Shue--Brava to you! I think you and I started at MWO around the same time and you really sound like your mind and heart is in a different place and like you're ready to let AL go from your life. It's true, we all initially wanted to get the drinks down to 2 or so and had no intention of going with total abstinence, but abstinence is the only way. It's not like we're giving anything positive up! Thanks for getting us started today.
Sugarbeat--You've got to stop that negative talk and turn it to positive thoughts. You are what you think you are. You are what you think about. If you think negatively, you will be negative. As soon as you realize that you're thinking negatively say to yourself STOP. And replace that thought with something positive. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you. You've got to start loving yourself and trusting yourself first. And the truth is that it sounds like you're telling yourself that you're unlovable and untrustworthy dozens of times a day through your thoughts. You can't expect others to value you if you don't project that you value yourself. Start with yourself, trust yourself, love yourself and the rest will follow.
TDN--60 degrees sounds divine! I'm with you on having a hard time keeping up with the posts. Lyme Disease is a bear and so many people test negative when they really do have it. I know a couple people who now have devastating health problems because it wasn't diagnosed for years. I hope you don't have it.
Almostfamous--Congratulations on 2 weeks! I'm with you on keeping a journal. I don't think I'd ever write my true feelings in one because I'd be afraid of someone reading it. MWO is the only place I've been honest about my drinking.
Blonde--Congrats on 2 weeks! :good job: I've been trying to use the crockpot more lately too. Have a great day and work and positive vibes for your doctor's appointment tomorrow.
Lav--Have a great time at LG. I hope you bring back some photos for us to enjoy. I love the orchids.
Greeneyes--I hope whatever bug you have leaves you soon! I don't mind the neti pot personally.

I'm off from work on this beautiful day. No plans on the agenda, but I do want to get some exercise in. Does anyone have experience with biofeedback? I've heard good things about it in regard to stress relief and also that it's helpful with headaches. I've been looking at some systems that I could buy online to use at home. I'm still feeling great and really have no cravings. Would it be too good to be true if I continued to not have cravings? I think today is day 18 for me.