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AF-daily, Saturday March 3

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    AF-daily, Saturday March 3

    Good morning Aberoonies,

    Here's a quick post from the ski lift again, after a week stuck in the office this is my saving grace. Will try to post a pic later and share this glorious sunshine with you.

    Kas and Det, thank you so much guys for your wonderful food for thought.

    Left the coffee in the French press ( yes, I travel with it), wish you all a wonderful weekend.

    PS : the sleep fairy changed shifts again with the coma fairy ... Bliss
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF-daily, Saturday March 3

    Morning folks, day 12 for me, feeling ok today, hoping to be nice to myself today
    Anyhow wishing you all a great Saturday
    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


      AF-daily, Saturday March 3

      Morning all

      Day 9 for me - didn't sleep too well last night ( woke about 4am and couldn't get back to sleep) but don't feel as tired as when this happened when I was drinking.

      Have just finished reading the Jason Vale book, mentioned quite a bit on MWO. It is quire similar in style to the allen Carr book wch I read 4 yrs ago but subtly different. I thought it was v good and right now seems to be helping me - although the real test will be at witching hour tonight!

      Have a great AF day all

      See you later

      Sausage x
      Day 9 *********


        AF-daily, Saturday March 3

        How has you old timers found the whole repairing relationships area?

        My situation is that I have let people down so many times, my partner broke up with me re the whole lot of it and since then I havenly proved he has made the right decision, I lost myself and anyone got any hopefull stories in this area, I'd love to have a little faith but I've lost belief in this area, is anything possible?
        "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


          AF-daily, Saturday March 3

          Top o' the morning gang!

          Shue, do post a pic if you can! Have fun on the slopes!

          Sugarbeat, congrats on Day 12. I'm right at your tails on Day 11! Love being in those double digit days, don't you?!

          Sausage, I so want to read that Vale book...(note to self, order this weekend!). I think it will really be worth it. Hope you have a better sleep tonight.

          Have a super Saturday everyone! I'm dashing off to work and will try to check back tonight. Peace!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            AF-daily, Saturday March 3

            Too much wind at the top, good thing we got many runs early. Hitting balls at the golf driving range, enjoying the sun.
            workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


              AF-daily, Saturday March 3

              Good morning, all out there in ABBERLAND!

              I am a little late this a.m., as I spent time re-reading yesterday's posts by Kas and Det. Kas, I really appreciate all the time you put into sharing that info with us. In the past few years, I've had liver enzyme tests come back high, and even had an ultra sound a couple of years ago. The tech told me she didn't see anything suspicious, but my nurse practitioner said it was fatty liver and I should stop drinking "temporarily." Last summer when I went to a rehab for 2 weeks, they said my liver enzymes were a little high, but they were worried more about the size and shape of my red blood cells, indicating a lack of B vitamins. I have taken milk thistle for years--has to be over ten years--and don't remember how/when I first heard of it as a great healer of liver issues. Guess I knew then that I was drinking more than I should have been. Anyway, I have always been a big vitamin/supplement fan and have an entire shelf full of things, some of which I can't remember the purpose for buying! I did order all the supplements recommended in Seven Weeks To Sobriety, but found trying to get them all in was nearly impossible. I have recently started Collagen Types I and III--think that is it, on recommendation from Turn. But that is for sore knees and joints. I'd better stop here, as I am rambling as usual! Did watch the video from one of the other threads on Dr Terry Wahls and her diet recommendations. I am not sure I could eat organ meats, unless it was liver pate, but she recommends that as Det does. And I was watching a tv show on public TV last night and cannot remember the name of the guy, but his whole thing focuses on feeding the brain to ward off alzheimers. Very interesting!
              Had a nice dinner with friends last night. Also emailed the library in the neighboring town, as they had an ad in our local newspaper for a library assistant 25 hrs a week. Haven't heard back from them, so will stop by on Monday to pick up an application.
              Got another few inches of snow overnight, and am hoping Mr TDN gets out with thesnowblower in time for us to go to the gym. (Closes at noon.)
              Sugar, the relationship thing is hard. Those who saw us at our worst, lying and cheating, have a hard time trusting us.
              Afraid this will time out, so will be back in a few minutes. Mr TDN is speaking, LOL!
              "One day at a time."


                AF-daily, Saturday March 3

                sugarbeat;1273305 wrote: How has you old timers found the whole repairing relationships area?

                My situation is that I have let people down so many times, my partner broke up with me re the whole lot of it and since then I havenly proved he has made the right decision, I lost myself and anyone got any hopefull stories in this area, I'd love to have a little faith but I've lost belief in this area, is anything possible?
                Greetings fabbers,

                Anything sure is possible Sugar, but as to relationship repair, who knows? For me, the best thing that i can do is to maintain my sobriety and just do my best, be my best, and to be honest.

                Just do your best friend, and your deeds and the new sober you will hopefully slowly rebuild some trust. Take care of you, and concentrate on getting yourself right.

                Just back from a couple of great gigs. So good to be playing. :h

                Wishing all a safe, sober and magical weekend.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  AF-daily, Saturday March 3

                  Hi there!

                  I had a great morning with my kids, then my ex came to pick them up.... We talked....And afterwards I just wanted to drink and forget!!

                  Came to MWO and feel better. We are seperated and need to divorce at some stage, but delay that for ceratian perks a marriage on a paper can give you. The real problem is the kids. He just told me that he would like to take them full time, because I would like to work overseas when I am done with my studies... This scares the shit out of me!! I thought about just getting in my car and go buy a damn box!! I'm gonna loose in any case!!

                  Sorry, Sugar. I don't have any advice. Truly think I suck at relationships.

                  I mean - he went cycling this morning to be fit. Then he comes around here all smelling like AL! Can't he do the math??

                  Shue - It looks great! Wish I was there!

                  Hope you all have a safe Saturday.
                  12-20-2012 AF
                  Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                    AF-daily, Saturday March 3

                    Back again. Shue, that phot is very inspiring!! Thanks so much.
                    Sugar, Guitarista put it better than I could have. We have to focus on our own recovery/sobriety, and the relationship thing will fall where it may. Stay strong. I tell myself that every day. Not easy, but the alternative stinks!
                    Life, last night my friend and I had Shirley Temples made with diet gingerale, while our husbands each had a couple of beers. My friend doesn't drink much, and is dieting, so love the ST! I used very little grenadine, as it has so much sugar, but with a cherry and orange slice, looks good--and tastes better! MAybe that's what you saw in the glass--or that could have been selzer with cranberry or pmegranate--also delicious. I was fully present in the moment last night, and enjoyed sharing time with friends without sneaking off to the bathroom or bedroom for AL.
                    Thought Bud was having his last chemo yesterday, but guess the oncologist suggested moving them to every six weeks. I am having doubts about this, but we'll see. As of this a.m. he is still eating, but I expect it to change and have ice cream on hand if I need it
                    Okay, off to get dressed for gym, as it looks like we may get out of here in an hour or so.
                    Have a great AF day, all!
                    "One day at a time."


                      AF-daily, Saturday March 3

                      ok feeling low and sad and lonely today:upset:

                      I've lost so much and don't know where my life is going

                      I don't want to drink I just want some peace of mind
                      "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                        AF-daily, Saturday March 3

                        Hi Sugar - sorry you are feeling like that- at least you don't want to drink.

                        Try and feel a bit more positive, however low things have got you must be on the up and up now - I mean you've already nearly got 2 weeks AF under your belt.

                        Make a list of all the things you want to achieve , both socially, personally , health, & work wise etc. tiny little steps etc and tick them off as you achieve one. You can already start ticking some off them off already, like 1 week AF etc. then as you tick things off you will see where you're going, and other people will notice the change too. Try to plan what you'd like to achieve in1 week, 1 month, 1 year etc and then take baby steps to get there 1 day at a time.

                        Take care

                        Sausage x


                          AF-daily, Saturday March 3

                          Morning Abbers!!

                          Sugar-I am no good at relationships (last one which was not good was 20 yrs ago) but I will tell you that in my early days of being AF, I too felt low and miserable more than I felt OK. What I did was keep to myself when not working, come on here and go to as many threads as possible and read all the inspirational stories and read about the people that were feeling as low as me. I also read TONS of books about this disease and sobriety (great You Tube video Blondie!! I must get that book!!) and I did a LOT of retail therapy. Most times I would just take off for the mall and walk and walk and walk. Sometimes I would buy a treat for myself or my dogs. I also took a lot of Calm Forte but changed to an all natural AD that Lav recommended, Amoryn. I got through mail order and I swear it really worked! I didn't have to take it for long, I did come out of my funk soon after. My main priority was ME. I didn't worry about anyone else. I just took care of myself. I took my supps, I listened to the CDs, I read, I tried to exercise, I made my list of what I was grateful for every nite. I ate what I wanted (hoo boy, regretting that now!!). Everyone is different and everyone gets through this period in different ways. You might have to do a lot of trial and error to find Your Way Out. The most important thing however is NOT to listen to the beast, no matter what. He will not help, he will make it worse. And if you ignore him, you will come out the other side and see the light. I promise. :h

                          Shue-great pic! How neat that you can ski in the morning and hit golf balls in the afternoon! :H

                          Kas and Det- thank you both for your time and energy in helping us understand the physiological effects of drinking and recovering from drinking and all the supps and what they do. You guys are amazing and have such a wealth of knowledge and we are very grateful that you wish to share it all with us.

                          Blondie-hope you have a nice day at work. A little icy here in the hills and very gray. supposed to get up to 50 but I have my doubts. Not even 30 right now!! Good on you for your gym visit last nite!! Keep up the great work!!

                          TDN-fingers crossed for you for the library job. I think that would be so cool!! Hope you got to the gym OK.

                          Hi Steady!! :welcome: Good job on your 100 days!! Keep up the great work! I hope you will stick around and become a regular here!

                          G!!! :h I love it when you pop in! So good to hear you are doing gigs again!

                          Hey Sausage-I hear ya about the interuppted sleep. I had the same thing last nite. Had to watch the telly for an hour or so more but then slept through the rest of the nite. Its this damn sinunitis. Wish my meds would get here!

                          Have no motivation to do a thing today but of course that will change very quickly. It always does! I don't really want to go out on the roads until it warms up anyway. Found out a friend is pregnant with her first-very happy. Baby quilt!!

                          I'm very worried about my dad and aunt and cuz in SC. They are in the direct path of very bad weather today and possible tornadoes. He has his phone off and I hate that!! I sure hope they have a basement to go to and that he checks in soon.
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF-daily, Saturday March 3

                            Good Saturday morning Abbers!

                            Great pic shue, I'm sure you are having a wonderful time!
                            I haven't had a night away from home in nearly 3 years & am starting to feel chained here

                            Sugarbeat, I too am sorry you are feeling so low. Developing an attitude of gratitude really, really helped me out a lot. Do a little free reading here:
                            The ToDo Institute: Mindfulness, Procrastination, and Gratitude using Morita and Naikan Therapies
                            I've been a member there for a number of years, love the philosophies
                            Focus on repairing yourself first & foremost.

                            Greetings to everyone & wishing you a great AF Saturday!
                            I need to busy myself with some housework until something more interesting pops up!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF-daily, Saturday March 3

                              Hello Abbers!

                              I'm still here and still abbing. I am tired today as I didn't sleep in my own bed last night - had to come out to our condo at the beach to get it ready for some renters and I tossed and turned a lot for some reason. Anyway, I STILL feel 1000 times better than if I were hungover. Or even just dehydrated and depressed. (My other alcoholic alternative!)

                              Shue - I LOVE the pic. I now am obsessed with going skiing. I'll see what I can drum up.

                              Sugar and Steady Hands - I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling down. I used my relationship with my Husabnd a lot as a reason for drinking. However I have really had to work in the last year on separating myself from how my relationship is going. I know that's easier said than done and my heart goes out to both of you. :l

                              Sausage - good for you on hanging in there! You're on a roll!

                              Guitarista - I love that you're back to playing - I wish you could send some of that music over to us somehow!!

                              Pap, Lav, Blonde, Det, Kas - and anyone else I might have missed - Have a wonderful AF Saturday!

