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AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

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    AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

    Morning all and welcome to a new AF month!

    I know it's fairly early days for me AGAIN but I hope you don't mind me setting off the AF daily thread this morning?

    It's day 7 for me - not got this far since 2009 - so almost unchartered territory. At about 9.30 tonight I will not have taken an alcoholic drink for one week!

    Aiming for this to continue for the whole of March (and beyond). I have a birthday in 11 days so that is going to be tough.

    Feeling positive just now, not working today so I aim to go swimming after I've dropped off the kids at school and then catch up on some housework. Feel more motivated to do this since I stopped drinking.

    Have a wonderful AF day everyone.

    Take care

    Sausage x
    Day 7 *******

    AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

    Good morning abbers,

    Good Lord, Sausage, you ARE early ? I love those vibes I am feeling in your post. I am going to feed off them and Blondie?s super enthusiasm.

    I am dog tired, red eyes and everything ? been a bad girl and read until late pretty much each night of the week. I have been a little bit unsettled with too many thoughts running through my head (fitting gym into my busy schedule still unresolved). Hubby is stressed at work and I need to support him, up until now whenever he?d come home all a ball of negative energy I would just drink and numb myself down. Now I have to deal with it. He?s not a natural ?talker? ? more the ?going into his cave? kind of guy.

    Enough bitching and ranting, I am working hard at assuming this new identity of a non drinker ? it is not just about not drinking, it is about dealing with problems head on.

    TND, you asked how much snow ? I'd post a pic but I feel a lot of folkes on this thread are sick of it. Greece is only a 3 hour drive South but you'd never guess.

    Kaslo, wish a speedy recovery ? I miss the sonnets (and the pics)

    Turn ? charge your solar batteries ? had to laugh at ?liquid sunshine? this is what my Irish mom in law calls rain.

    LVT ? I am sad to hear about your friend but it is reminder of how far this monster goes. I am watching my neighbor destroy himself and those around him with booze. He stopped going to work, kicked his wife and daughter out of the house, crashed his car, his quad bike. I see his father angry and heartbroken, his brother looking after him all worried, his teenage daughter that I love as my own cutting herself and having episodes of bulimia. He is my grim reminder right next door .

    sugarbeat;1271245 wrote: Peope my head is full and I feel like bursting out crying and I've no-one to talk to, if I let my guard down around here everyone thinks I'm worse then I am when I know myself its all just part and parcel of it and will passSugar ? we?re here for you, vent away ? this is really the only place where I feel I can come clean about all the shameful things I have done. My friends, my hubby ? they got the ?edited version? ? but the truth is gory

    FlyAway;1271229 wrote:
    It's time I start giving back to this body :h
    ? Love it !!!!

    Mylife ? would you be a dear and send some Florida sunshine our way?
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

      Morning all. 9 days sober, I'm getting there

      Wishing you all a great day
      "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


        AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

        Good morning, Abbers.

        Snow/sleet here, but very light right now. Supposed to get heavy soon and go throughout the day. Up to a foot, which in most winters would be no big deal, but since we've had no snow most of the season, this seems like January. Obviously not going anywhere today. Was looking forward to helping at the flower shop, but that won't happen. Will read and do some laundry and play on laptop. Maybe watch a movie or two on Netflix.
        Sausage, big congrats on your week AF!! :goodjob: Feels good, doesn't it?
        Sugar, how is the job search going? Are you going to a meeting today? I know what it's like to be wrapped up inside your head. Keep reading and posting here--helps a lot.
        Kas, I am sorry you are so sick. Must be that really nasty flu that I have heard about. I hope you feel a little better today. Lots of fluids and rest.
        LVT, such sad news about your friend. Sounds like Shue's neighbor is on the same path of destruction. I remember watching Like Rain In My Heart the first time. So depressing. Watched it again later and should probably watch again as a reminder of the horrors of this disease.
        Sunni, I have been having thoughts this week, too. Can't go anywhere unless Mr TDN drives me, and otherwise stuck here with him. It is really hard living with your biggest trigger.
        I hope all to come have a great AF day! I'll be checking in a lot today.
        "One day at a time."


          AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

          Goodmorning, Sausage, Shue, Sugar and Threedog,

          Glad to be starting March without the madness!!! I am stressing about an upcoming Vegas trip instead of looking forward to it. I'm working on changing my mindset. I know I can have just as much( actually more) being SOBER! Wishing you all a great Thursday and bring on Spring!
          AF since 2/22/2012


            AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

            Big hugs going out to all who are struggling today. It does get better but there is a lot of hard work first. You can do it!!

            LVT-so sorry to hear about your friend. Very sad but a grim reminder indeed of there but for the grace of god go I.

            Kas-hope you are feeling a tad better today.

            Sausage-think of your sobriety as the greatest gift you can give yourself on your birthday instead of an occassion to feel deprived. :h

            Sugar-great work on 9 days!! :goodjob:

            5 inches of snow and counting! My school isn't closed because it's on the snow/rain line but I am not going in for a one hour meeting that's for sure!! I'm not even certain I'll make it to the vet visit but will certainly try as long as its safe. I need to leave by 12:30 to give myself 2 hours to get there but really will leave at 12 to go pick up my friend (whose name DD is under). Which means I need to be out by 10 to snow blow what I can. Yuck. Had enough of that last year to last a life time!!
            Time for brekkie and LOTS of tea!!

            Blonde and Det-how in god's name do I fit in EVCO when I only have 1300 calories to eat each day? the fat amount doesn't bother me as I know that it is good fat but at 130 cal a tbsp, it adds up fast!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

              Almost-do you HAVE to go to Vegas? Is it work or fun? If fun, I would cancel it. there are sacrifices you have to make early in your journey in order to be successful in the long run. If it is work related and you can't get out of it, perhaps Det can give you some pointers as he goes there a few times a year for work. I've never been and don't want to frankly but I think I would totally remove myself from the social part of the trip. I would check out the gyms and make plans to go there and workout during the witching hours. I would also make sure to order VERY healthy food, not eat junk. If there are free hours, book a sightseeing trip out of the strip so that the free hours are not an excuse to drink and barhop/casino hop.

              Look in the Toolbox for other suggestions.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                Unfortunately I can't get out of it. It's only 3 nights and we thanfully, have a lot of things scheduled. I will eat L-Glut like it's candy and keep very busy. Thanks for your thoughts! I will get through this. I'm really not interested in starting all over again.
                AF since 2/22/2012


                  AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                  off to a meeting me dears, gona burst through the pain and keep this rolling.

                  Just keeing thinking of all the good things coming my way and staying in my life as a sober girl

                  Some people are just not meant to drink
                  "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                    AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                    Good morning friends!

                    I had a late night at work yesterday and didn't get to bed until after midnight. Woke up at 6:15 and I'm feeling well. It looks like another rainy day here, but that's definitely better than snow. I'm sipping my coffee and in an hour or so will hop on my treadmill before getting ready for work.

                    LVT I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. Thank you for sharing that with us. It's a great reminder about the power of this drug.

                    Kaslo I'm sorry that you're still feeling poorly but glad that you got some antibiotics. Also glad that you don't have pneumonia. Hopefully in a couple days you'll start feeling better.

                    Sausage thanks for getting us started today and congratulations on Day 7. March birthdays are the best. Mine is the 24th. It's great to hear that you're feeling positive!

                    Shue I hear you about having too many thoughts running around in your head. It definitely makes it difficult to sleep. Everyone here talks about meditation, which I haven't tried, but have you tried any relaxation/meditation CDs? I have a few of those and frequently listen to one at night when I'm trying to sleep. I've been using a chakra chant CD lately. It helps.

                    Sugarbeat I agree with Shue. I'm honest on this site when talking about my issues, where in real life there are some things that I just don't share. I've never talked to anyone in real life about my drinking. I have said to my DH at times that I felt like I was drinking too much and wanted to cut down, but that's about it. This is a safe place where you can let it all out and not be judged because we've all been there. Congratulations on Day 9!

                    TDN being around booze when I'm bored and have nothing to do is dangerous for me too. Sorry you're going to be cooped up today.

                    Almostfamous you can definitely have more fun sober! As so many have said before, you will never regret not
                    drinking. But it's easy to imagine waking up "the day after" and having a whole bunch of regrets if you've been drinking. Lord knows I have. Figure out what you will be drinking in advance, order it when everyone else is having their alcoholic drink, and just hang out and be a part of things. There is nothing to miss.

                    Papmom thank goodness for snow blowers!

                    Hope you all have a great day.


                      AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                      Well said flyaway! I've been reading the thread on different no alcohol drinks to order. If I just drink diet cokes, I'll be a buzzing bee. Lucky for me my hubby barely drinks. Whew!
                      AF since 2/22/2012


                        AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                        Holy jumpin' jelly beans!

                        8:28am and there's already 2 pages to read through :H

                        I'm not quite awake yet, so please forgive me. Just wanted to send a :l to LVT. So sad, so unnecessary, and indeed a grim reminder of how we all may end up if we don't stop the madness. I'm really sorry you lost such a dear friend.

                        And a :l to Kas (from veeeeeeeeeeery far away) Please get better and whatever you do, keep your cooties on the west coast.

                        Am stuck (quite literally) in a winter wonderland here... sheesh. However, I take comfort in March coming in like a lion... and going out like a pussy cat (or some other furry critter). Someone (on page one, which I can't see anymore now) said 'Bring on Spring'... I second that motion.

                        That's it, that's all for now... I'm pulling a greenie here with robe after 8am. Will rectify shortly. Have a fabby AF day, everyone!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                          Getting a slow start myself this morning Abbers for absolutely no reason :H :H
                          Of course it is still gloomy looking outside but it's not snowing so I am grateful.....

                          Drive carefully out there today Papmom!

                          Sunni, hope Spring gets here real soon for you as well

                          Hello to everyone & wishing a great AF Thursday to all!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                            TDN-hoping you will find something fun to do today while cooped up while the storm rages outside. If I didn't have to drive down to CT I would probably pull out the sewing machine and make a bunch of belly bands for da boyz, or work on my neice's tote bag. Clean the house you say? Moi? No, the dirt and dust isn't going anywhere so there's no hurry. :H

                            Almost-good luck on planning for an AF Vegas trip. I think as long as you have a solid plan you should be ok. Of course, the real trick is wanting to be AF for it, not just hoping you will be. Any behavior change takes desire and hard work and awareness. It doesn't happen magically or because we wish for it. And it really is our choice. Anytime we "relapse" or "slip", it was a conscious decision we made. No one forced it down our throat. Sermon over for the day.

                            My neighbors have pretty much taken care of the drive and sidewalk. All I have to do is my 2 sets of steps and clean off the car. I think next time they let their dogs out when mine are out I better bite my tongue and just say Hi as I round mine up. It really does pay to live next door to 3 young men!! May have to bake some brownies for them.
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                              Lordy, lots of my possie up early today! Sorry, was over at the Nest writing a novel.

                              Shue, me, enthusiastic? Damn Straight!:H:h

                              Well, we have an excuse to eat cake today, even if we must accomodate our gluten free saucy Miss Sausage. Here you go girl for making it SEVEN DAYS!!!!

                              This is a gluten free vanilla buttercream layer cake with fresh whipped cream, organic strawberries and raspberries. Now we just need SHUE to make a fresh batch of Blue Mtn Java in her trusty French Press and we'll be good to go! goodjob:

                              OK, need a close up? Geez Leweeeezzz:

                              PapMom: 1300 calories only per day? Girl, you burn 1,000 just getting out of bed in the not starve yourself! My advice, to hell with calories! Seriously, cut your carbs and ADD fats like a big ole spoonful of yummy CO and you will see the weight go down, really! It's sugar and carbs that are killer. For real. Good thing that cake is virtual! Now go have some coconut oil.

                              SugarBeat, you are sounding so much better today. Make it a great one!

                              TDN and Papmom, we're getting snow and rain here...not accumlating to much but dreary. That's ok, I'm sunny on the inside and that's where it counts.

                              ALMOSTFAMOUS-Glad you are joining us! Keep up the good work and attitude!

                              Gotta get some things done around here and then head on down to the gym, which is luckily a minute walk down my street. Shed about 7 lbs now since I stopped drinking...I know at least 5 pounds is from simply quitting and the other few are from working out. Other than that, I haven't really done much different along the diet ways...still low carb and I've upped the coconut oil (thanks for the reminder DET!).

                              Peace out and enjoy that cake!
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

