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Magical March Madness - Week One

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    Magical March Madness - Week One

    I'm back with my blood pumping :H

    On the topic of labeling.......
    My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was in 1st grade. I was well aware of his 'differences' & actively doing what I could to help him with diet, consistency in his daily routines, etc. I flat out refused to medicate him & allow the school system put a label on him. You wouldn't belive how I had to work to prevent that scenerio. In the end he turned out just fine & is a fully functioning, college educated adult
    I just read an interesting blog on the topic of labeling:
    Meaning Blog: The Labels we Live By – Meaning Through Being

    We really need to work on changing people's thinking
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Magical March Madness - Week One

      Just catching up and I really like what you and others have said, Blondie, about what opens up with choosing sobriety. Alcohol is really a small thing but it can take up a lot of space. I also have gotten a lot out of the discussion on being an ?alcoholic?. As with FlyAway, to me it implies more than just what is happening, i.e. a specific chemical dependency, and places it more in the realm of personality, more like a character flaw. That the term doesn?t even go away when somebody quits simply seems mean. We don?t call somebody a nicoholic or a heroinoholic, and it would even be more weird if we kept call them that even after they stopped using the drug they were dependent upon. Somebody who quits smoking isn?t embarrassed, secretive, it is just a good thing. We don?t think people are flawed because they couldn?t handle their heroin or cocaine and had to stop. I am not sure what is so special about alcohol. Oh well, I just say it was fun for years (it was) but now I am better without it. Life is short, I'm old, it doesn?t agree with me anymore. We are having a glorious sunny day and I am off to plant some new daylilies. Except for the heat loving eggplants and Italian peppers, my seeds are all up in the indoor bed, really cute little guys, proud of themselves, no worries. They should be strong and fat by late April/early May when they go outside. Love and thanks again, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        Magical March Madness - Week One

        I?m pleasantly surprised at the weather here at the moment, although it can be frosty in the morning there has been a lot of sunshine throughout the day (cold sunshine albeit!) but enough to lift the spirits and make you think that winter is far enough away

        In my spare time I?ve been knitting a load of cushion covers for the sofa and really enjoying myself making up patterns and colours. My sofa is charcoal grey but it has removable covers and the spare ones are light, silver grey ? guess which ones go on when the grandkids are around! I?m becoming a bit annoyed at how tired and exhausted I still feel, things really tire me out very quickly and I hate not being be to get out walking as much as I like. I dislike doing any exercise indoors and always prefer to be outside so I?m hopeful if the weather keeps up I can make a start on a walking programme soon. I?m booked on a Focussing Weekend in April which I am really looking forward to, it?s new to me but been recommended by a few in my Meditation Group.

        I have a wedding dance on Saturday night which I am really looking forward to; there will be lots of family I haven?t seen in ages there and I?m looking forward to getting dressed up, I?ve lost a bit of weight recently so I know I can fit comfortably into almost anything in my wardrobe ? result! It?s being held at a small castle which is quite lovely. I?m staying overnight at my parents but will be driving so I can leave whenever I feel like it as there will be some serious drinkers present. Funnily, when I said this to my parents my Dad said ?well if you feel like having a drink you can always leave your car and we can collect it on Sunday morning? now he hasn?t seen me with a drink in the last 18 months, probably longer. Makes me shake my head in amazement

        Rusty sending lots of healing, compassionate thoughts, came back when you?re ready. Pmom I hope your new cold passes quickly honey you don?t need another one pulling you down. Chill
        lots of strength coming your way, you have more internal strength than you realise but one day soon you will be very aware of how resilient you really are. Lots of love to everyone else.

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          Magical March Madness - Week One

          Hey guys. 5 min after I got home the power went out just on my street. My nose meds didn't come today (no cold-rhinoitis or something like that) and DD isn't hypothyroid-report from dr.dodd is in. bummer of an evening so far!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Magical March Madness - Week One

            LBH, glad to hear your seeds are sprouting. I have purchased some seeds just haven't done anything with them yet. I have to agree with you, AL just does not agree with us oldies :H

            Dew, I'm sure you are taking good care of yourself. Unfortunately we just don't heal as quickly as we'd like anymore. Watching the grandkids get sick suddenly & then recover almost immediately is amazing, isn't it? The wedding party in the castle sounds very nice. I remember having lunch in a castle on a trip to France with my daughter years ago - really, really cool It was located somewhere between Paris & Mont St-Michel.

            Papmom, honestly my day didn't start out all that great either
            Things can only get better :l

            My day improved when my daughter called & asked me to meet her & Ms Lily at Longwood tomorrow. So that's my plan!

            Wishing everyone a good night,
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Magical March Madness - Week One

              Hello Magicals,

              So many interesting comments on labeling! I agree Lav - I hate it when they label kids as well. It's as if they don't want anyone to fit outside of a "box" they imagine a child should be in at a given age and if they do - they're labeled.
              Ladybird and Flyaway - I completely agree with you that I dislike the term ALCOHOLIC immensly. It's a dreadful word full of awful associations and I do not choose to have myself labeled as one! I was finding myself addicted to a toxic chemical substance - Alcohol - and I decided to stop. End of story.

              Chill - good luck with your move. It sounds like you're making a good decision.
              Blonde - I have orderd that book and I'm waiting for it. It sounds fantastic - can't wait to read it.
              Dew - the cushion covers sound lovely.
              Papmon - I hope your evening gets better!!

              Thanks for all the input on this interesting subject all! Have a great evening.


                Magical March Madness - Week One

                Hi Magical Monday Marchers!

                Well, this chick's about to close her computer and get into bed...maybe read a few chapters in a book. Can't wait to start reading "Lit" tomorrow when I pick it up from the library. Loving books on sobriety right now and reading lots that have been recommended on here. Oh, and I'm about to cave in and order the Jason Vale book. He looks like an interesting chap with his whole juicing gig too. Never was into juicing...Lav, you gonna go for the vitamix? I hear they're the best. PS, have a great day tomorrow with your family!

                Wishing CHILL good luck with her move! Anxious to hear an update and hope all is going smoothly!

                I have really been feeling the upsides to this new way of life. I handle problems much better and with a light heart. Folks notice that I am looking better and I owe it to the sobriety cause I ain't changed any of my makeup or clothes!

                FLY: Nice to have a fellow weekend warrior worker onboard...what do you do for a living? I am in retail, hence the weekend hours. But I am used to it. Come summer, I will be rotating my Sunday's off so I have at least one day off with my husband a few times a month. That's the only rough thing right now is that our schedules are entirely different!

                Mylife, I think you will enjoy that book...let me know what you think!

                LBH, lovely to hear about your seedlings! Reminds us that Spring really is right around the corner (I know Sunshine will love to hear that too! :h)

                Hiya Rustop, Dew, Star, Shue, Library Girl, Sugarbeat, and everyone else checking in. Have a wonderful evening and sleep tight! :l
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Magical March Madness - Week One

                  Power is back on and life is good!!

                  Chill-I am soooo happy for you! I am hoping that making a decision was half the battle and that you will be feeling better and stronger soon!

                  Have a great day tomorrow Lav!

                  Way to go everyone on another AF day!

                  Dew-Pneumonia is a bear to recover from. It seriously can take 6 months or longer so be kind to yourslef and don't push it.

                  heading to bed and hoping for a konk on the head from the sleep fairy!!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Magical March Madness - Week One

                    Hey all!

                    I'm heading to bed...still have my headache...actually thinking it may have something to do with me going off the pill and today was FINALLY the start of the first cycle since stopping...took I have my blood test scheduled for Wednesday now!! Last test (fertility testing). Had another b12 shot should continue to stay perky--right after I get rid of the you think this normal Lav??

                    Anyway...I need to head to bed...on top of everything I'm so terribly grouchy I can hardly stand myself!! :H
                    Good Night!!
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      Magical March Madness - Week One

                      Good Morning my magical friends

                      SD - could the headache not be a plain old pre-menstrual symptom? That goes for feeling grouchy too. Being on the pill you probably didn't get many symptoms.

                      Blondie - I love all you said about us embracing sobriety as a choice. It is a wonderful choice to have made and I would even recommend it to moderate drinkers, it opens up such a different view of the world, I LOVE IT! I have the Jason Vale book on my shelf still unread as I keep ordering more books. Let me know when you get it and maybe we could read it at the same time.

                      Well I handed in my notice, I was more nervous than when I went for the interview but it went fine. I leave on April 5th then have another 2 weeks to pack up and get out the rental house. Im trying to rent the smallest of storage units so am having to be very harsh in what I keep. Its difficult as I'm already down to really only necessities having given up so much stuff but the store cost go up with every sq foot extra.

                      Have a terrific Tuesday everyone......
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Magical March Madness - Week One

                        Good morning everyone

                        We are having the same nice weather as Dew, frosty nights but bright and sunny during the day. A real feel of spring in the air. Not as organised as you LBH with your seeds, must do something this week.

                        Healing vibes to Dew/Chill/Papmom and SD who are not feeling 100%. Good luck with the move Chill, it is a stressful time for you so try and stay strong. You too Rusty - thinking of you.

                        Lav - have a lovely day with Miss Lily and less of calling yourself an oldie, we are all 29 around here!!

                        Everyone else big hello and have a great Tuesday.



                          Magical March Madness - Week One

                          Apologies to everyone but I?m finding myself drifting a bit from the thread, I think it?s a combination of my health and the unknown of my future and it is making me more introspective ? I seem to go into myself when I hit personal ?things?. I am great at offering advice and support to family and friends and seeing things from a more distant perspective but when it comes to me then I need more time to analyse and think things through. I?m also still concerned about my DIL who, in my opinion, isn?t fully facing and dealing with her emotions around her baby dying. It?s a toughie because she has to move at her own pace and it?s still early days. I haven?t said anything I?m just voicing my concerns here because I know you will all be receptive and non-judgemental.

                          I can?t remember if I mentioned but I went to my grandson?s school open day with my Mum as his Mum and Dad were both working ? so Gran and Great Gran went along. We had a lovely afternoon visiting the classrooms and seeing all the work they had been doing throughout the last year. The kids performed a piece they had been practising in each class, either a poem or a song and they were so endearing, and I must admit my Grandson brought a tear to my eye (and my Mum). I was very impressed by his teacher, he has had a few problems settling in and I know his reports and one to ones have highlighted that he lacks concentration and can sometimes be disruptive, but at the same time he is very bright and engaging. However his teacher was at pains to tell us that he is not malicious in any way nor disruptive on purpose she said he finds it difficult to concentrate and is very easily distracted, that she needs to keep an eye on him and redirect him when this occurs. She told us that he is very supportive and empathetic to everyone in the class and is always the first go to anyone who is upset or struggling. She said his social skills are well advanced and he is a little gem in the class as always trying to keep the class happy as he really cares about everyone ? this from the teacher who ?labelled? him as a troublemaker at the start!

                          I do have a question from you all though which might sound silly but I think it might be at the root of some of the problems, Okay he holds his pencil in a funny way in his right hand and the teacher keeps correcting him and making him change the way he holds it, it was commented on in nearly all of his workbooks. I asked him and he said it doesn?t feel right the way the teacher wants him to hold it and makes him right in very small letters, makes him feel uncomfortable and ?itchy?, where he prefers to write in a more freehand way ? it does look messy his way I must admit but that?s the way he likes it and it certainly doesn?t conform to what the teacher wants. We are talking about a 6 year old here, but I feel he is being put into a little box already and not being allowed to be himself, I fear mainstream school just isn?t going to be a good place for him unless he can come across good teachers who will see his potential. It?s quite frustrating. What do you think?

                          Dewdrop :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            Magical March Madness - Week One

                            Mornin' Marchers!!!

                            Hope you all have a great day today. Gotta run off to work here pretty quick...this is technically my "Friday"...looking forward to my 2 days off.

                            Chill, I am about to order that Jason Vale book like RIGHT next stop is Yes, would love a buddy for the reading. I can't wait to get my hands on it. I think it will really be the icing on the cake so to speak.

                            Dew-I agree that the holding pen issue is a bit too much since he is only 6 years old for Pete's sake (by the way, who the heck is "Pete" anyway? Poor guy gets blamed for everything!). I think he should be able to go with the way he naturallly wants to hold the darn pencil and not be forced into something that is uncomfortable for him. Maybe time to seek more understanding teachers so that he is not discourage from the get go if you know what I mean. Anyway, that's just my thoughts and I do not have children but many of you here have, what do you guys think?

                            Well, gotta go order that book, see you guys later!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Magical March Madness - Week One

                              Trying to catch up with you all. This a busy thread.
                              As some of you know, I'm pretty involved with AA and to be honest, am pretty sick of having to label myself as an alcoholic at every meeting. Have noticed some people introduce themselves and then say, "I'm clean and sober today". Feels better than "I am an alcoholic.".

                              Dew, I'm left handed and hook my wrist around to write. I had one teacher who made me sit in a corner, fearing others might mimic my hook. As a retired special ed teacher I say, if your grandson's writing is legible, ask the teacher to back off. No 6 year old or any kid for that matter needs that much "constructive" criticism.

                              Chill, sending you good moving vibes. I'm not moving but at least once a week try to go through my house and get rid of something. Too much stuff.

                              SD, sorry about your headache. Hope its gone by the time you read this. What's happening on the fertility front?

                              Dill, is spring break coming up? Do you still have a daughter in New Orleans?

                              Shout out to LBH, Fly, Blonde, Rust and Rusty, Cyn, Sooty,Pap, Star and all I missed.

                              Ran with the birdies singing this morning. Off to the homeless shelter in a couple of hours.
                              One day at a time, folks. That's all we need to concern ourselves about today.


                                Magical March Madness - Week One

                                Good morning Marchers!

                                Actually marching into some decent Spring weather here this week
                                Will be heading out shortly for a long walk thru Longwood Gradens with the girls.

                                SD, I was one gigantic hormonal mess when coming of the pill - I remember. It does take a while to normalize but you will. In the end I always felt better being off the pill. Funny that I'm just the opposite now - if I don't take my HRT I feel like crap

                                Greetings Rustop & Dew!
                                Dew, we certainly do have a lot to learn from the kids, don't we?
                                I learned early on the only way my son was going to survive mainstream school was by me hand picking his teachers in elementary school. Fortunately, because of my daughter being older I knew all of the teachers. I was able to pick the ones that I knew would be open-minded enough to handle his quirks & not badger him...... It all worked out in the end but I was preparerd to pull him out of school if I thought they were going to break his spirit. He was a good kid, kind but quirky.

                                Hi Papmom, Blondie & Shelley!
                                I will not think of myself as alcoholic either - I think that label is destructive & soul shattering. I am someone who abused AL for a number of years in an attempt to blot out deep, personal pain.

                                Today I am a happy granny of 3 :H
                                Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

