I love FlyAways post to Sugarbeat: "--You've got to stop that negative talk and turn it to positive thoughts. You are what you think you are. You are what you think about. If you think negatively, you will be negative. As soon as you realize that you're thinking negatively say to yourself STOP. And replace that thought with something positive. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you. You've got to start loving yourself and trusting yourself first. And the truth is that it sounds like you're telling yourself that you're unlovable and untrustworthy dozens of times a day through your thoughts. You can't expect others to value you if you don't project that you value yourself. Start with yourself, trust yourself, love yourself and the rest will follow".
FLY, Excellent post from yesterday...you and I are on the same vibration it seems as this is the sort of thing I say to myself all the time. It really is true...YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE. Sugar...I would suggest reading Rhonda Byrne's THE SECRET...it is a wonderful illustration of this very concept and was a life changer for me. I read it last year as I was becoming sober for the first time in years and that philosophy, with my new sober ways was such a positive change in my life that it has totally changed the way I see and live the world, and I am a much happier person. Good things happen to me all the time now, and it really does have to do with thinking positively and stopping the negative thoughts once they pop into your mind. I'm not saying that I never have negative thoughts or bad days, but they are a lot less when I simply change the way I see things. Try it! FLY, thanks for posting that!