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AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

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    AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

    DG, thanks for your words. I'm going to read your story as recommended. I just know it will inspire me. I remember you from years ago when I started poking around MWO. I am truly impressed with what you have done!

    LibraryGirl- did you get some good finds????
    AF since 2/22/2012


      AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

      Night all and as always thanks for being here for me
      "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


        AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

        The AF 60th wedding anniversary was a blast just as I predicted :H :H
        It was actually very nice & especially nice to see everyone leave as sober as they arrived

        DG, have you considered getting the doctor to order a hospice consult?
        It sounds like it might be the best thing for your Dad right now & for the rest of you as well.
        The hospice people can see him right where he is, no need to move him anywhere. Knowing they will take over his care & assure he is comfortable is a blessing, really. We did it with my FIL, it was the best decision.

        Sunni, you sure do have a lot of snow upi there girl - geez! Hope it gets to melting real soon

        Wishing everyone a good night!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

          Dg-I'm so sorry about your dad. We have a lot of residents on hospice right now and from what my boss tells me, lav is right-it's a blessing for everyone. Hope things start improving for you all. :l

          Greenie-so glad you checked in. Was going to send the MWO posse out to find you! Glad all is well and that you were able to barter yoga classes. Neat.

          Sunni-so sorry about the ungodly amount of snow you have gotten so far. I do hear ya-that was us last year! Minus the power outages (at least where I am).

          Lav-how nice that the anni party turned out to be not so bad. I'm sure you are glad you went. Not too many people get to celebrate 60 years (or want to????)

          Hope everyone else had a great day. I'm beat and really really tired of this congestion. Meds better be tomorrow when I get home! Pharmacist said I can take a few does of Sudaphed but not too many (my BP is under great control at the moment). Not sure sudaphed is going to do anything more than neosynephrine does but I'm willing to give it a try just to get some rest!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

            Quick evening check-in... everyone doing alright?

            DG... I'm so sorry about your dad's condition. My mom was like that the last few years... umpteen back operations, fusions, etc... and in horrific pain. :l I hope something can get sorted to get him more comfortable and give you a little peace of mind.

            Well, I sent Mr. Wonderful back out to plow between the back of the barn and the pasture so I could let the monsters out for a bit. Whew... they were running and bucking and farting... pure delight :H I kept watch for a while, though... really didn't trust Atlas as far as I'd be able to throw him... and he WAS eyeing the 'fence' (which is a bit of a joke at the moment). However, after they settled down a bit, I was able to get their stalls cleaned out and everything ready. So, they had 2 hours outside... better than nothing

            And that's it, that's all from here.

            Sunni of the buried FN
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

              Exhausted after work, commute, cooking dinner, clean up, etc. Tomorrow will be my first real challenge. We're going out to dinner with my sister and BIL to celebrate our birthdays (sis and mine). I know there will be alcohol flowing, but I don't think I'll be tempted. But I can't let my guard down and must be prepared.

              Love and strength to you all. Good night.


                AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                DG, I feel for you. And your dad. It's tough. I still wonder what it would have been like to be "present". I'm so glad you are. :l

                Flyaway, have a plan, go over it a few times and you'll be good. We'll be at the next table munching popcorn. And Happy Birthday!

                Nighty night sunnybutt. Love, greenarse. :H
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                  Thats right, we WILL be at the next invisible presence. Keeping watch.

                  Goodnight you guys.


                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                    Happy Sunday night ABeroooooos!

                    Sausage, big hoorays for you!!! keep up the super work

                    Flyaway, full power to shields Sulu! yep, we'll be watching.

                    Greenie-Oakley you go girl! so proud you took and passed your firearms training course. the discipline/sport/hobby of shooting has been such an important part of my AF enjoyment of life and it's introduced me to some amazing and inspiring friends.

                    Kas, you have to feeling a tad better? don't be teasing us of netti pot poetry without delivering.....

                    ok, off to check chat

                    be well
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily: Sunday March 4th 2012

                      DG, I am very sorry also, about your father. My thoughts are with you.

                      Also, I have heard your story mentioned by Sausage on another thread but in lieu of time to find it, would someone send me the MWO link to your story with the before and after pics, etc.? I would love to read it!
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

