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AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

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    AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

    Morning? Everyone!

    I'm on Day 10 today - double figures - I've not got this far in years! So I thought I'd start of the AF daily for today.

    I am starting to feel a lot better, I know it takes many months for the body to fully reap the benefits of going AF but for me, the physical withdrawal should now be over, it's "just" a case of playing the mental game now.

    Have a great AF day everyone, I'll drop by again later.

    Sausage x
    Day 10 **********

    AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

    Morning All, Morning Sausage

    Big mossive high five on the double digits, its great having you round here, helping me along alot. We just need to start the old mental and spiritual journey now but we will get there and it'll be worth it
    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


      AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

      Good morning, Sausage and all heading here today!
      Sausage--great news!:goodjob: I'm sure the worst physical aspects are over, as you said, so now time to stay strong emotionally. I know you can do it!
      Going to church later this a.m. and then a few errands. That is it, other than reading and watching a Netflix movie.
      Bud has started the chemo side effects, as I'd expected. Was pretty lively when he got up and wanted to go outside and explore, as usual, but refused a treat when he came in. I know it's temporary, and he'll be back to normal in a couple of days, but I hate to see him all depressed and looking so sad.
      Picked up an app at the library yesterday for the 25 hr per week assistant job. The two women there were a bit confused with wher the apps were, and had to copy one for me. I mentioned that I'd sent an email, but one told me she wasn't sure who had received it. Of course, there is one question about having been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor. DUI is a misdemeanor, and I can't lie. I do know that one of the librarian's daughters was arrested for DUI last year and seems to have problems, and I know both of them. Maybe she'll be able to put in a word for me. I am overqualified for the position, but I love working with people and I would at least make some money. I am going to drop off the app and resume tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!
      Have a great AF day, one and all!
      "One day at a time."


        AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

        Hi Sausage, Sugarbeat, threedog and all the rest of the fab af-fers to visit,

        Kudos to both of you! I'm on day 12.

        Three dog- positive thoughts to Bud! Also that job sounds great! Go get em!!!

        I've had some cravings but pretend it's a (mean) game and I won't let IT win. We went out to dinner last night. I actually was amazed at the amount of people that don't drink. It was probably 50/50. I had water with lemon and that suited me just fine. My husband is a man that can have one beer in a week. He had one last night and it didn't bother me like I thought it might. Soon I'll be put to the massive test in las Vegas (lost wages???!) and I aim to win. Wishing everyone a great day.
        AF since 2/22/2012


          AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

          Good morning!

          Sausage I'm celebrating your 10th day! Well done. I found that overall I felt better around day 10 too and my sleeping definitely has improved.

          TDN positive job vibes to you and hoping that Bud's chemo isn't too harsh on him.

          Hi Sugarbeat and everyone else.

          Feeling great although I had to get up way too early for work. Whenever I set the alarm clock I don't sleep well and last night was no exception. But this is my Friday, so I won't need the alarm for a few days and imagine I'll sleep well tonight. Off to work.


            AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

            Hi Almost! We cross posted. Way to go staying strong in the restaurant.


              AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

              Hey Ho Fabarinos!!!

              WowWee what a thrill to have all these new faces here! And I lurrrrv the old ones :h

              I got my taxes done and caught up on a couple things, but I continue to need more hours in a day. Hence my absence. In posting anyway. I do follow whats going on. On that note, has anyone heard from Uni since she drank again?

              Sausage, :goodjob: on double digits! I love when someone comes back, settles in and gets it done!

              Sugarbeat, I'm sorry you are having some ups and downs. You received some good words from Momof3 and Guitarista, etc. I peeked at Lav's recommended site. She has lots of resources like that to share. When I was in the early stages - well honestly even still - I try to spend time walking in the woods. Is there something like that which makes you feel good? Find it and do it. Or explore new hobbies. And exercise. Do the best thing for yourself and don't give in to AL. Let go of the past and love and respect yourself for every little step in the right direction. You SO deserve it! :l

              Kas, gawd - you're STILL sick??? Poetry was a scream :H

              Loving the pics - funny looking at snow from here in temps near the 80s - but that's over for a few.

              Det, I passed my gun class just fine, but balked at the fingerprinting and database part of the permit. I don't know why, it just felt "big brotherish". I don't really want to carry. I just wanted to feel comfortable with my own gun.

              I think I've sorted out a barter arrangement with my fave yoga instructor. Yay! And things at the shop are fine. The owner is bumping my boundaries and I've come to appreciate those opportunites for me to pay attention and reinforce them.

              Well, it's damp and chilly out but I think I'll crank up the firepit for a little bit. Well if I can dig out some dry wood. I didn't think about that. Bugger.

              Tally ho and one thing's for sure!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                Hi all! I too love seeing all the new *faces* as well as the longer timers! A quick in and out again for me as Dad is still hanging on in the hospital and midterms are in full swing. There is no way I could have handled any of this in the drinking days. I am a grateful sober one today.

                Sausage - congrats on "double digits!" I recall how awesome that felt. 10 days seemed like forever - I remember that well. Keep on going and you'll never have to do that again!

                TDN - special belly scratches to Buddy and good luck with the job.

                Almost - you said something that really struck me. Noticing the amount of people that drink very little or not at all. I was SHOCKED. It was always very convenient for me to assume that most people drank just like me. NOT. Made me cringe when I realized the truth of that. Of course I did seek out people who drank like me or were "worse than me" (in my sick eyes) so I could feel OK about my own drinking. That led me to some pretty skanky water holes in the end.

                Hi Sugar, fly, Greenie (good for you on yoga bartering! :yougo and everyone to come.

                One thing is for sure....I need my wits about me today so there will be no AL.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                  Ah people thanks for all the support, there is no doubt in the world that I'm going through a hard time but it would be a hellof alot harder if I couldn't check in here

                  Bit by bit I'll get there
                  "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                    AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                    Hi All!

                    Congrats on Day 10 Sausage and for getting us off on the right "hoof" today...

                    Day 12 for myself, feeling elated!

                    Gotta dash for work but just wanted to say hi to my favorite peeps!

                    Keep your chin up Sugarbeat, it only gets better!

                    TDN, Good luck with Buddy!

                    Everyone else, have a wonderful Sunday!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                      Good morning Abbers!

                      Congrats to one & all for staying on the sober bus

                      Nice to finally see you Ms greenie & Ms DG :H :H
                      I will be sitting with YB later to get some tax stuff sorted out for the accountant - fun, fun! But first we are attending a 60th wedding annivrsary brunch for our former, longtime neighbors. Not exactly looking forward to it but it will be an AF affair.

                      DG, I hope your Dad is comfortable - he's been hospitalized for quite a while.

                      greenie, I am probably the only one without a gun in these parts......hate them

                      Good luck with the job app TDN & give Bud a scratch for me!

                      Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Sunday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                        Good Sunday Morning Abbers!

                        Just a quick check in from me to say I'm here and glad to be sober! Because my quit date was in Febraury and it had an odd number of days this year I keep losing track of my days but I want to say I'm on Day 18?? And I'm feeling fantastic and strong.

                        Sausage and Blondie - congrats on racking up the days!

                        Lav - enjoy your party - it's great it will be AF!

                        DG I read your story last night as Sausage recommended it on another thread. It was very inspiring and wonderful to read. Thank you for that!

                        Hope everyone here has a wonderful AF Sunday.


                          AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                          Day 11 here! Nice to see you all. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! I'm going to eek out all I can out of this last day of the weekend, hee hee. Off to the flea market soon...Hope to find lots of ebay items for our home business!:thumbs:

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                            Morning Fabs and Fabettes!

                            Cold but bright and sunny Sunday over here (-19C). Had more snow overnight. Horses still locked up... firstly, I can barely get through the 3' of snow between the barn and their pasture on my own, secondly, if I can step over the fence... so can they, and last but not least, my rope gate seems to shrink in the cold/when covered in snow and I can't close it. So, looks like the boys are under house arrest. I'm not really sure why I feel guilty about that.. after all, they're in the TajMahorse... not some drafty shack. Unfortunately, all our fencing will have to be revisited this Spring/Summer - sigh.

                            Other than that... not much on the agenda today. Going to do a little run into town in a few minutes, clean up around here, and enjoy having power back :H

                            Have a great Sunday, ladies and germs... DG and greenarse... so good to see you!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                              Sunni - greenarse. :H Is that any way to speak to the :crowned:?????

                              Lav - the situation with my Dad is so bad. He has been in the hospital 10 days now and has not been out of bed the whole time. (not the hospitals fault - he is just that sick) He is in SO much pain with his back crumbling. What a horrible way to live. I just don't know what the future holds for him and I really think it will be a blessing when he can just rest in peace. I never thought I would say that, but watching someone suffer this way is horrible.

                              Hi to everyone else - I gotta get back to the books stat.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

