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Tuesday Jan 23rd

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    Tuesday Jan 23rd

    Hi all!!!!

    Well it's Tuesday for me. So thought i'd give things a head start here

    10 days AF - yay.

    Lots of love to all

    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

    Tuesday Jan 23rd

    Its just turned midnight here so its 23rd as well...
    Well done on 10 days AF Cashy...Way to go...
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      Tuesday Jan 23rd

      Hey Cashy and Irish,
      Mornin' everyone,

      Where is WeeMelon? I've noticed she's been MIA for a few days. Hope all is well Wee.

      Tuesday here too. I'm off to get some exercise. Gotta a bunch of year end paperwork and admin stuff to do. I'm so glad that I'm clear-headed and able to concentrate.. as that's half of the job!

      have a good one all!


        Tuesday Jan 23rd

        Hello all,

        Just got home from work and getting to the end of Day 23 AF... yay!

        Someone at work just got busted for getting drunk and letting slip things they shouldn't in the pub... I felt so happy to be able to say, "I wasn't even there!"

        Free since 26th February 2012


          Tuesday Jan 23rd

          mornin everyone - slightly chirpier bear here.
          I'm on day 11 today, will be at halfway mark at weekend as orginal plan was 30 days AF.
          ayway have a good day and thanks to everyone's support here yesterday - I was a very blue bear!
          one day at a time


            Tuesday Jan 23rd

            Morning All - day 9 for me! Any ideas how to handle re-opening of local pub down the road at the weekend?; friends have bought it and it's only 100 yds down the road and I need to go and do it all AF but it's beginning to worry me! I have until Friday evening to come up with a cunning strategy!!
            I x
            Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


              Tuesday Jan 23rd

              Paul where are you ? How are you doing now ?


                Tuesday Jan 23rd

                Morning all, day 11Af here, ran this mornign did really good, hope everyone is having a great day, I will write more later i have alot to do this morning..

                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                James Gordon, M.D.


                  Tuesday Jan 23rd

                  Ilex, maybe start pretending to yourself that you are a bit ill... like with a UT infection of something... and you need to be taking antibiotics... and just keep mentally rehearsing this so that come Friday you can use alittle white lie to say "sorry, just can't drink"... I don't know, I think I'd do something like that only because I don't think I'd have the resolve just yet to be among good drinking buddies celebrating the grand-opening of a drinking establishment. But, I'm sure you'll have other suggestions too. Best of luck, however you prepare for battle.


                    Tuesday Jan 23rd

                    Ilex, I agree with Olly. A bunch of good mental preparation combined with a smidge of a fib about just not feeling that do-able? I understand you can't NOT go, but you could make your appearance brief. Thinking about you!

                    Lucky, how is it going this morning?? I'm SO happy for you!

                    Bear, I'm glad you are feeling better. I have this picture of Bear in The Big Blue House.... never mind!! ha ha.

                    I'll check back in tonight, hopefully. Always check, just don't post usually because I'm spending quality time with the family:h .
                    Hubby will be gone to a business dinner (insert doom music), but I REALLY don't want to drink today. My body and psyche are pretty much feeling back to normal, and I don't want to wreck it for the next how many ever days by drinking. But when he's gone, it's like some freak alien takes over (AKA Kim-Discovery), and the corks just pop open. He'll only be gone a few hrs, so that's good.

                    Day 5.

                    Everyone, have a wonderful Tuesday!!


                      Tuesday Jan 23rd

                      All is good on this end. Went to lunch with some folks I had not seen in a month and was told I looked "radiant." That is abs, thanks to Campral. Nothing else is different. Felt good to hear.

                      Today is day 28. After I hit day 30, I think I will feel less of a need to make the daily announcement but I am still in a bit of shock about it and putting it out here is like pinching myself to confirm abs is real.

                      Work is stressful- extremely unrealistic expectations. I am selling my house. Moving to an apt. I have not found yet on a temporary basis until I a new house is completed in a few months. Lots of changes, which of course mean stress. But so far, so good. I am not sure what new coping skills I am learning - just realizing this would be so much MORE stressful if I was drinking. What a huge paradigm shift!

                      My best to all-


                        Tuesday Jan 23rd

                        Becca, I know what you mean.

                        The better half attends college at night one day a week, and that used to be my signal to have a couple of belts (I would be asleep by the time she got home anyway). Now, I make sure that I have some activities planned ahead of time with my son, as well as some chores around the house, and everything seems to go smoothly !
                        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                          Tuesday Jan 23rd

                          Good morning all! Day 2 again for me. My overall feeling is proud, despite Sunday night. No cravings last night at all. I was pleasantly surprised.

                          Pebbles, I'm wondering where Paul is too...I'm not used to him not being the first to start the thread. Olly, Weemelon posted last night on her thread over on GD--you've probably found it by now. I was getting worried too.

                          I'm glad that you're feeling a little better Bear. These ups and downs do seem to come and go, part of the healing process, I guess.

                          Ilex, one failsafe method might be if you could get a hold of some antabuse (disulfuram). You'd get EXTREMELY ill if you had a drink. It is an extreme measure, I know, but one that would help with extreme temptation! You could make up any excuse you wanted, but in your heart you would know that you absolutely positively couldn't drink! I know some MWO members have used it to really ramp up their program as insurance. I admire your courage for even thinking of going. Or maybe you could get some AF wine or beer for the evening and drink that?? I don't know what would work for you to stay alcohol free, but I am wishing you the best.

                          Becca, good luck tonight! I'm glad that you only have to deal with a couple of hours. I'm glad that you are feeling more normal and that you are racking up more O's in your drink tracker in general. I know that you have felt like a failure a lot, but I've known you since you've come here, and you really have made a steady progression, even with the ups and downs. Drinking is a hard issue to come to terms with. I'm really proud of you, love.

                          Cashy, Gem, and Newgrl, keep up the great work!

                          Olly, even though we're both on "Day 2", I really see you as so much farther ahead of me! But I am happy that we're on Day 2 together! I'm in such good company!

                          And Louise of course, is becoming the "Grand Dame Kitty" of Absville!

                          Lucky, that is wonderful news! One wouldn't have known that you were stressed at all! You are obviously learning something, although it might take time to put it into words. You are obviously too busy at the moment!

                          AAthlete, it's good to see you here, and I'm glad that you're spending time with your son instead of the bottle.

                          Hugs to all!

                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Tuesday Jan 23rd

                            Okay I have a little more time to talk now..

                            I am on day 11 here of no smoking and AF, both are going well with little spells of mental thoughts of wanting which i try to immediately push out by reminding myslef of things in the past which are not so great memories..

                            For those of you who i did not share this with already, I have completely let go and confided in my boyfriend 100%, I knew he would be supportive, he is already and is not much of a drinker anyways, however he was not aware I had a problem, he asked if I was going to abstain forevr and i explained my mindset right now was that I plan to take control over my life instead of continuing to let it control me, so right now, so I do not open myself up to any disapointment if I do find I out i can never drink again, i am going to assume i can never drink again. He actually thought this was a wonderful concept..I shouldnt have been surprised.

                            He comes home on saturday.. I am very excited seeing as how I have been through this whole thing alone at home, i have had you guys and I am deeply appreciative, but it does help to have something to occupy your time, and i have been reading (which I am enjoying) but I am looking foward to changing up my routine a little.

                            Well thank you all for listening, and Happy Tuesday!

                            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                            James Gordon, M.D.


                              Tuesday Jan 23rd

                              Good Morning!
                              It's nice to hear how well everyone is doing. Off to start the day! Have a great one, and I will be smiling at all of your accomplishments today. I think me may thaw out a little today!

