Congrats on the weight loss Lav!!!
It's only 7PM but I am pretty beat...don't know why...had the day But I did get lots done anyways. Off to read a book in a few moments and have some herbal tea but wanted to say hi to my wolf pack first.
Feeling a bit melancoly tonight. Getting sober has got me reminicsing about my early childhood in NY...I had a very happy childhood. When we moved to Maine, things got tough and I was only 10 years old. Money was tight, my folks argued a lot. I was the new kid in school. I missed NY tons. Lately, I have been wishing myself back there...back before I ever got messed up with AL. But one cannot change the past and so I plan to create a happy future. I've also had a few reaquaintances on Facebook of girlfriends from those early years in NY, ones I haven't heard from in 30 years or so, and it's got me sentimental for the past and those special friends I made when I was in grade school. Maybe it's part early sobriety and part me turning the milestone of 40 this coming summer. I dunno, just feeling kinda weepy right now. Well, better get the tea kettle on and snuggle with my fur children. You guys know I am always upbeat and I'm not depressed or anything. It's just weird to deal with these emotions sober for once. Oh my God, that's it. I am dealing with EMOTIONS SOBER. DUH!
Ok Blondie, go get your jammies on and go to bed!
Love you guys, see you in the AM! Shue, if the VIP Pricks haven't worn you down too much, do please make that French Press extra dark...I got some butt to kick tomorrow via housework!