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Magical March Madness - Week One

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    Magical March Madness - Week One

    OK Rusty you got it. Come back when you can.:h

    Fly-way to go on the physical!! My first physical after I stopped drinking was 1 month later. My kidney values were not good and I was prediabetic. I was so scared!! A year later, all was just fine.

    Have a great day at work Blondie!!

    Star-great going on staying in the moment. It does make all the diff!

    Chill-hope you are feeling a tad better today.

    Hope Cyn is having a good trip with her hubby whereever they are.

    I'm sure others will be checking in soon.

    Nothing on the agenda for me except some cleaing and organizing.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Magical March Madness - Week One

      Good morning Marchers!

      Aw Rusty, that truly sucks! I would be flippin pissed, just sayin...
      We all know you can do this so get back to the books & we'll be here waiting for you.

      Star, I'm using kitchen appliances from 1970 something as well :H
      They moan & groan with certain jobs but still work so I'll guess I'll leave them alone - for now
      After losing 4 lbs in February I seem to be stuck I am back to the weight I was before I quit smoking but it's not a happy weight. It's the 15 lbs of menopause weight that I can't seem to get rid of & I believe what caused my hypertension
      Good luck at WW today!

      Have a good day today Blondie!

      Wishing everyone a good AF Saturday!
      I need to clean up my house today!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Magical March Madness - Week One

        Hi papmom - cross post!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Magical March Madness - Week One

          Good Morning Mad Ones! Just popping in quickly from work to say hi. Hopefully I'll be able to spend some time here tonight. Be well all.


            Magical March Madness - Week One

            Happy AF Saturday, Marchers! It's a good day to be indoors here in southern Ohio. The wind is fierce and the temp is in the low 30's. Brrrrr!!

            Chill, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Her family must be devastated. So sad. It reminds me of the saying, "There but for the grace of God go I." We all know how much power alcohol can have.

            Rusty, hang in there girl! I hope you don't stay away too long, but do what you need to do to take good care of our Rusty!

            I have never heard of these Miracle Noodles, Lav. I swear! I learn so much on this thread!

            Thanks for the hug, SD~ back at you!:l

            LBH, how brave of you to try the Coconut oil!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Magical March Madness - Week One

              Hi Magic Marchers

              Rusty - please just know we are here as and when you need us and if you just want to come vent or punch a few walls thats ok too. I wish I was close by and I could offer you some reiki.

              Im just back from a one day seminar which I loved and the energy of the other 500 participants. However I cant shake this fatigue and intend to crash of the sofa for the evening. We did alot of meditation and visualization and it helped me brush up on a few techniques I had forgotten.

              One of my fav parts is the "boardroom", you create a team of your most respected people dead of alive and use them as consul each night before you go to sleep to deal with any issues in your life. You can have from the Dala Lama to Madonna whoever's oppinion you respect. I of course had Wayne Dyer as my chairman and I called in Louise Hay too! On previous occassions i've had Billy Connelly and Jesus, it can be fun and a great way to stimulate your right brain into imagining the advice these guys would give you. They dont even need to be famous, many of the group chose their Mother or a mentor. I guess in a way its like handing it over to a higher power but for me the particular question I keep going over in my head was very quickly answered when I put it to my board and I saw it in a completely different way.

              We also got to frame our 5 biggest acheivements to remind ourselves what we are capable of and I got very emotional when I realized that one of them would be conquering alcohol. The host even said that in his oppinion conquering any addictions was as high an acheivement as he could think of. I started to cry when I thought that one of my biggest achievements was a secret that I couldnt even proudly show. I thought about my AA coins in the drawer and what my family would think if they ever found them. Sometimes I wish I could tell the world but it would not be without consequence and judgement and thats why im so glad I have you guys. :l
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Magical March Madness - Week One

                Hello Magical Marches -

                Chill I don't normally post here but I stumbled accross your post and it was so moving I had to respond. First off, I LOVE the idea of a boardroom of respected people to use as counsul each night. I am going to start doing that immediately. What a great idea.

                Secondly, I was moved by you feeling so emotional over your AF success. It's so sad that you are unable to share one of your greatest accomplishments with your family. I haven't told my family either, but I thought that if I ever make it years sober it will come up at some point and I'll have to confess - and I think it will be fine. Probably they'll be LEARY for awhile about drinking in front of me etc. but I think eventually they'd just get used to the idea and that would be that. Do you think there is anyone in your family who could understand? As for friends and colleagues I have to agree with you the stigma is such that you really do have to pick and choose - so sad but true. I'm sure any of them could be told you quit smoking and would be just fine with it but AL has such a weird freakishness associated with it - I just hate that too!

                Anyway, thanks for the thought provoking post. Hope all of you Magical Marchers have a great Saturday night! :l


                  Magical March Madness - Week One

                  I for one am taking my MWO secret to the grave :H
                  This place is mine & no one else is ever going to know

                  Greetings papmom, Fly, Dill, Chill & mylife - good to see you here mylife!

                  Here's some coins for us to share
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Magical March Madness - Week One

                    Hi Lav!

                    Lav, I'm curious do you mean you never told your family that you quit drinking or you never told them that you felt you had a problem with Alcohol? I'm just curious to hear about this from some of you folks with long term sobriety.



                      Magical March Madness - Week One

                      Holy cow mylife!
                      Everyone knew I had a problem - I never hid what I did.
                      They all know I have quit - it's quite obvious!

                      What they don't know about is this website & I will never, ever tell them!
                      My biggest problem is my estranged spouse...... he's bossy, demanding & just plain nosey
                      How I did what I did is no one's business - especially his.
                      If he knew about this website he would find a way to F it up for me - I am not kidding. He is chronically depressed & miserable & tries to be sure I am the same way. He is the biggest reason why I drank, he knows that but it never changed his behavior. He decided to run out on our long, long marriage a full year after I quit drinking. He simply couldn't stand to see me happy despite him :H :H
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Magical March Madness - Week One

                        Wow. Well good for you - I wouldn't share that secret either. Just be very proud of yourself for doing it!

                        I don't understand men who walk out after 35 years of marriage - they are never happier - it's just pure selfishness IMHO. I know two men who have done that to their wives recently and it gets my blood boiling just to think about it!!

                        Have a great Saturday night!


                          Magical March Madness - Week One

                          Hey Marchers!! Had a nice laid back but productive day. Got my glasses packed up and out of the china cabinet and organized my "stash" a little more. Cleaned the DR/LR top to bottom and got rid of some boxes I had been saving for shipping. What the heck am I going to ship anyway? So out they went!
                          A friend who I lent a wire kennel to when her dog hurt her back came by today to drop it off. We had very nice and long visit. I also work with her. Actually, she is the one I was so angry with last fall when I didn't get Job #3 and thought she was the one who sabotaged my candidacy. I'm soooo glad we got that all cleared up and are friends again. I'm excited to be part of her life again as she prepares to welcome a new baby into the world in Sept. We talked about work and the baby and she gave Mickey and LM lots of loving. And of course Fred the cat-her absolute favorite!! Very nice visit.
                          I also managed to do one load of laundry and clean the kitchen and so some dishes so all is good in Papland. Too bad I have to work tomorrow as I am on a roll!!
                          The sun finally came out around 3 and the temps did soar to the 50s so there was a lot of melting going on.

                          MyLife-I was totally open and honest to my family when I decided to stop drinking. I have been the most honest and open with my sis, somewhat less so with my dad but they both get the gist of why I stopped and they have been very supportive (even if dad doesn't invite me over for dinner anymore but that could be because I have commitments 4 out of 5 nites!!). My brother doesn't know all the details I don't think-at least I can't remember telling him. A number of my non virtual friends and co workers know I quit but I told them it was for health reasons. My one good friend at work knows the whole story. The only person who knows about MWO is my sis because I was hoping she would check it out but she isn't ready to accept that she might have a problem too. It was very important to me that I come out to my family, otherwise I couldn't achieve real acceptance of my problem for myself. I live in a large city so if I choose to go to AA or any other group, there is no fear that I will run into someone I know. But seriously, why even care? If I did run into someone, then that only means that person is dealing with the same thing I am and where is the shame in that? I just don't choose to go the AA route-MWO is all I need and obviously its been working for me. Everyone is different and everyone has to deal with this addiction and their recovery in their own way. Since you asked, this is how I have treated my addiction and my recovery.
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Magical March Madness - Week One

                            Thanks Papmom! That will probably be the same for me - I'll tell my closest sis first and then others on a need to know basis. I agree with it helping me to be accountable. I also don't really care about running into AA people - it's just that the particular group I went to was very pushy about "the steps" and "working the program" and I was feeling a little overwhelmed anyway and it didn't help running into them when I wasn't in a meeting...

                            Thanks for sharing your thoughts - I appreciate it!


                              Magical March Madness - Week One

                              Good Morning friends

                              Mylife - you have opened am interesting discussion as I actually dont know everyone's situation as to whether its known amongst friends and family.

                              I never told anyone the extent of my drinking and all the terrible things it brought with it but I did tell 2 close friends I was quitting because I had a problem. No one else including my family thought I was anything more than a party girl who enjoyed social drinking. No one had a clue I was drinking at home alone. I told everyone I was quitting for health reasons which was very believable as I am very into health and fitness. After a few months I confessed to another close friend who actually felt very sad she hadnt realized I had a problem. No one else seemed to ask or care. I actually wish I could tell my family but my Parents worry so much and I wouldnt like to put them through thinking I dealt with it alone.

                              There is a stigma out there and I dont want to tell new people I meet that im a recovering addict which means there always has to be this secrecy which is sad but I dont think it would help my job prospects to be open about it. I guess it depends on the people we meet, some would embrace the fact and be proud of us. Thats why its been so great to actually meet some MWO-ers and be totally who we are, when Starty and I attended a seminar last year it was quite funny because someone asked us how we knew one another and I was suddenly "!" Stary jumped in and just said "oh we have known each other for years!"

                              Im off to my double spin class which is going to hurt as I havent exercised all week! Have a great Sunday guys.
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                Magical March Madness - Week One

                                Good morning all. I'm at work but wanted to wish you all a blessed day. :h

