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Sunday January 21st.

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    Sunday January 21st.

    Good Morning All:
    Snowing again here in Denver. Who knows, we may be the next North Pole. Hugs to you Paul you have and still are doing a wonderful job. I had some slips in the month of December, and I felt horrible, but I am back now and that is what is important. Hope everyone has a beautiful day!
    Love, Kim


      Sunday January 21st.

      HI Paul,
      I am right there with you if that makes you feel any better. I drank on Friday night for the first time in 49 days. The sad thing (or maybe good thing) was that it happened so fast...I bought it, I drank it fast,didn't even enjoy a good buzz and I blacked out on it within an hour. Didn't even finish a bottle of wine! Guess it's what happens when you abstain for a while. I woke up at 1250 am and wondered if I really had drank? Unfortuately, yes indeed I had. I even posted a couple insane posts here I don't recall one bit!! The weird thing is the thought of drinking was pretty far out of my mind. I remember cleaning the bathroom Friday morning and throwing away a 1/4 bottle of mouthwash, thinking I surely don't need to hide what's on my breath anymore. The urge to drink came on as I was driving home from a dermatology appt. Nothing was going to stop me. Even having to go back into the rooms of AA and again stand up as a newcomer. The only thing I can blame it on is severe PMS (I woke up early to find I started my period) and also job insecurity. My best friend at work just got fired, and I fear if that were to happen to me. I went to 2 AA meetings yesterday with my sponsor. It helped me. Big wake up call. I had also been slacking on the exercise a bit this week. Could have contributed. Anyways, feeling good about myself this am and that I am back on the right track. You have done so well Paul, I have faith you are back on track as well!!


        Sunday January 21st.

        Good Morning,
        I haven't posted in a while as have been in a bit of a metal funk. I do read the post daily though and wanted Paul to know that he is the rock of Gibraltar on this site. Do not worry about a night's slip. You are great and your posts are so strengthening.
        I am on day 6 (with Kathy I think) but feel i need to gather some inner strength from somewhere. I have been attending AA but have not gone as far as getting a sponsor. I'm still testing the waters there.Quite positive I must say to my surprise.
        Have a good Sunday. You are all wonderful.



          Sunday January 21st.

          Hi All...

          Aww Paul~ sorry to hear. Onward & Upward. You've done so well & a bump in the road is nothing as long as it doesn't stop you.

          Kathy~as I was reading I thought "yup, that could be me cause things like that ALWAYS happen to me". I think I have a Murphy's Law cloud hovering over my head sometimes....if it can happen it'll happen to me!

          Mack-sorry to hear you're in a rut. Take time out for yourself & get a good vacuum to those cobwebs (an early spring cleaning). Someimes we need to shut the rest of the world out & be selfish & take time to ourselves.

          Birdman-yup, we got the snow but did you have to send those blasted single digit windchills with it? LOL! I guess beggers can't be choosers! Actually the sun came out Sat. & melted the snow. Oh well.

          Have a great Sunday everyone!
          AF 31
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Sunday January 21st.

            Little slip

            Hi Paul
            Just a little slip, thats all.
            The important thing is not to think of a slip as a relapse, they are completely different things.

            If you were on a diet, lost 10lbs, but then ate a cake one day, those 10lbs would still be gone.
            Those 23 days are still with you, a good solid base to build on.

            Lots of good wished flying your way


              Sunday January 21st.

              Good point Changeling!
              It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
              James Gordon, M.D.


                Sunday January 21st.

                You are one of the main reasons I have enjoyed being on the abs board and have given me much inspiration (despite my continued efforts and re-efforts at stringing today long periods of abs...). Just get back on. You will do great!! 11 days was my longest, that was back last Feb... then I went a couple 10 day stretches last month. 23 is awesome! Just keep piling up the AF days. I loved watching your days tick up,up, up!

                Kathy, I responded under your "experiment" post .

                Newgrl, keep it up! 9 days... wow! You're on track to beat my record!! I double dare ya

                Nancy, thanks for the kind words yesterday.

                Everyone else, have a wonderful sunday. We are having friends over (drinking friends, mind you) for football today. Originally, we had planned on doing a mexican fiesta, complete with margaritas and coronas. NOW, we're still doing the fiesta, but I have some Sprite Zero to drink! Feeling good and strong today. I won't have a problem not drinking. It's weird when I can tell in the morning how things will go... don't know what that's all about. Just resolve, I suppose.
                Even Scott said to me this morning that HE is liking not drinking and it has helped him out, too. That helps.

                Macks, you can do the AF thing for weeks or months. I've seen it! Giddy up, babes. I know the feeling about the cobwebs clearing...

                will hopefully check in later.
                Take care, everyone.


                  Sunday January 21st.

                  Oh Dear Becca, I have Failed to mention how competitive I am, well all, Becca has Just Garaunteed I will make it to at least day 12 with her little "doudle dare'!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHH

                  IT IS OOOONNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!

                  It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                  James Gordon, M.D.


                    Sunday January 21st.

                    GO SAINTS!!!
                    GO SAINTS!!!

                    :h ray: :fingers: :h
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Sunday January 21st.

                      GO COLTS!!!!!!
                      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                      James Gordon, M.D.


                        Sunday January 21st.

                        Hi everyone-

                        Like others said here Paul - keep positive and keep going. Tomorrow you can say 1 non af day out of 24. Try to remember what made you decide to go ahead and drink though - sometimes working thru the senario again helped me figure out my thought process. But then again - don't dwell on it!
                        Changeling...did you say cake? I had a bit of a craving today for sweets, which is unusual for me- I bought a cake mix and have just taken out my chocolate cake out of the oven - I have cream cheese frosting to ice it with. yum
                        Wish I could say hello to everyone but I'm a little late in the day and there are lots of posts today!
                        But everyone seems pretty good for the most part...struggles here and there but we are learning as we go I suppose. I'm glad we have each other.
                        Becca - I love sprite zero....had some yesterday! Enjoy the game.

                        I was a little sad today because a good friend of mine who is now in Colorado told me her dad died yesterday. I think she is in shock still. She adored him too. So I'm just thinking of her today.

                        Other than that today has been ok. Rainy and cold and a good day to stay indoors.
                        Have a lovely evening everyone!


                          Sunday January 21st.

                          Thanks everyone.
                          I'm back on track again. Thanks for all the kind words and support. I'm off to post my day 1 AF in the DrinksTracker.
                          I love you guys.
                          :l :l


                            Sunday January 21st.

                            I usually hate sweets, havent eaten sweets in years, but I have been craving them this week, read throught the posts, looks like it is a side effect of the whole AF thing!!! Oh well, let us eat cake!

                            Okay, the Saints lost, I am sad, but I have one more game, I want the Colts to win, I know this sounds very unimportant to some of you, but I am crazy about football, can't help it, like alcohol, I am naturally addicted...however, I will be keeing the football habit....

                            Well I am off to put my "0" in the drink tracker...and hopefully will be watching the Colts win here shortly...

                            Oh yeah, kind of off subject but my boyfriend is gone and i have no one to talk to so you guys are stuck listening to me, I made a pot roast tonight and it was YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Night Guys

                            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                            James Gordon, M.D.


                              Sunday January 21st.

                              Oh sugar!!!!!!!!!
                              Wanted the Saints to win also! Sugar sugar sugar.........
                              OK..not the end of the world.

                              Hey Lisa...chocolate cake? That heals a million hurts! Sad about your friend's dad though.....

                              Kathy..........fake wine? We don't drink socially much so... if I had to choose, my calories would go with the chocolate cake! Buffalo Rock Ginger Ale and Milo's tea are my sub drinks.

                     more ball game....I'm off to eat some real food before my chocolate demon takes over!

                              Paul and Macks.......positive thoughts and prayers your way!
                              :h to all.
                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10


                                Sunday January 21st.

                                HI alll - it's tomorrow here - Monday lunchtime - but am on day 9 and feeling good - except fro fact that took up the cigs again - just could not do all at once - tragic waste of space that I am

                                hey Paul you are great - with your attitude a slip up is a drop in the ocean - keep it up mate


                                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

