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AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

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    AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

    Hi everyone, LVT sorry for your loss.....And I am glad you had some time with him. YES it is totally appropriate to talk about this here... It happens SO much and it never gets identified for what it really is. I recommend Raining in my Heart, the documentaries on here too, for those young ones here,
    NORMALLY I would be right into it ecouraging and sympathizing, but I do feel like 10 actual pounds of shit in a 1 pound pail.

    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

      I'm sending you my special nurse Lav healing vibes Kaslo - geez woman!
      Feel better soon & keep thyself well hydrated.

      So happy to hear the newest abbers are moving forward to better lives without AL

      LVT, very sorry to hear about your friend. addiction tryly does suck.

      Turn, great to see you are having a nice time (I'm just a little jealous).

      For someone who had no special plans this morning I ended up having a pretty busy & long day. It always seems to happen that way for me :H

      Wishing everyone a good night!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

        Get well soon Kaslo! Sounds really yucky.. love the pounds of shit in a pail description :H

        That is really sad about your friend LVT. Especially the part about how he didn't feel he deserved the liver. No body really sets out thinking that they are going to be like that.

        I haven't tried the program myself, just been on the website for a while. Once I saw a post a while back that Lavande posted a link to meditation.. for a while I'd listened to it everyday before my guests arrived for my wedding... it was so helpful.. So I can only imagine the hypno Cd's really work.

        I'm excited to be feeling better and can't wait to start yoga again.. it's like I'm putting off all these things that make me feel better, and I'm not sure why Prolly just part of a wallow that I do... I am getting better at not doing it but could work on it some more.

        Good night Abbers


          AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

          whew! Late check int for garlic breath. didn't sleep much last night due to this insane wind storm so I probably won't get far here....

          Kas, so glad your getting some proper care xxxxxx rest up so we can get some more poetry and photos!

          Sugarbeat xxxxx hugs for you dear. yes you (just like so many of us) have much emotional and cognitive/behavioral healing to do but the thing to bear in mind is there's no rush to get it done! your in very early days of sobriety and need to not stress out on yourself. ommmmmmm

          Turnagain! ahoy matey! been missing you on chat, glad your having fun

          ok, falling apart already

          be well everyone xxxxxx zzzzzzzzz
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF daily - Wednesday, February 29

            LVT25, I am very sorry to hear about your beloved friend. May he rest in peace. Yet more news to keep us all on the sober path of life and light. Blessings.
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


