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Magical March Madness - Week One

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    Magical March Madness - Week One

    Good morning to all...Happy March 1st. I realized it was March at the end of this thread so posted it twice. That is why I named this thread with Madness.

    SD, I think I get your blizzard tomorrow and Saturday...lucky me. Oh, well, I will sit by the fire and read. It's kind of nice to have school cancelled ahead of time, to relax in the morning, get food in and just hibernate.

    LBH, how scary about your doggie, great to hear it all worked out. I appreciated your description of imagining yourself AF and healthy, then following through. Getting through an entire month AF is a great accomplishment. After having spent time with my parent, I relived some of the feelings of not being good enough, anxiety and tension, and attempting to please someone who cannot be pleased. Something like your past, and it does engender feelings of unworthiness and wanting to stop the painful feelings at least for a while. I was actually content to be back at work in my self-created world, rather than feeling so uneasy, on edge.

    Blonde, the licensed counselor sounds as if she has worked hard to obtain lots of skills/options for her clients. Hope she is a good fit.

    Lav, isn't it crazy that young people have access to weapons and use them on their peers? I heard on the radio that he shot at people randomly, totally out of reality. There are so many lonely hurting young people, it is a tragedy.

    I had a great day back at work, feeling refreshed and renewed, loving the structure and routine. I like to work, cannot imagine staying at home at this particular time in my life. We'll see how I feel next week, right? The vacation did what it was supposed to do, getting away was really good for me, and five days is just about right for me. The juicing is going well, I was hungry, but guzzled water, and feel so sensitive to smells, weather, and realize that going without is good for a time. To all, have a great Thursday. Oh, no, I just realized it is March!!
    Formerly known as redhibiscus

    Magical March Madness - Week One

    Good morning Marchers! It's looking gloomy here today but I'm not feeling gloomy. Being sober is the best! No headaches now for a couple days. That's huge for me. Even though I didn't get home from work until midnight last night I was up at 6:15 and feeling fine. I can only imagine if I had drank my usual 6 or 7 vodka drinks last night how shitty I'd be feeling right now. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks for me.

    I've got to get my day started. Take care all and have a fabulous AF day. :h


      Magical March Madness - Week One

      Good morning Mad Marchers

      Thanks for starting us up Star!
      Do you have a Vita Mix for juicing?? I wish I could really consider getting one of those but I seem to have trouble digesting too much raw food (TMI)

      FlyAway, good for you coming up on 2 weeks AF. Makes a huge difference

      It is gloomy outside but I'm not letting it get to me. Have lots of odds & ends to do today so I'll just turn up all the lights & get it done!!

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Magical March Madness - Week One

        Hi everyone

        Thanks for starting us off Star. Glad you had a nice first day back at work.

        :goodjob: Fly, keep up the good work.

        LBH - sorry about the episode with your little dog, glad he is ok. Well done on the AF month. We all know how hard they are to come by.

        Believe storms in midwest USA, hope all of you there are ok. We have had some beautiful spring days here this week. Have somebody in doing a clean up in the garden and it is looking better already.

        My daughters rabbit died yesterday. It was a little dwarf and was only meant to live 2.5/5 years and she was nearly 7.

        Have to rush off now, will catch up later.



          Magical March Madness - Week One

          :goodjob: To all of us Marchers!!!

          Waking up to snow and sleet...well, I guess winter finally decided to show itself on March 1st. I always remember my "wee" Scottish Grandmother, Violet Gray, saying: March, In like a lion, Out like a Lamb". For many of us in early stages of sobriety, I also see this could mean that starting a month AF is shaky and ugly at first but after 30 days, things are much more peaceful and liveable. On day 9, I am looking forward to that.:h

          Star: Everytime I see your avatar with the lily on it, I want to run out and buy myself a bunch of those type of flowers. I absolutely love the scent of them. Maybe I will go out and buy even just one to have in the's so lovely. I think you may have confused me with someone else in your post about a counselor being a good fit...I haven't sought out any counseling other than you folks at MWO:H, so I think you may have switched names with another member Lordy knows, I prolly could use a counselor though!!!!

          Hi to the early Marchers: Lav (I tried the raw diet last summer and man, did I have unspeakable GAS, sorry TMI but that's my way of saying I couldn't digest it well either!). Now I do eat a great deal of raw stuff but also some cooked stuff too

          Fly: I'm feeling great too! Being AF is where it's at!

          Love the Magical March title! Be well everyone.
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Magical March Madness - Week One

            Glorious March, thank you Star for starting us off your holiday sound just what you needed, and today it really is a glorious day here, we have blue skies the sun is out, the temp is warm and I have my patio doors open and have meditated in the sunshine with the birds chirping away in the background this morning. Bliss. Now I know it won?t last but the great thing is I relish one moment at a time. They are telling us this has been the mildest winter ever but we will wait and see!

            Talking about feelings of unworthiness and not being good enough, I met by chance an old school acquaintance early this week, we were both in a coffee shop recognised each other and she joined me, she was in my brothers year so a couple of years below me at High School I remembered her and her family and she keeps in touch with my brother and his partner. During the course of our chatting she was talking about our school years and how we looked then and how we are all ageing.

            Well what an eye-opener, do you know I never once felt like she saw me then, when I looked in the mirror I only saw imperfections, I didn?t like my teeth, I felt I was too fat (112 ? 116lbs!), I felt my legs were too short (hence the platform boots and heels) and my bum too round (why did I envy my best friend who had a flat bum?? I think I spent more time checking out her flat bum than any of the teenage guys in our High School WTF?). I was happy with my flat tummy at 112lbs but didn?t like it when it was rounded at 116lbs, I spent all my teenage years trying to change my shape and looks with clothes and makeup, and above all I felt inadequate and ugly. What a waste of energy and it really eroded the spiritual side of myself. Yet to hear her recollections made me stop in my tracks and think. Why do we do this torture to ourselves, why can?t we see ourselves as others see us, why can?t we just be content with what we have and what we are? Why do we allow ourselves to be defined by other people ? from a Buddhist perspective I accept and acknowledge that the ego has much to do with this? I am so glad I have the perspective I have now, the experience and the knowledge going forward.

            So for the month of Magical March Madness let?s all let go of all the insane madness we hoard in our lives and in our past, let?s leave it all behind and move forward into another new month. Let?s take this opportunity to move forward, let go of the crappy past and be true to ourselves. For me I really don?t care what other folk think of me, in the past nor in the future, I?ll be true to myself and treat everyone with respect then deal with the rest, if I am honest with myself and with others that?s a great starting point.

            Much love to you all for a glorious March,

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              Magical March Madness - Week One

              Wise words my dear friend Dew!! I will certainly try to live by them this month!

              Star-so glad you had the R&R you needed and deserved! Sorry your visit with the folks was not all that great but you got through it AF and learned some more things about yourself!! Thanks for starting off this magical month! May we all find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!!

              Blonde-good thing you have today off so you don't have to drive if you don't want to!! I think your area maybe be getting some nasty stuff later on.

              Rustop-so sorry to hear about the bunny but what a glorious life he must have had to live to such a ripe old old age!! Huge testament to what great fur parents you and your daughter are!!

              Lav-enjoy your lazy day-bet it doesn't stay that way!!

              Fly-great job!! Keep up the good work and keep that good feeling front and center!!

              We've got about 6 inches of snow so far with more to come but hopefully not much more. I think the drive down to CT (1.5 hrs) is going to be difficult so will be leaving almost 3 hours early. I have to stop and pick up my friend first who is 1/2 hour away. DD is under her name.
              My neighbors have pretty much dug me out. All I have to do is shovel the steps and clean off my car. I think they deserve some brownies and not to be yelled at when they let their dogs our knowing mine are out!!

              I'll be back later tonite to let you know how the vet visit went. Test results will come back next week sometime.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Magical March Madness - Week One

                Not lazy in the least papmom!
                Paid bills, did animal care & feeding & watering, stitched up an ebay sale, did laundry, walked a few miles on the dreadmill, etc. BUT the sun just came out so now at 2:30 I'm going to goof off :H
                Good luck with the vet appointment. I dread vet appointments because they really drain the old checkbook.

                Dewdrop, your description of your high school thinking reminded me of mine. I guess we were all pretty much the same back then. I'm glad to be old enough now to just not give a good damn about what other people think

                Rustop, sorry about the rabbit. We had one many years ago & I was deathly allergic to him but loved him just the same

                OK, gonna go play in the sun & mud
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Magical March Madness - Week One

                  Hey Lav-glad you got to play for a short while at least!! It was very gray and miserble all day here and in CT.

                  Very long day for one short vet visit! 8 hours! But, it didn't hurt the wallet all that badly surprisingly enough. I think it would have cost at least $100 more at my regular vet! Maybe she gave me a friend discount!
                  We stopped for lunch and got there about 30 min early. The visit was great tho. The tech was so good with DD (who was muzzled and scared stiff) and he actually did really well despite blood being taken twice (they didn't get enough the first time). He had a massive matt where the belly band goes and as they were clipping it away we discovered the mat had torn his skin so now he has an open wound that I need to deal with. They gave me antibiotic ointment for it. If it doesn't get better we'll go the oral route. Poor baby-I bet that's way he was super cranky lately. It must have hurt like hell!! They gave me the serum and I packed it up like instructed and sent it off to CA. Very easy to do. On the way home we found a small quilt shop (gotta love Places on the Android!!) and stopped in. I found some hockey fabric for my nephew's quilt and my friend found some aussie vintage ads on a panel that she bought. One of the ads features sheep shearing hence the interest. The owner talked our ear off and we know most of her life story now! :H Weather started turning nasty on the way home although for most of the time it was just raining lightly. Glad to be home safe and sound and looking forward to bed.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Magical March Madness - Week One

                    Hi gang, wishing everyone a lovely evening. My day was full and now it is getting late. Day 9 is done, almost at number 10 and I am pumped about that! Hope the sleep fairy is kind to everyone. It is still snowing out there tonight...been snowing all day but wasn't sticking to the ground before. Now it is, ho hum. Still, March is here and 10 days till daylight savings! Whooohooo!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      Magical March Madness - Week One

                      Good evening. Animals are such a big part of our lives, and I hope you are finding peace in your heart, Dill. I am glad DD made it through his tests, Pappy, and that you can treat his sore spot, these wild creatures can be quite the negotiation challenge but so rewarding. Our “new” Yorkshire is unrecognizable from the frozen vacant little fat girl we brought home last year. She actually weaves and spins. I am sorry about the loss your elderly bunny, Rustop, they can be so sweet. Years ago, a scientist couple I knew had a really old dwarf rabbit and we all adored her, shiny black and the softest fur in the whole world, they also had an ancient blind turtle that hibernated under their dresser, no dogs or cats for them. I love how lives entwine. I must be off now to tuck in my own small team. Thank you for talking about peeling off the illusions, Dew. I'll be on it with you. Hi Lav, Blondie, FlyAway, Sooty, Star, SD, Cyn, Sped, et. al. Thank you:l. Happy madness. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        Magical March Madness - Week One

                        Hi M & M's-

                        Well, we got a whimpy blizzard here...only 7 and a 1/2 inches....they were predicting 10-15 inches by Wednesday night..blah, wrong again!! Tonight we had conference from 4:00-9:00, so I'm pretty exhausted!! We have them again tomorrow from 8:00 until 1:00, so at least we get done early tomorrow. Just makes for a really long day today!! My son has his last basketball game on Saturday morning (8:30) so no sleeping in...his dad is coming for conferences and then staying for the game...should be an interesting evening to say the least!! :H

                        Dew--I loved your post...I will do my best to strive for a more positive March.

                        Fly and Blonde--awesome job on the AF time!!! Everyday just keeps getting better!!

                        Star--thanks for starting us out this month...sorry about your dad during your trip...sounds like you handled it pretty well...we've learned, huh?!

                        Hey Dill!! Thinkin' about ya!! :l

                        I apologize for not addressing everyone, I'm just beat tonight...for everyone that is still getting the ugly weather, stay safe and warm!!
                        Happy Friday!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          Magical March Madness - Week One

                          Hello all you wonderful Magical Marchers

                          Im still being plagued by fatigue and its taking all my energy to manage at work. I so much want to address all your posts and hope to catch up at the weekend.

                          Dill - :l How absolutely heartbreaking for you to loose your dogs, I admire you so much for getting back up and dusting yourself down so quickly, that took huge inner strength and some of the comments to you were also wonderful, I could relate so much to that numbing we all subjected ourselves to. I grieve for the years lost in that numbness when actually dealing with life would have been so much more beneficial.

                          I had incredibly sad news last night, a friend of mine who I partied with in my early 20's died this week, aged 47. Leaving a husband, an 18 yr old sons and a 21 yr old daughter. She died of blood poisoning caused by alcoholism. She weighed next to nothing having stopped eating and only drinking. I remember the girl with a zest for life, always laughing, smiling and bursting with enthusiasm. Her husband tried so hard to get her help in the last no. of years but she wouldn't take it. I get so angry with the scale to which this substance ruins us. I just pray this beautiful soul is now at peace.

                          Sending you all love and care this Friday.
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Magical March Madness - Week One

                            Good morning Marchers

                            Chill - I am so sorry about your friend. What a waste. Nobody can do it for us, we have to want it for ourselves. So glad I found MWO and all you wonderful folk, there is no way I ever want to go back to drinking a bottle of wine a day. Take care of yourself Chill, we are all thinking of you. No matter what life throws your way it cant be as bad as living in a bottle.

                            SD - I admire you for getting your act together earlier in life. Know it is exhausting but you are fully there for your son.

                            Everyone else big hello and have a great week-end.



                              Magical March Madness - Week One

                              Good morning all and happy Friday...

                              Chill, what a tragedy, to die from drinking at such a young age. I am so sorry for your loss. We are so lucky to have found MWO and been open to doing something about our alcohol issues. I say this humbly, as someone hoping to stay AF. I too wonder how my life would have been if I had never started to party as a teen. It is another loss, another thing that alcohol has taken from us. I am grateful today that I have MWO and feel healthy. I understand your taking care of yourself, work, home, only at this time. Wish you would get some good weather, that would probably help to reenergize your body and mind.

                              Blond, sorry I got your story mixed up with someone elses. I do that from time to time when I read so many posts so early in the morning. Thanks for being a good sport. I love flowers, and stargazers are among my favorites.

                              Lav and Dill, I am really into websites you two recommended, so thanks so much. I am passing them on to others.

                              Pap, so good that you found a great vet and are able to give your babies the special attention they need. It makes all the difference, a good vet.

                              I have lots of busy work today, so will stay mindful and enjoy each task. That is what I am learning from all the articles recommended from Lav and Dill. Have a good day.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus

