UW: I'm so glad you're keeping an open mind! M
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Weekly AA Thread - Mar. 5 - Mar. 11
Weekly AA Thread - Mar. 5 - Mar. 11
Good evening, everybody.
Haven't posted here all week, although have been posting on a few other threads. So many great posts from all of you this week! And so many are so very true for me, too.
First of all, I did have some losses before finally getting sober in a 12 step rehab program in November-December. I had two DUIs in six months in two different states. If I hadn't gotten the second one here in my own town, on my own road, I would have had a clean record as of August of this year, and no consequences here in my state. But that was not to be. I have now lost my license for a year--that is if I complete the alcohol ed classes, which I will do, of course. (Otherwise eighteen months.) So I am looking at next December. And I will have to have an interlock device on my car for a year. The detox/rehabs I previously tried, special insurance, lawyers' fees for the two cases (UGH!), court fees, license restoration fees, counseling, and the latest--high risk health insurance because they go back and see any detox/rehab or counseling you've had for addiction--well, let's just say it has been costly and humbling. My COBRA ended at the end of February, and I can't get the high risk, high cost insurance until April 1. And I don't have a job. This is what alcohol did to me. I had never even had a speeding ticket, was a teacher for many years, then had two successful sales careers. Model citizen. And we live in a small town, so everyone saw my arrest in the local newspaper while I was in rehab. Now I am wondering when the court report will appear.
But--I did get sober at rehab, and I surrendered and accepted that I was an alcoholic. I was so ready for this 28 day program, and loved being there. Wish I'd done it before, instead of finding excuses why I couldn't. I'd been going to AA off and on for over a year, but never did what I was supposed to. I believed that the miracle would happen without my doing any of the work. Now I am almost four months sober and have been going to AA five days a week most weeks, plus a women's group once a week. I do coffee/setup once a week, and fill in when others can't make it. I have chaired a couple of times, and enjoy it. I have made some good friends, and try to accept everyone for who he or she is. I have only felt a real need to go to a meeting two or three times. I go mostly because I like the meetings, and I am able to go since I am not working. Husband drives me, and I have had a couple of people pick me up or drive me home. I have a sponsor now, and we are going to work the steps together. I did through Step 7 in rehab, and am not afraid or anxious about doing them again. I also go to church every week, and it is almost like AA for me! This week I am starting to supervise a group of children while their moms have Bible study one morning a week. Two of the moms were my students when they were in high school, and are already asking if I can teach the kids French! I am really happy to be useful. I have also been helping out at a friend's flower shop, and it is good for me to be out of the house, seeing people and keeping up with things so I'm ready for the big holidays. I worked six days in a row for Valentine's Day and was exhausted, but happy. I have applied for several local jobs, and am hoping to get an interview for a part time job at our local library. I really like being around people. I am feeling happy all the time now. Yes, I have had that flat feeling, too-couldn't really put my finger on it until you said it UW, and then Bean said the same thing. It's a feeling that maybe this isn't really happening or can't last. Hard to explain. But when I think of the horrors I lived through while drinking--I am so grateful that I have a life now. I've been making cake pops and chocolate covered strawberries for fun and sharing, and I guarantee that I would not have done anything like that if I was still drinking. I go to the gym with my husband four to six times a week. I'm not in prison, I didn't injure or kill anyone, and I never did some of the things we hear from others about hurting their friends. I am blessed that I have great friends who have stood by me and prayed for me, supported me, etc. I never drank in bars, only alone at home or --I shudder to think of it--in my car!!!
I have gone on and on, and apologize for the length of the post, but I really am grateful for the support of AA and of MYO. I know that I am where God wants me to be and that my life will keep getting better and better as long as I don't take that first drink.
I am reading UNWASTED: MY LUSH SOBRIETY now, and just can't put it down. Going to pick it up now and also check the rest of this site.
Thank you all for all you've shared this week.
:lPam"One day at a time."
Weekly AA Thread - Mar. 5 - Mar. 11
TDN, I shudder to think the times I drove drunk. I'm so incredulous as I look at it now (sober four months tomorrow)..........but then, I couldn't see it of course. Your story could be mine, and countless others of us. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you're sounding wonderful. Your story gives me a lot of hope. I want to get to the other side.........the one where alcohol doesn't consume my thoughts. I'm having some rough spots, but overall I feel like I'm doing pretty well.
I'm trying to embrace AA, and have been to a few meetings. I plan to keep going but I have to overcome some of my pre-conceived prejudices against it -- all of them came from reading negatives about the program........but so many rave about it too. So, I want to really give it a go.
Mary, I'm hoping like you say, that the meetings will keep me on course. And, the feeling I get from being with others who understand is invaluable. I really need that!
Thanks for your posts everyone.........TDN - I so appreciate your story......it's amazing how all these things add to my arsenal........reading them is as helpful as going to a meeting! Except for the "real people" interaction of couse.I haven't learned about working the steps yet, but I will. I bought the book and am starting on that.
Weekly AA Thread - Mar. 5 - Mar. 11
Glad my story can be of help, UW!! You are doing great--just a bit ahead of me in sobriety, and you are really doing all you can to hold tight to that sobriety. There are days I don't love the AA meeting, and get sick of hearing the same old thing from some people, but there is usually something I hear--or say--that makes a difference. And it is such a good feeling to be among those who understand and do not judge.
Tomorrow is another big day for you!!
Pam"One day at a time."
Weekly AA Thread - Mar. 5 - Mar. 11
TDN - Wow I really loved reading that summary of your experience. You have really turned your life around! What is so special is what has happened and is happening on the inside of you. What is around you on the outside in life will all take care of itself, I think, with all that beautiful stuff happening on the inside.
What a nice post of hope and change to read to get my day started!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.