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Magical March Madness - Week One

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    Magical March Madness - Week One

    Congrats on the weight loss Lav!!!

    It's only 7PM but I am pretty beat...don't know why...had the day But I did get lots done anyways. Off to read a book in a few moments and have some herbal tea but wanted to say hi to my wolf pack first.

    Feeling a bit melancoly tonight. Getting sober has got me reminicsing about my early childhood in NY...I had a very happy childhood. When we moved to Maine, things got tough and I was only 10 years old. Money was tight, my folks argued a lot. I was the new kid in school. I missed NY tons. Lately, I have been wishing myself back there...back before I ever got messed up with AL. But one cannot change the past and so I plan to create a happy future. I've also had a few reaquaintances on Facebook of girlfriends from those early years in NY, ones I haven't heard from in 30 years or so, and it's got me sentimental for the past and those special friends I made when I was in grade school. Maybe it's part early sobriety and part me turning the milestone of 40 this coming summer. I dunno, just feeling kinda weepy right now. Well, better get the tea kettle on and snuggle with my fur children. You guys know I am always upbeat and I'm not depressed or anything. It's just weird to deal with these emotions sober for once. Oh my God, that's it. I am dealing with EMOTIONS SOBER. DUH!

    Ok Blondie, go get your jammies on and go to bed!

    Love you guys, see you in the AM! Shue, if the VIP Pricks haven't worn you down too much, do please make that French Press extra dark...I got some butt to kick tomorrow via housework!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      Magical March Madness - Week One

      Certainly am not breaking any world's record with my 1 pound weight loss :H
      Just glad to see something after 18 days of effort - you know? I never had this problem until I hit about 43 so look out

      Have to be out of here by 8 am ~ have a date with my two favorite young men in the morning
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Magical March Madness - Week One

        Hi everyone, Those of you peeping in on the daily thread know I have been under the weather. Just wanted to say hi, and mention that even though I am sick as a dog with a sinus infection, its nice to not wake up with a hangover on top of all of that too. Thank heavens for small mercies.:h

        Im reading the thread, lots of inspiration here. :thanks:

        Kaslo, Frozen, Snow, etc etc.

        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h


          Magical March Madness - Week One

          Good morning everyone

          Sorry you are not feeling the best Kaslo. Drop in as often as you can,
          our Nurse Lav gives us all lots of lavitude when needed.

          Lav - well done, a pound down is far better than a pound up. Thanks for
          the reminder. I am trying to address the problem before I hit menopause.
          Thats why I am trying to stay with weight watchers. I have about 5 lbs left to
          loose but its been very slow, half pound here and there for the past few
          months (have been eating well though). Gave up biscuits for lent and went
          completely off the wagon. Chunks of chocolate, muffins etc. etc. stopped
          pointing and missed a class. Dont know if it was because I felt deprived or
          just blah from this time of year. Anyway went back this week and had
          actually lost half a pound. Back into the programme, like Al I know this is
          something I need to do so I just need to suck it up.

          Sorry for the rant, will catch up on all the news later. Had a busy day yesterday,
          airport run etc. Daughter had a great time in Berlin and everything went ok.



            Magical March Madness - Week One

            Good morning to all...

            Blonde, it IS hard to deal with feelings, and realize they are just that, temporary feelings and it is OK to have them. Painful feelings go away after a time, just like good feelings do. It is totally acceptable to get weepy, have a little cry and mourn for what was. Did it ever get better in Maine for your family? Geez, that is sad. Ten years old is such a tender age, too. So glad you shared, hope it helped to talk about it.

            Dill, it is interesting to look back and analyze how we appeared versus how we felt. Over time it got harder to appear normal I think. Sorry you are struggling right now.

            Lav, a pound is a pound. I too struggle to lose weight now that I am older and in menopause. Rustop, I too go off and on WW, so have shown no real progress. Darn it. It is just so hard to stick to it all the time.

            No vitamin C or citrus for me for a few days, my achiness is going away. Plus, the temp is supposed to drop and rain is coming, and that often causes pain and achiness for me. Ibuprphen has been a help.

            Let's see, I am making pulled pork in the crock pot, and working on laundry before I leave for work as I am going to visit my daughter overnight on Friday. I have a full day at work, so I am so grateful that I feel better. Can you imagine being hungover with all i have to do? It would be a nightmare. We are all so wise to dump the habit and do things differently. Even though we struggle with moods, illness, and LIFE, it is so much more manageable AF. To my friends, have a great Thursday.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Magical March Madness - Week One

              Morning marchers! It is definitely harder to lose weight as we get older, when I was a young party girl I could have a blow out at the weekend and lose the weight during the following week. Now it hangs around for ever !!

              It is the most fab day here,, warm and sunny, perfick as Pop Larkin would say. I've been out for a brisk walk with the dog and it was lovely.

              Shower and coffee with my friend later, have a good day gang :l


                Magical March Madness - Week One

                Hello Marchers and a happy af Thursday to you!

                Star and Kaslo, thank you both for putting in some perspective on the matter of hangovers. You are both so right that dealing with everyday life, although not always easy, is definitely easier and better without a hangover. I can't believe I spent so many years accepting a hangover as my normal mode. Star, have fun with your daughter and I hope your achiness goes away. Kaslo, get well soon.

                Lav congrats on the pound!! That's great! You've lost 5 now, right? You give me hope that if I ever do find the discipline I will indeed be able to make progress.

                Papmom, I hope you are feeling better.

                Blonde, I have been feeling melancholy lately too. It is hard sometimes. I realize now that my default cure for so many years was Chardonnay.

                Rustop, feel free to rant all you want! This is the place where you will be understood and accepted.

                Rusty, I agree with you on "alkie" and "drunk". I don't like those terms either.

                Speaking of the terms and labels: I think that through all this discussion about terms, I have come to realize that sometimes the label "alcoholic" may be accurate, if you are describing a person who has surrendered to alcohol and it is the driving force in their life; when alcohol is placed ahead of everything and everyone else and is active in the person's system. Perhaps then the label is accurate. Thankfully, we here have pulled ourselves back from the brink.

                Cyn, Sooty, SD, LBH, Sped, Dew, Flyaway, thinking of you all.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Magical March Madness - Week One

                  Hi Sooty, Cross-post! Love it when your bright avatar appears!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Magical March Madness - Week One

                    Good morning Marchers!

                    Just wanted to say hello before I begin my marathon 8a-8:30p day watching grandsons. Pray for me :H

                    Dill, that 4 pounds I lost recently is the end of the 13 I gained when I quit smoking nearly 3 years ago!!!! The 1 pound I just lost is the first of 15 I gained since menopause - yikes!!!!! No wonder I felt like such a blob :H I will keep chipping at it!!

                    Greetings to Sooty, Star, Rustop, Kaslo & all who stop in today.
                    Heading to 70 degrees today then rain & colder tonight - not bad

                    Have a great AF Thursday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Magical March Madness - Week One

                      Lav--Congrats on the weight loss. I'll be thinking of you today. May the force be with you!

                      Blondie--I think us drinkers are good at stifling emotions. I've got some I've been holding at bay for 30 years. I've only recently started to give myself permission to cry and feel things. It's something that I have to consciously do because shutting down is my "normal." Weird!

                      Poor, poor snot-filled, semi-frozen Kaslo! Hopefully you're on the mend. Thanks for the photo and poetry yesterday. That tells me you're definitely getting better.

                      Rustop--Good job getting back on the healthy eating bandwagon. I think we crave sugar just like we crave alcohol. I've been eating sweets since I quit drinking and I hardly ever eat sweets! Doesn't fit in with a low carb diet.

                      Stargazer--Wow, you are one busy lady! I'm glad that you're feeling better. I've now graduated into the slow loser club too in the last couple years. :upset:

                      Hi Sooty and Dill.

                      Off to get my day started. Have a fantastic Thursday friends!


                        Magical March Madness - Week One

                        Hi Marchers,

                        Happy Thursday!

                        Lav, yeah, maybe that headache of mine is due to the weird (albeit WARM) weather we are having, and the change of Spring coming. I ended up going to bed with the headache (was asleep by 9:30PM...kinda early for me), and I had to succumb to some aspirin about 3AM as I didn't want to wake up with one. WTF? A morning headache after 2 weeks sober, geez Louise! By the way, who is Louise and why am I dragging her into this? Anyway, I felt slightly better after the 3AM liquid gels yet still woke up with a mild headache which 3 cups of coffee seems to have helped. Although I am remembering that the last 2 times I dried out...I did get some sort of headache out of the blue so maybe it's just a sign of withdrawal that finally hits when my body is totally clean of AL. Whatever it is, it is gone for now.

                        Today supposed to be in the 60's???? That might require a walk on the beach later. Got some stuff to do at the house first, then gym, then grocery shopping and hopefully will fit that walk on the beach in when hubs gets home. OH, and I will be dying my hair somewhere in between all of that...after I get home from the gym and before my shower. Guess I'd better get a groove on.

                        Lav, I agree that weight slows down as we get older. Although we are on different diets, I have also been working my tush off and it seems as though I'm on a plateau. I've lost a solid 6 lbs since I stopped drinking like a fish 2 weeks ago. I've definitely noticed a change in my body from all the working out and maybe I am building lean muscle which I know weighs more than fat, but sheesh, I figured at that rate I would be at goal by now, which is another 5 lbs or so. I just want to get to that weight that I think is right but maybe it really isn't right for my frame (I'm 5ft 10) and I should just be happy where I am and not be so hard on myself. I was on the stair master yesterday sweating bullets and it occured to me that I might be replacing my AL addiction with exercise addiction and so I have to be aware of what's happening there. But it does replace my drinking time and I am feeling good, so I will just try to keep healthy boundries.

                        Fly & Dill, me too...shutting down is my norm, or dulling myself with cabernet instead of chardonnay, which I am no longer doing, of course. I like being able to take these emotions with a sober heart.:h Dill, I hope you aren't feeling blue today! I am feeling better. Something just hit me last night and I was so grateful to have MWO to turn to. Thanks guys!

                        Rustop, I had thought of doing WeightWatchers before I started the low carb. Do you like WW? Do you use the entrees or just do the point system with what you would normally eat?

                        Star-thanks for asking about my family. Yes, things got better after a while in Maine. We moved in the very early 80's, first to Northern Maine (Presque Isle, it's pretty far up there). My father was a boat builder by trade all of his life and worked on Long Island, NY, for many years in the boatyards there. He always wanted to move back to Maine (he grew up in the Bar Harbor area on the Coast), but his brother lived in Presque Isle and they planned to open a carpentry business together. So, my mother got sick of listening to how great our lives would be in Maine (she is originally from Queens, NY, mind you, so talk about "Green Acres), and we moved one summer before I turned 11. It was culture shock to say the least and I had a hard time fitting in with my new school. Then, after a 2 year hardship as my dad and Uncle didn't get the business off the ground and my parents couldn't make ends meat, we moved to Southwest Harbor, where my dad's mother lived and he could get suitable work as the talented boatscraftsmen he was. And that's when things got better. Also, this is hard to describe unless one really knows Maine but Coastal Maine and inland Maine are whole different worlds and we were much more keen to the Coast. I went to high school there and also lived there in the summer between college years (went to college in Mass, that's what brought me down here). That was all good . Wow, well that was all a novel and I'm sure you are sorry you What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!

                        PS, Lav, one pound is a BIG's 3500 calories!:goodjob:

                        Alright peeps, I'm off and running. Hope to check back later. Have a wonderful day!
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          Magical March Madness - Week One

                          PS, I was just wondering if anyone in the Mass or NH area or wherever would be interested in meeting up this summer for a whale watch? I haven't been in a few years and I'd love to go this summer...around July is really good when it HOT and you can really appreciate the colder air beyond the breakwater. I dunno if you would be interested but let me know. PM me if you like. I would suggest Captain Bills out of Gloucester because they are tied in with the Whale Center of New England.

                          Whale watching in New England, Gloucester Massachussetts, MA and Northeast United States
                          I think tickets are around $40 bucks or so. We could go for dinner in Gloucester afterward. I usually crave a big seafood dinner after a whale watch...go figure!

                          Nice to start thinking of summer, isn't it???
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            Magical March Madness - Week One

                            I've been wondering if the solar storm we're being hit with today has something to do with the headaches many of us seem to be having. Mine came on last night at work and was with me today when I woke up.


                              Magical March Madness - Week One

                              Hey All!

                              Sorry I haven't been here in a day or two...getting ready to go to Florida tomorrow...running around getting last minute items and laundry done and bills paid for the next 10 days. Leaving town is stressful!! I'm at an all day inservice today for's killing me to be just sitting there when i know I could be doing SOOO much at home to get ready. I have to drive 3 hours still to catch the plane!! UGH!!! ANyway....not sure how much computer access I will have for the next 10 days...which will be so hard!!! I'm kinda nervous about going actually. Hopefully my dad behaves and nothing horrible happens (besides his normal drinking activity) sister will be there so that should help...although her drinking can be questionable at times too?!?! Maybe I should take my laptop and hope they have wifi!!:H

                              Anyway...hopefully I can check back in before I leave...I have to get back to my inservice..I just am home for lunch!! Take care everyone!!!

                              SD--Oh---Fly, what are solar storms??? I was having headaches too!
                              :l:l to everyone feeling a bit blue lately!!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Magical March Madness - Week One

                                sdlovespackers;1276882 wrote:

                                SD--Oh---Fly, what are solar storms??? I was having headaches too!
                                :l:l to everyone feeling a bit blue lately!!!
                                Here's one article, but just Google "solar storms 2012" and you'll find lots of articles.

                                Biggest solar storm in years hits, so far so good -

