          Hi All! Thanks for thinking about me Flyaway.:l I made it! I'm on day 7, witwoooooooooooooooooooo!!!

                          I've been advised that it might not be in my best interest to be honest about my drinking, because it might adversely affect my insurance, etc. What are your thoughts (anyone?)

                          I drank about 1/4 gallon of spiced rum every night, give or take, and more on weekends. Usually a bottle would last me four days...sometimes three if the weekend interfered, lol.:nutso:

                          Anywho, got a doc's appt this afternoon...mainly want to ask for some help for relaxing/sleeping.

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

                            Agreed too (about the giving back to my body). I'm off to work out...been on here all morning and will stay on all day if I don't get my butt in gear but I love reading and learning all this new stuff on MWO, it only will help me in the long run!!!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

                              Peope my head is full and I feel like bursting out crying and I've no-one to talk to, if I let my guard down around here everyone thinks I'm worse then I am(not worth confiding in famly), when I know myself its all just part and parcel of it and will pass
                              "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"

