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My Little Experiment

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    My Little Experiment

    Well, I always said that I would love it if they made an AF wine that didn't taste like grape juice. Well, it seems that they finally have.

    I went to the liquor store yesterday on a mission. It was weird to be in there, and I almost left. But I got a bottle of Ariel "de-alcoholized" Merlot. It has about a half-percent of alcohol in it. It doesn't taste like grape juice, but doesn't really taste like wine either. The best I can say is that is has a taste somewhat reminiscent of wine. But it's not too bad; it's drinkable, and you don't want to gulp it, cause you know you're not going to get a buzz.

    What I found interesting is that I got a great deal of gratification out of the ritual of drinking out of a wine glass with a liquid in it that looked like red wine and tasted a little bit like red wine. I enjoyed not getting buzzed and going to sleep sober. I really like that ritual, however, and it was comforting. I think it says a lot about how much my wine "habit" meant to me, aside from the "buzz".

    At any rate, I don't want to make this another habit, because the stuff costs more than the wine I used to drink, and one of the things I'm enjoying about ABS is having more $$$ in my wallet, but I feel that it is nice to know that if I am invited to a party or something like that, I can buy a bottle of this stuff and take it and drink "like everyone else" and not feel deprived. I've been one to avoid social situations while abs, and this feels like it will open up more options for me while still remaining ABS.

    Purists might disagree with this, and to be honest, I feel conflicted about it too. Part of me felt guilty last night, as if I were really drinking, because I did feel a sense of pleasure and gratification!

    I'd love to know what others think about "my experiment".



    PS: The scale doesn't lie; I'm down 2 1/2 lbs this week! Yay!
    AF as of August 5th, 2012

    My Little Experiment

    I shall run right out and buy a bottle. Like you, the ritual of holding a wine glass for me is gratifying. I suppose purists would argue that we should abandon the wine glass altogether but if i could wean myself slowly by drinking the non-alcoholic stuff ....why not.

    I do enjoy Becks non-alcoholic beer if I go out to a restaurant. Many beer lovers would disagree with me. I am not a beer drinker but enjoy ordering something other than soda water when I go out. Fruit juice bothers my stomach.. (ironic that a bottle of "rooting grapes" as Alan Carr would call it, doesn't bother my stomach though)

    Thanks for the tip Kathy!



      My Little Experiment

      Hey Kathy!
      I've found that in party situations, or if I'm really having the "itch" to drink, the AF drinks help take the edge off. Like you said, it does give a sense of pleasure and gratification.
      What I've found with the non-A beer and wine is that I don't WANT to drink it every day. Just when I'm really "craving" or uncomfortable or whatever you want to label it as! So as far as the $$$ thing goes, a bottle of that stuff every now and then will surely be less pricely that a bottle or two of the real stuff every day, in the long run. AND with no buzz, you are not compelled to drink a bunch of it. Chances are, you'll sip on a glass or two.
      Yes, purists disagree with the N/A drinks. But I say whatever gets you through. If it gives you one more AF day, great!

      Congrats on the weight loss!!

      BTW, the last couple things I've gone to when I have been not drinking, I've drank sparkling juice. Cranberry for the football game, pear last night! It's yummy, and ZERO alcohol.

      Good luck, girl! I'm right here with ya.


        My Little Experiment

        that sounds like a great thing, i like wine, however my vice when home alone was vodka recently, but when out at parties i never know, wine, vodka, anything, whatever they are serving, and i will usually bring a bottle to be polite, so i am thinking due to your expiriment i will bring a real bttle for them and a bottle of the stuff you tried for myself, i have not yet had to endure a party as every night i have been home on my AF journey (but i can get tempted at parties too) And that is a good idea about the odouls, i drink sooo much water b.c i run a lot, my boyfriend has been out of town so i have been eating at home all the time, but he will be home on the 28th and we like to go out to eat a lot, and i would always order a beer or a vodka tonic with dinner, and i know he enjoys a beer with dinner and unlike me he can jus have one, so i dont drink soda, dont want to order water cuz that is all i drink and i am not a huge fan of sugary juice with dinner, so I will try that Janet when we go out to eat!! Thanks for the great ideas!!!
        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.


          My Little Experiment

          hey Becca we were posting at the same time!
          It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
          James Gordon, M.D.


            My Little Experiment

            I think it is great you found something you enjoy. What a great Idea to take to the party and still feel like your belonging to the group. Now you can be the designated driver! And feel really good about it!! .....while they wake up with hangovers!


              My Little Experiment

              Damn- now I want non-alcoholic cab. But I am conflicted about it. I am afraid it will make me want the real deal. And I believe it has a very small % of alcohol in it. So then I am afraid it will void my Campral.

              Anyone else noticed we have like a zillion viewers of the site and in comparison few members?


                My Little Experiment

                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                James Gordon, M.D.


                  My Little Experiment

                  I had tried the Fre wine and hated it. I would love to find a non alcoholic wine I could pretend with.



                    My Little Experiment

                    Mags, I agree, the Fre sucks. There are a couple other options.
                    For beer: the Kaliber by Guinness is good. O'Doules Amber is better than O'Doules in the regular bottle. St. Pauli Girl makes a decent N/A. Sharps is horrible. The Coors N/A is tolerable.

                    OH YEAH, babies. I've tried it all.


                      My Little Experiment

                      Save your $ and do not buy Ariel Cabernet.


                        My Little Experiment

                        lucky, remember, I said that I got MOST of my satisfaction out of the ritual, and the taste was REMINISCENT of wine:H . I'm sure you would probably feel exactly the same about the merlot! They said on the label that this wine won medals in competition with other real wines. I think whoever wrote that was either a sociopathic liar or completely wasted on drugs! But I do like the ritual. I may buy a bottle for when I watch the superbowl.

                        And oh yes, the Fre does stink. Might as well drink grape juice.
                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          My Little Experiment

                          ha ha ha

                          I am not abs tonight - not meaning to be taunting. 43 minutes - yes I am anal.


                            My Little Experiment

                            Okay, Happy AF day ... and maybe next time I will try NOT the Ariel Cabernet, but one of the others. So mad I succumbed - but really - did I HAVE to pick a condo right across the street from a wine store????


                              My Little Experiment

                              I wanted to apologize because someone thought I had said I was trying to taunt them on my earlier post. I fell off and was "resetting" my AF clock last night. NEVER would I intentionally put that in someone's face, which is why I said "NOT meaning to be taunting." But I offer my apologies to anyone whom I may have offended. It was not intentional.

                              As most of you know, I really was not having such a great night last night. Glad to be back on AF. THe HA HA HA was referring to the laughable state I was in last night - quite pathetic. Glad I have the option of choosing an AF beverage tonight, if I wanted to.


