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AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

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    AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

    Thanks Almostfamous! I needed that :l I felt like such a heal coming back right away but I had to just let that go and post. Congrats on day 9 after a tough day at work! I understand that victory that's for sure.

    Yes, Lavende I do wish I didn't have to work at maintaining myself it is confusing me! :H But your right a little hard work won't kill anyone.

    I'm kinda excited to start this new part of my journey. Maintaining all the hard work it took to get here. This might sound pretty naive but I have never done anything like that before. The part about ditching the drink and going AF that I loved most was the goal aspect of it. The challenge. So when it became "easy" I wasn't sure what to do, (with my life). I'd always wanted to get married and alcohol was ALWAYS in my way of that desire...SO, I even did that. done, done and done! Now what?

    First step, maintain it all and try and relax somehow. :thanks:


      AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

      choice - at this point you can do anything, really!!!!
      Do you have the MWO CDs? They really helped me learn to relax without AL - loved them
      Take a cruise around
      There lots of reading, free meditations, etc to help you out!

      Kaslo, I'm so sorry - meant to say I just loved your post-nasal drip picture :H :H
      Serioiusly though, I'm glad you are on the mend!

      papmom, glad you got home in one piece lady!
      The rain stopped here & the sun actually came out this afternoon
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

        Good evening, all.
        Sipping my Sleepy Time Tea with EVCO. Used to take EVCO after reading about all the benefits, and gave it to the dogs, too. Am going to take it every day, and like it in the tea. Of the brands I've had, I prefer Nutiva. What about you, Blondie and Pap3 and anyone else who uses it?
        Wow, Sausage, Sugar, Choice, Almost--you are doing great!! I know how hard it is, but as everyone has said, it is so worth it! My AA sponsor told me that it isn't alcohol we really want--it is relief. That makes sense to me. Relief from whatever it is that is bothering us or trying to trigger us, I guess. I have kept that in mind these last few days when I just haven't felt as optimistic as I had up until now. Not being able to drive, worrying about health insurance and some other things has made it hard for me to keep those negative thoughts out of my mind. And it was so dreary here all day and snow kept coming down. But I did watch an old French movie on Netflix, started tomorrow's dinner in the slow cooker, read everything on Facebook and feel better now. Coming here and seeing everyone's progress is good for me, too.
        Kas, you know your stuff and still manage to be so funny. I am so happy that you are on the mend.
        Pap3--can't remember why you have to go to CT for vet. And what does "DD is under her name" mean? And last question--is the serum being sent to Dr Dodds in CA? Mind is foggy today, so if I've asked these questions already, I apologize. If you want the best product for infections, cuts, burns, etc. it is Vetricin. (Too lazy to get out of bed and check spelling!) Even works like nothing I've ever seen on humans, too. Pricey, but it is well worth it. Poor DD--hope he heals fast.
        Okay, a goodnight to everybody out there. Uni, are you okay?
        Hasta manana,
        "One day at a time."


          AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

          Sausage, Happy to hear that you rode through the cravings. If you can not get hooked by them and just come from a place of observing them, it really helps. Same for you Sugarbeat. And I concur with everything Kaslo recommends. In addition, three things that were a huge help for me were (1) getting busy when the cravings came, particularly during witching hour (dinner time) I would go for a walk, shopping, on the computer, clean the bathroom..whatever (2) Exercise and lots of it; and (3) Good nutrition and vitamins/supplements.

          Feel better Kas

          Night Night
          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

            I really think your AA sponsor is making since about wanting relief from what is bothering us or triggering us. ThreeDogNight. I'm glad to be back on track again. To tell you the truth a slow cooker meal with snow coming down sounds amazing!! It's the first day of fall here and I think I'm ready for a change of season. It's just always kinda strange that I'm not pulling out Halloween decorations when the weather gets like this... Starting my 4th winter in the Southern hemisphere so I know that I'm in for..... a lot of rain.

            Yeah, kinda excited about the options right now Lavande. I'm going to check out that link right now. I don't have the MWO CD's but may just order them. Can't hurt that's for sure.


              AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

              Hi Marchers!

              Had to play catch up on this thread as it has been such a wonderfully busy day here!

              Choice, how did you sneak in with 7 days already yourself?!! You go girl! You are right back on track! :goodjob:

              Sausage, I'm so glad you passed through those cravings and made it to day 8! You should be very proud! We are!

              Kas, love the photo of the icicles, very cool! Also loved all the info you posted for Sugarbeat about the early stages of detox and steps to avoid drinking again so soon in recovering. Thanks for sharing that. Hope you are feeling better with the cold/virus?

              Sunshine, all the cake has been gobbled up...All gone!

              Det, the brands I have used for EVCO are Spectrum, Dr. Bronners (yes, the soap people), Harvest Bay, Barlean's, not sure if I've tried the one you are using. I think they are all about the same as long as they are EVCO and also organic is what I look for, and most of them are. I usually just go for the cheapest one with that criteria .

              I certainly was joking when I said that one burns 1,000 just by getting out of bed. I guess I should have used one of these :H. I agree with you all that cutting back and exercise are the keys to safely taking off weight. I am also a 29+ gal myself and certainly don't take weight off easily. (Sure wish I did!) I am convinced that my metabolism slows down with each passing birthday, sigh. I do know that a bunch of water weight came off all at once this week now that I haven't been chronically dehydrated from wine. I have also mentioned my daily trips to the gym for 1 hour plus strenuous workouts, which I've been doing for about a month, and that is certainly having an effect on my weight loss, but trust me, I have to work at it just like everyone else here. Just a fact of life I guess, there is no "magic bullet" for weight loss.

              Momof3, I am sold on the lots of exercise has really helped keep me sober since my quit date of 2/22/12. I didn't exercise regularly the last time I tried to quit and I think it is making all the difference this time.

              Would love to write more but I am pooped! Did a big grocery shop earlier, plus some random retail therapy at Marhall's, which is such a dangerous place for me. Where else does one find a pink leopard print hair dryer and actually BUY it? (ME! GUILTY AS CHARGED! )

              Night all, sleep tight! Day 10, here I come!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                a pink leopard print hair dryer
                Ahhh.. thanks Blondie... that alone was worth checking in today :H
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                  Thanks Blonde! :h It was a really weird week for sure. Double digits for you coming up :goodjob: Good for you on working out so hard at the gym too. I think you make it sound easy with your positive vibe which is so wonderful. I'm learning from you. I can really complain and it's not always helpful. I think exercise is how I was able to quit the first time for so long. Exercise made me feel really good about myself. Even though it is tough! I haven't been to the gym in about a month. That is the longest since I started this journey. Hmmmm. lots of connecting the dots for me... Well, It's Friday night here and my husband should be home in a few hours for our first full weekend since returning from our honeymoon. I probably won't be checking in over the weekend but hope everyone's Friday, and Saturday go well. I'll be back of course on your Sunday. I was hoping we could go to the beach over the weekend and swim before the summer is over but.. it looks like a cyclone's system is hitting the north island tomorrow. Windy and rainy anyone? Take care all :thanks:


                    AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                    a pink leopard print hair dryer ?

                    Yes please!! Hmmm, and mine doesn't seem to be as hot as usual anymore........

                    TDN-the extra long trip to CT was because my friend who ADORES DD (but she can't have him!) has a vet friend who is also active in agility and herding. As a favor last year, she came to my house and gave DD his rabies shot but it was only for one year. The rabies shot is under my friend's name (hence DD is under her name for the that vet office's records) because my stupid idiotic city only allows each household 2 animals. Not 2 dogs, 2 animals. Grrrr. I didn't mean to adopt DD as I knew I would go over my limit (most of us here interpret the ordinance to mean 2 dogs ) but it couldn't be helped. I dodged the bullet when he got his first rabies shot-the city didn't put 2 and 2 together. So this year, because he also had to have the blood drawn to be sent out to Dr. Dodds Hemolife lab in CA and he needed a 3 year rabies, I decided to throw this vet my business. So, DD is under my friend's name at that office but I paid the bill!! They gave me prescription ointment so I don't want to mess with using something else for this particular issue. So that's the story!!
                    The brand of organic EVCO I'm using Blonde and TDN is Nature's Way which I got at Wegmen's. The only other brand they had wasn't EV.

                    Another suggestion for those struggling with the cravings is to follow the supplements program here on MWO (I think Lav or M3 suggested the whole program). I did it for 6 months and I think the Kudzo and L-Glut really really helped as well as all the rest of them.

                    OK, where is our Highness, Miss Greeneyes?????
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                      I'm a huge fan of EVCO. The brand I buy is Garden of Life. I slather my hair with it to deep condition it and I think it tastes the best of the brands I've tried. My dog thinks it's pretty fab too.
                      AF since 2/22/2012


                        AF Daily : Thursday March 1st 2012

                        I'll have to look for the Garden of Life Almost famous. I believe we carry some of their stuff at the store I work at. I love it for hair also. Great stuff all around.

                        Choice, what you said about "connecting the dots" is so true for me this time also. It finally all pieces together...exercise, eating healthy, knowing our triggers. It's all a learning process!

                        Have a great day all!
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

