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AF Daily - Friday, March 2

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    AF Daily - Friday, March 2

    Good glorious morning abbers,

    Last night the sleep fairy did not sprinkle sleepy dust – she whacked me over the head with a 9 iron … and Lord, I am thankful for it – I needed the rest. I am still feeling a bit apprehensive, slow and tired –I guess it is the process of getting rid of the poison – the supplements should help here.

    Sausage – I am so happy you made it, saw your post at 6:AM on the Newbies Nest , you go, girl. (Notice I refrained from “well done sausage !” – just like sunshine, I get the crazy craziest images trying to picture you.

    Kaslo the wise – I am a big fan of David Gestern’s articles (and I follow his supplements plan) – any other reading material you could recommend? I am particularly interested in foods that support the liver; I am intent on healing the liver damage that the doctors have not detected but which I am sure exists.

    TND – thx for the Vetricin recommendation – my dog gets into trouble so often –I am told this breed is pretty immune to pain and that the invisible fencing does not work on them for that reason ( not that I’d ever dream of doing that to an animal). Amen to what your sponsor said "We drink to find relief".

    Lav – did the fox get into your chicken coop ?

    I am off skiing again this weekend so might not be on MWO so much. Gotta make good use of the horrendous amounts of snow here.

    The French press is brewing Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee - by special request – now if only we had some of Blondie’s cake stashed away somewhere.
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF Daily - Friday, March 2

    Good morning Abbers,
    Just wanted to say hello & to wish everyone a happy day....and weekend to come.

    Sounds like you had a great sleep Shueaddict!!

    It is a wonderful thing to wake up hangover free & feeling like getting on with my day instead of getting back into bed and/or the bottle.
    It is nearly two years since I got sober & I am grateful that I was able to find my way out!
    Life is not perfect, but it is infinitely better than it was.


    Sober since 30/06/10


      AF Daily - Friday, March 2

      morning all 10 days down

      Working away at myself, woke up this morning and could hear the old head picking away negetively, knowing this is not the way forward I'm trying to get to that place of just observing my head off in its rants, it still hurts abit but it eases off quicker and I feel more in control. Calling a halt to te self run riot that in my head

      PS the thread was mental yesterday , so much support
      "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


        AF Daily - Friday, March 2

        Hi Shue, Amelia and Sugar,

        Happy Friday or whatever day it is in your part of the world.
        Shue- I too am a shoe lover but am a clod in heels. Good thing I was born tall since the grace is missing!
        Happy skiing!

        Amelia- two years? I'm in awe and wish (will work) to type those words someday.

        Sugar-great job making it to the double digits. It isn't always fun or is it the easiest process but neither is walking up feeling like crap or full of guilt! Keep on keepin on.

        Library Girl- can you recommend a good, easy,read????? I'm finally almost finished with my book. : )

        I'm officially starting day 10. I've been thinking about some upcoming events and how I will make it through.
        A big hello to all you fabulous af-fers (that sounds like a potty mouth word) yet to visit.
        AF since 2/22/2012


          AF Daily - Friday, March 2

          I'm all over the place, no urge to drink but getting my head straight at times is like taming a wild beast,

          This 2 will pass, this 2 will pass, this 2 will pass
          "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


            AF Daily - Friday, March 2

            Good morning, Shue, Sugar, Amelia, Almost and all to come.

            After snowing all day, it looks like we really only got about six inches--much less than most areas of the state. Will get the official report after Mr TDN hits the drive with the snowblower.
            Shue, we have the invisible fence, professionally installed and it encloses two acres. The training the company provides is incredible, and the trainers we had were very positive. Our first Brittany was hit by a car when she was five years old and suddenly chased a squirrel. Quiet road, but a neighbor was driving too fast and hit her. It was devastating, and I vowed never to lose a dog that way ever. I was surprised to learn that Britts are not a breed that usually challenges the fence. All three trained at different times and even Dirty Harry got only one or two corrections and that was it. Of course, we never leave them outside when we aren't here to watch them, and we've only ever had two neighbor dogs get lose and come to our yard--to play with ours! Luckily we don't have stray dogs roaming around. I think the fence has gotten a bad rap because many people either install it themselves, don't keep an eye on the battery, or go away all day and leave the dog outside. Okay--off the soap box!
            I am feeling more positive today after a few days of feeling a bit down. I won't be going out today, as Mr TDN has to take Bud for his last chemo, and it is an hour away and I have to finish cleaning the house and get ready for our friends who are coming for casual dinner tonight.
            Pap3, thanks for the info on DD. What a stupid rule from your city!! Won't get into that. Love, love Dr Dodds! Let us know when you get the results.
            Hope everybody has a great AF day!
            "One day at a time."


              AF Daily - Friday, March 2

              Happy Friday Homies!

              Almost Famous...what day did you quit? On the 22nd like me? I am I have 9 or 10 Sorry, it's the BLONDE in me, hahahahaha!

              Amelia, thank you for posting and wow, 2 years! You are "utterly" amazing!!! Sorry for the pun with your cute cow avatar...I love cows, what can I say?

              Thanks for the French Press Shue...sorry, we gobbled all the cake yesterday but when we have another victory, we'll do it again! Actually, we should have cake everyday since there are so many victorious moments EACH day.

              Well, gotta run or else I could hang here with y'all all morning. But gotta go make pay dirt. TDN, snowed here on the coast all day yesterday too and into the night. Now we finally have a blanket of white on the ground which is weirds since we haven't seen any all winter and now it is almost spring.

              Goddess I love those words...IT IS ALMOST SPRING! Bring it on!

              Later gaters, I'm off to work and then gym and then finally home. Steak on the menu tonight with roasted asparagus. Then, if I have an iota of energy left I will come on here and post; otherwise you may not see me till early tomorrow AM before work. Know that I will be thinking of you all and pulling for you as I hope you will be pulling for me. Although I am feeling pretty strong lately...with each af day that passes I feel stronger in my resolve. But, a girl NEVER lets her guard down...

              Hugs to all! PS, Shue, have a great weekend skiing and with any luck you will bless us with some photos from the top of the world again!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                AF Daily - Friday, March 2

                Good morning Abbers!

                Sounds like you had a visit from the coma fairy shue :H
                Who cares? Sleep is sleep!

                Amelia, congrats to you a few days early on your 2 AF years!!!!
                Awesome feeling, isn't it?
                I'm looking forward to my 3 year anni on the 26th!

                Greetings to almostfamous, sugarbeat, Blondie & TDN!
                I'm heading out to Curves now while the sun is shinning (rain moving back in tonight & tomorrow).

                Have a great AF Friday one & all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Friday, March 2

                  Blonde- 2/22 was my first day af! I'm on day 10.
                  AF since 2/22/2012


                    AF Daily - Friday, March 2

                    Hi everyone

                    Just checking in - thanks again for all your help last night. Felt great this am and even went to the gym as well as a swim. Have been swimming 2-3 times a week for ages but have really neglected the gym. Just went on the cross trainer and the static bike for 40 mins total, then a swim after. Felt a real adrenaline / endorphin surge. Better than high of alcohol. I always used to exercise a lot ( have done 6 marathons) but as my exercise reduced my drinking increased - need to turn this around!! After this am I definitely agree with those on here that say exercise really helps.

                    Interestingly I read on another thread about someone going for liver tests and the Drs saying you have to be AF for 2 weeks completely before, to get accurate results. This show it must take a while for or bodies to get used to not taking the stuff and even begin to start to recover.

                    Have a good AF day everyone. Am going to try and bake a GF cake today or tomorrow, inspired by my cake on here yesterday.

                    Take care all

                    Sausage x
                    Day 8 ********


                      AF Daily - Friday, March 2

                      Good Morning All,

                      Sugarbeat. Perfectly normal at this stage for your head to be all over the place. Your body and brain are getting used to not having a daily dose of alchol. In that process of healing, things can be pretty weird. Different people feel different things. I was very tired, sad, and depressed. Congrats on 10 days.

                      Almost Famous. Good for you for thinking about upcoming events. During my first year, I avoided get togethers where the main event was alcohol. I felt like I was isolating myself a bit but I had this big awareness that alot of my friends and my social activity revolved around alcohol. No suprise there, huh? Had to reconstruct a new way of being with and relating to people because I am a very social person.

                      Amelia, big congrats on 2 years

                      Shue. Have fun skiing. Doesn't sound like being AF is slowing you down. That's a very good thing.

                      Hello to everyone else.

                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!


                        AF Daily - Friday, March 2

                        Kaslo I love your snotcicle shot!

                        Papmom I feel so badly for your dog. How big is the sore on his belly? That's crazy that you're only allowed to have 2 pets! I've never heard of a law like that.

                        TDN Nutiva is the brand of coconut oil that I use too. Good stuff. I'm glad to hear that you're mentally in a better place.

                        Sausage so glad to hear that you made it through your cravings! You sound upbeat today. Congratulations on Day 8.

                        Wow Lav, 3 years. I can't wait to be able to claim a year or two.

                        Almostfamous double digits for you! Congrats.

                        Shue thanks for sharing the Sleep Fairy with me. I've been sleeping pretty well the last few days. Have fun skiing.

                        Blonde I think it's double digits for you too, right? Well done!

                        Sugarbeat I think this is very much a head game. For me, the addiction is about 95% mental. Stay strong.

                        Hi Amelia, thanks for stopping in. I love to hear from people with a lot of time under their belts.

                        Well Abbies, I don't have to go into work today (yeah!) but I do have to go for a physical that is required for work. I'm a bit nervous about that. I woke up today with a pain in my lower right abdomen. Of course I'm thinking "liver." I've got 2 weeks AF today and haven't felt any pain until today. Also since I'm getting ready to celebrate my 29th birthday for the 18th time in a couple weeks my near vision is starting to go and I might fail the physical because of that. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Speaking of my 29th birthday, I've noticed my metabolism slowing too the more and more I celebrate that birthday. I was always a quick loser too in my 20s and 30s but now I can't seem to lose at all. I'm probably 20 pounds heavier than I'd like to be. I'm hoping that the working out will help. But like Lav said in yesterday's post I've been eating a lot more sugar since quitting AL. I'm hoping that once I'm off the AL for a while I'll be able to cut back on the sugar again.

                        Btw, where in the heck is Chill?

                        Have a wonderful day everyone.


                          AF Daily - Friday, March 2

                          Hi Momof3! Sorry I missed you. :h


                            AF Daily - Friday, March 2

                            medicating myself with affirmations, tapping, reading, writing

                            Jez, 7 mts alco free, 3 days with alco and see what has happened my head, I feel so far disconnnected from myself
                            "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                              AF Daily - Friday, March 2

                              Hello gang,

                              I looove good news on Friday, the big boss called and and approved the last third of my bonus. Yupee!!!! But no more popping the Moet! Got me two extra bottles of Perrier 'cause God forbid they don't have it in the hotel.

                              Still, I just want to say that I would probably not have made it had it not been for MWO and accumulating lots of AF days in the second part of the year. I am pretty sure that if I continued drinking like I used to I would have not excelled at work.

                              So I'm jumping up with joy !!!!

                              TND - In this country they cannot even properly install my gartden lights; the breeder who sold my dog warned me that invisible fencing does not work on him but I am welcome to try it on my husband :I)

                              Sugar, big hug to you, IT WILL PASS !!!
                              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

