I didn't drink or smoke at the weekend , which I felt very good about.
Amazing how many more hours you have in the day though - we stayed up until about half two on saturday eve and I was up by half nine!
Unheard of behaviour for bears..
Anyway i called in sick today and for tomorrow.Ii feel a bit coldy still and occasionally have cold sweat,
feel very cold. But more than that I just feel very sad and low. I'm meant to have meetings today and tomorrow and I don't think I could stand up and talk to room fulls of people - so I'm not!
I'm in dressing gown,with my cats. I may do bit of work on PC as bit behind from last week.
One of my old friends was there this weekend and I've been quite sad about how she seems to be so self obsessed,feel superior to others (mainly me and my new friends!)for a while.
It seemed ten times worse when she was pissed and i was sober!!
The highlight was when I was explaining arrangements for secret birthday party for my bloke. She then started talking very loudly about how she had forgotten to cancel her hair appt!!!!

then she said she couldn't just drive down that day and meet us at the do - wanted to come down eve before and couldn't I make some excuse for them being there.
I explained if they turn up eve before birthday he would know something was up.Just seems she has to be the centre of everything. she had a boyfriend in my town for a while who she used to come to see, wouldn't spend time with me but stay in while he was asleep (he worked nights) I live on the same road.She explained he was her priority and things change.that all changed when they spilit though and she just couldn't be in the same room as him and 30 other people for my birthday - and felt the need to analyse it for 12 months.
She also did a very weird thing, called boyfriends's mate at time(very very close friend of mine)for them to go out for drink/food just the two of them - and not calling me.

Sorry!don't know if any of this makes sense but I feel so sad about it and a little angry that someone can be so self obsessed, she always feels she knows better than me,the world too which is a little grating.
I'm very aware that she didn't ask anything about me,very rarely does - I make myself just talk about what I've been doing though.
There's more and probably worse stuff than this but don't feel I can really go on - well I could but you may have aged ten years by the time you have read the post!!
Did anyone else find that issues kind of polarised when you stopped drinking?I've been feeling it for a while but it's just a whole lot worse.:upset: