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AF Daily - Monday, March 5

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    AF Daily - Monday, March 5

    Good morning fabulous abbers,

    After a weekend of skiing I have a serious case of lazybones. I half heartedly took the dog out for a walk in the frozen mush this morning and managed to fall 4 times (once on top of him, that’ll teach him to heel properly). I am a bit annoyed, the dog is 3 years old, neutered – has always been a bit of a basket case but now I see he’s developing dog aggression. I socialized him plenty when he was a puppy and he has many dog-friends; he used to be inquisitive and friendly with unknown dogs, now he just lunges for them. There is no such thing as dog behavior specialist here – part of the problem is that most dogs are untrained and un-socialized . Sorry for the doggy rant.

    I had 3 coffees already trying to get into gear, man oh man, it is hard this morning. :ranger

    So peeps of the other side of the pond, when you get up all bright eyed and bushy tailed – help yourselves to freshly brewed coffee + Moroccan sweets (one of my staff brought them from a Med cruise).
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic

    AF Daily - Monday, March 5

    13 days down

    Just gona keep affirming to myself that good things are going to happen today

    I don't know when I got so negetive, hard to tell but I used to be very easy goin, and positive. I'm so much more aware of myself now and the way my mind ticks and tricks, but I'm gona flick this on a 180 in time
    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


      AF Daily - Monday, March 5

      Yesterday I skied all day at the top (very low mobile coverage) so I could not catch up.

      Sugar ? atta? girl, things do not go 180 on their own, you have to will them. I can?t say that being AF solved all my problems and made me a happy person, but as someone else said here ? I feel like I participate like I am living in the moment, the situation. I am mad with myself for wasting about 3 years being on and off the AL cloud ? the things I could have done !!! But you are young and have plenty of time to turn things around.

      TND ? wish you good luck becoming Library Girl 2 (an overqualified librarian is a pleasure to chat to). I read so much here about DUI?s in US ? how they haunt people?s lives. I got stopped by the police once at 3 AM and I was just over the limit (it is a miracle I only had 1 such incident, I am ashamed to say) ? it bears no consequence here, which is not good really since drunk driving is #2 cause of most accidents here (speeding being #1) ? A lot of European countries have moved to zero tolerance ? i.e. you cannot have any AL if you?re planning on driving.

      Greeneyes and Det ? I am curious, what arms are you shooting? The security company takes me to the police firing range sometimes ? I am still crap at it ? but it is good fun ? and none of them dares criticize the boss while she has a gun in her hand.

      Det ? I just love the pics ? show more, I am a huge lover of the great outdoors ? next year we?re planning an RV vacation in US ? hiking and nature parks will be the highlight.

      DG- I have nothing else to offer you but prayers for your dad (and yourself)

      Fly ? out of all outings, I found the ones with my sis in law the most taxing (?cause she is a lawyer and grilled me over and over trying to get to the bottom of why am I not drinking all of a sudden ). I made the mistake of boldly announcing that ?I am not drinking anymore? . Some people just can?t take that. I should have gone with the safer ?I am on meds? or ?Not tonight, I have a headache? . Nevertheless I am rooting for you tonight. What will say to them re AL?

      Almost and Doggy ? In my entire adult life I only came across 2 women who do not drink and zero men. But I am aware that some of the company drinks less if they see me AF. Most of the time I notice how I make some people nervous when I don?t drink, particularly other women with whom I used to get lashed with. I haven?t stopped going out since going AF, on the contrary, I try to be more sociable and get out to see friends and meet new people. During the last year I used to go straight home after work and drink. Now I just want to enjoy the more hours in the day that AF gives me. My sociable resolution is to make 1 new friend that does not know me in my drinking days.

      Sunshine of the FN ? minus 19 Celsius? Ouch ! We had 2 weeks of that ? the doors in the car would not latch up, had to wait 20 min for it to heat up. I would have posted more pics from skiing but I did not want to blow your last gasket. TajMaHorse needs its queen. :H

      Kaslo ? I am reading your info posts again and Det?s ( lots of things I did not know). Looking forward to more ditties.

      Blondie ? how was the weekend at the shop? Oh do bake us another cake....

      Sausage , LGirl, Mylife, Pap and lucky granny Lav - have a great day
      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


        AF Daily - Monday, March 5

        Thanks shue, I've been 3 yrs fighting this too,

        But step by step, I'll get there because I want this and I don't want alcohol defining who I am anymore, there is so much more to me, I got a great little fighting spirit in me today
        "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


          AF Daily - Monday, March 5

          Greetings FABbers....I'm not quite home yet. That part can take some doing. Today we're in San Juan PR and will fly to Miami. Tomorrow, we'll catch an early flight back to the ice cube.

          I am THRILLED to have a hotel with FREE wifi. I did great on the No Booze (for me) Cruise in terms of dealing with AL - but dealing with lack of access to the net? OYE!!!! In a couple ports I was able to grab a connection close to the boat right before sailing and would try to speed read to see what everyone was up to. I still have a lot of catching up to do!

          First thing today I had a chance to chat with our new Shue - what a wonderful way to start a day, eh? Shue - you are doing just amazing in terms of embracing the AF way!

          Speaking of being AF - this cruise had all the triggers that would've once lured me into drinking pretty much non-stop OR at every available opportunity. It was such a RELIEF to have the addiction monkey off my back. The LAST cruise I took when I was still drunk drinking was so much different. This time I didin't have to plot and plan how to get enough alcohol onboard and into my body to get that buzz. I didn't have to figure out how to dispose of the empties. I didn't embarrass myself or my husband with boozy 'wit.' um. wit-LESS-ness is more like it!

          I DID have a marvelous time. No extraneous fuel needed - or desired - at all. 7 months ago...I NEVER thought I would be saying that. I KNOW what the difference is: the decision - the acceptance - to NEVER drink again...No Matter What. You longtime abbers know how that works! What took me so long to realize that for myself?

          The peace of mind I have now is priceless. I am fierce about wanting to protect and keep it. I no longer feel 'deprived' that I no longer drink. I feel grateful that I am FREE of a hideous addiction that was costing me my life. It was also costing a lot of money. The sobriety calculator has me at 226 days now. My accounting calculator shows I have saved $4,972 to date by not spending $22 a day on smokes and booze. That's some serious ca-change. I am so proud that money is doing good things for other people! My pancreas and liver are applauding wildly!!!

          For all our new friends on this is marvelous you are here looking for total freedom. The early days are tough, but it does get better. Sugarbeat - you've got the right idea. You've got to drown out the negative pathways that AL plowed into our brains by flooding it with positive, new thoughts. In my early days of living AF...sometimes the only thing I could muster was feeling grateful I had another day of life. I am humming the theme from ROCKY just for you right are getting stronger!
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            AF Daily - Monday, March 5

            Good morning all,

            It's way too early here. Yawn!

            Shue- I'm impressed you can even walk your dog after skiing. I haven't skied in years but always had crazy muscle soreness afterwards. Can you believe many of my friends husbands don't drink at all? The woman do though. The men gave it up shortly after college and never looked back.

            I'm happy to say I'm on lucky 13. I had a crazy dream I was drinking and woke up with my heart racing. So glad it was just a dream.... nightmare, really.

            I plan on visiting this site from my trip if I have even a thought of ordering a drink. I do have cravings but am always relieved when I don't cave.

            Sugar beat, I hope each day will be a little better for you. I know we can do this!
            AF since 2/22/2012


              AF Daily - Monday, March 5

              Turn again - we posted at the same time. Fantastic job on staying booze-free on the cruise. I've heard those are an excuse to eat and drink yourself into oblivion so well done.
              AF since 2/22/2012


                AF Daily - Monday, March 5

                Morning everyone

                Day 11 for me, bit emotional and tearful last night but feel much better today. Have been to the gym and for a swim, now for housework before its time to collect the kids from school. Hi to everyone, sorry it's only a brief post but lots to do. Will drop by later.

                Have a good AF day



                  AF Daily - Monday, March 5

                  need to get to work but had to comment to Shu re: dog.

                  Shue-for some reason, turning 2-3 does something to a dog and those who were so friendly as a pup seem to change drastically. Not all but some dogs. Anyway, lots of research on the role the Thyroid has on dog aggression and fear. It might be worth the $$ to get blood drawn and send it to Dr. Dodds in CA for anaylsis. If it comes back positive in any way for hypothyroidism, the meds perform miracles from what I am told and have read in 99% of the cases. Dr. Dodds lab does accept international deliveries and she even tells you how to do it. She is the leading Vet in the US regarding this as well as groundbreaking research and papers on how we over vaccinate our pets. Here is her website (she is also a leading company for collecting canine blood for blood banks so don't be put off by the name):

                  Dr. Jean Dodds - Canine Thyroid Testing | go to the test request form and the hemolife diagnostics page for more info. You'll see the prices for the tests as well and what they emcompass. It is very easy to send the sample. I was surprised as I had been so fearful of the process for so long.

                  Good luck and if this isn't the problem, I may be able to help you with other options to help your dog.

                  Gotta run. Love to all.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - Monday, March 5

                    Good morning, Shue and Sugar--and all the rest of the AB team!

                    A little late this a.m., as I was reading a great post in the Just Getting Started thread. Dave's answer to Imaclean. It was very inspiring to me. I will try to figure out how to quote from another thread.
                    Will upload a couple of photos a little later. Very cold here (19 degrees) this a.m. and will be for the next two days. Then supposed to get to near 60 by the end of the week. Craziness!
                    Shue, just wondering if doggie is starting leash agression. I'm sure Pap3 could chime in, but it's pretty common from what I understand. My sister's very sweet Golden developed this at one point. Sorry you fell while walking! I can't even imagine walking in the cold, snow and ice. I am a wimp when it comes to that!
                    Sugar, keep moving ahead and posting here. Are you getting to a meeting today I did an online meeting last night, and my sponsor came on, too, and she mentioned that she calls is AAchaos! Some people keep interrupting and some are impaired and I hate to say it, but sometimes I do get a good laugh!
                    DG, I am so sorry about your father. I do hope Hospice gets involved. I went through the long drawn out dying of both parents in nursing homes, and it sure takes a toll. I am so proud of you for handling it so well, especially with all the pressure of your exams. I will say a prayer for him and for you this morning.
                    Greenie, my husband does shooting and bought a gun he hoped I'd learn to use a couple of years ago. Now that I am sober, I may look into it for the spring--just for sport. I know some women friends who shoot and enjoy it.
                    Uni, if you are out there, please let us know how you are doing. Bear, I hope you are reading every now and then, as I think about you every day and miss you.
                    To all--great AF day!!
                    I hope none of you have been affected by the horrible tornados. My heart goes out to these poor people. Just heard the toddler who survived passed away yesterday. So sad.
                    "One day at a time."


                      AF Daily - Monday, March 5

                      Papmom- yes, yes, yes! My normally calm, sweet dog wigged out around 4 and had major anxiety. She ended up having a thyroid issue. Shue- maybe worth a test for you dog?
                      AF since 2/22/2012


                        AF Daily - Monday, March 5

                        Turn, Sausage, Pap3, Almost--cross post!
                        Turn, so glad you had a good trip AF!! That is wonderful news, although I knew you wouldn't cave. Also happy to have you back--or almost back! I did get the Collagen you recommended and am waiting for Hylaronic (sp) acid to arrive. Not much improvement yet, but maybe it takes a month or so to kick in?
                        Sausage--great progress for you! Exercise is helpful, and you are so motivated!
                        Almost, can't remember--when do you leave for your trip? Hope you can read and post while gone.
                        Pap3, yes, Dr Dodds was a life saver at diagnosing Bud with autoimmune thyroiditis at one year of age, when the vets were convinced it was epilepsy. I did have the tests done on DH after we'd had him a while, hoping he had that problem, but nope, thyroid was perfect. He was threatening to bite over paper. Anyway, wouldn't hurt, Shue, to have the test done.
                        Okay--check back later!
                        "One day at a time."


                          AF Daily - Monday, March 5

                          Holy shit you guys musta hit the french press early on!

                          Shue, I wonder if your doggie is feeling posessive of you since you travel a bit?

                          Sugarbeat and almost, your about to have 2 AF weeks behind you! YAY! Subarbeat, turnip makes a good point about flooding the brain pathways with positive thoughts. Your body belives what you tell it, right down to a cellular level. Look yourself in the eyes in the mirror every day and say "I love you. I really, really love you." Seriously. One of the light worker gurus said that. Hug yourself. :l

                          I saw blondiegirl's cake! (and drooled on the keyboard)

                          Almost, shue's question caught my eye - what will you say to them about not drinking? Have you considered different scenarios that may come up? A little rehearsal might be a good idea. Might sound silly, but really. One more thing... maybe come here every day early on and be sort of proactive in keeping possible thoughts at bay. Succeeding at things like this are a big boost in your dealings with future experiences.

                          Shue, it's a 9mm semi-automatic luger. Had it a very long time.

                          Sausage sorry you're on the rollercoaster, and good for you for keeping up the exercise. That really helps in so many ways. :goodjob:

                          Shout out to everyone coming along! I've got to head out early.

                          Kas, I caught your cold. bummer.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - Monday, March 5

                            Hey P3 and TDN!

                            doggie thyroid, eh? My sister's doggie take thyroid something but I think it was leathargy.

                            TDN what collagen? And I'm curoius about the hyurlonic (?) stuff too. What do you know about that and what brand did you get?
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Monday, March 5

                              Listenng to Louise Hay- I can do it on my mp3

                              Nice way to live if I can grasp it
                              "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"

