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Wednesday Jan 24th

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    Wednesday Jan 24th

    Good morning .
    A new day here. 5:25 am on Day 4 for me. I'm feeling stronger by the day.
    I hope that you all get what you want from Wednesday.

    Wednesday Jan 24th

    Hi All!
    Day 4 for me tomorrow too Paul! (still 23rd here thought i'd sneak in an early post)

    Have a great day everyone!

    Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
    April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
    wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
    wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
    wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
    wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
    wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
    wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

    I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


      Wednesday Jan 24th

      Hi Katie.

      Well done. I find the first few days are difficult.
      There are a few of us around the 4 day mark. We'll keep it up together.


        Wednesday Jan 24th

        I'm here too on Day 4 or so... however, I'm down with flu bug. Gee, this is the first time I can remember feeling ill with it having nothing to do with alcohol. So, although I feel bad, I feel good!!
        Have a good one.


          Wednesday Jan 24th

          Go, Olly!!!!

          :happy::happy: I Feel Good! :happy::happy:


            Wednesday Jan 24th

            morning everyone bear still off sick but trying to relax - not very good at that!!
            Have a good wednesday everyone and y the end fo today you'll have one more day AF -well done
            one day at a time


              Wednesday Jan 24th

              Morning all and happy Wednesday! - day 10 for me and feeling good. Nice to feel so many happy vibes here!

              Thanks for all your advice re the weekend and the pub opening. Am going to go with lots of visualisation and hypno and following a leaf out of AC's book; to actually WATCH people drinking and to really look at whether they're having a good time - I LOVE people watching so I'm hoping to make it into a bit of fun too - a new experience from this side of the fence! To be quite honest, the people that I have said that I'm not drinking at the moment to have been quite supportive and I think there is maybe just a touch of jealousy there? Who knows; they all drink at least as much as me and maybe they know deep down that they drink too much for their own personal happiness......

              Anyway - have a great day!
              Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


                Wednesday Jan 24th

                Morning all and happy Wednesday! - day 10 for me and feeling good. Nice to feel so many happy vibes here!

                Thanks for all your advice re the weekend and the pub opening. Am going to go with lots of visualisation and hypno and following a leaf out of AC's book; to actually WATCH people drinking and to really look at whether they're having a good time - I LOVE people watching so I'm hoping to make it into a bit of fun too - a new experience from this side of the fence! To be quite honest, the people that I have said that I'm not drinking at the moment to have been quite supportive and I think there is maybe just a touch of jealousy there? Who knows; they all drink at least as much as me and maybe they know deep down that they drink too much for their own personal happiness......

                Anyway - have a great day!
                Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


                  Wednesday Jan 24th

                  Morning all and happy Wednesday! - day 10 for me and feeling good. Nice to feel so many happy vibes here!

                  Thanks for all your advice re the weekend and the pub opening. Am going to go with lots of visualisation and hypno and following a leaf out of AC's book; to actually WATCH people drinking and to really look at whether they're having a good time - I LOVE people watching so I'm hoping to make it into a bit of fun too - a new experience from this side of the fence! To be quite honest, the people that I have said that I'm not drinking at the moment to have been quite supportive and I think there is maybe just a touch of jealousy there? Who knows; they all drink at least as much as me and maybe they know deep down that they drink too much for their own personal happiness......

                  Anyway - have a great day!
                  Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened


                    Wednesday Jan 24th

                    Good Morning all,

                    Day 4 for me also, ( must be something in the water )

                    Feeling a lot more positive the last couple of days..Applied for lots of jobs...I even applied for a place in university...I just got to the point where i new things had to change....I found last night to be a lot easier coping without the beer..So i'm hoping that i've passed a hump in the road and it should be a little easier for a while.
                    Well fingers crossed anyway..
                    Best of luck to all for today..

                    Love Macks:l
                    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                      Wednesday Jan 24th

                      Hi Macks,

                      You do sound positive today, goodluck to say you found last night a lot easier, well I think that is because you are now looking towards the future with hope, and you are also making plans, hurrah, onwards and upwards...

                      Take care, Love to you and Lisa, oops, and the children..
                      Louise xxxx
                      A F F L..
                      Alcohol Free For Life


                        Wednesday Jan 24th

                        Sticking my snout in again - getting to be a habit!!

                        Good morning Abbsville - hope everyone is okay - cold here and maybe get a wee powdering of snow later - I am decorating spare bedroom - well, obviously not right at this moment, I am actually skivving!!! (no, not skiiing - UK guys will understand) Sorry to butt in to Abbsville, but I just wanted to say to Macks - :goodjob: with the job applications and applying to Uni - Wow - at your age:H :h Sincerely, good luck, I've got a feeling MWO will be in for some good news from you very soon!

                        Orra best
                        The Terror (gets everywhere!!)


                          Wednesday Jan 24th

                          Good morning all,

                          Olly, your Sunday must have been my Saturday, cause I'm only on Day 3:upset: ! Oh well, so be it! I'll just have to deal with that, but I liked thinking of us being on the same day.

                          I had a passing urge to drink last night after talking to my sister about how I felt my life had become derailed during the end of my marriage and divorce. I have recently become aware of how much I avoid conflict these days, always expecting the worst outcomes, even though it doesn't need to be this way when you're dealing with healthier people. I feel like I have lost so much time, and now I'm 51! :eeks: It makes me very sad, and that brought on the urge. Fortunately, it was short-lived. This time I want to deal with it and keep moving on with my life and not drink it away. I'm tired of drinking away my issues.

                          On the plus side, I had a very productive day yesterday, so I think I might be starting to get my AF groove back, and at 10 pm last night, Maddy came bounding down the stairs and announced that she got accepted in the the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill!:happy: Apparently it's pretty difficult to get into when you live out of state. So she's ecstatic, and I'm really delighted for her.

                          A little bird told me that lucky has 4 weeks today. Is that right?

                          CONGRATULATIONS LUCKY!!

                          Keep up the good work, everyone! Take care of yourself Bear, and good luck with all of those applications, Macks!!

                          Anyway, it's off to the shower for me!


                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Wednesday Jan 24th

                            Day 12 here, I had a really good run yesterday and I have been having trouble sleeping throught the night, but last night i slept like a rock, wanted to stay in bed too!!!!! but i had to get up and run this morning, and I did, but i took it a little easier, i pushed it pretty hard yesterday. I am still feelling pretty good, better by the day actually, dont get me wrong, I still have my moments i am just chosing to focus on the moment I like as opposed to those that slow me down...

                            I have you all to that for that attitude...

                            And as of today I and equaled out in the drink tracker for a 50/50 split 12 days on it vs 12 days off....

                            again I have you all to thatnk for that...

                            have a wonderful wednesday I will check back in later...

                            Oh yeah and a big shout out to becca and Paulb

                            Love Victoria
                            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                            James Gordon, M.D.


                              Wednesday Jan 24th

                              My Horoscope for Today

                              This could have a number of relevant meanings in my life right now, but I thought it could also have meanings regarding my alcohol use....

                              The word 'No' has always struck you as a short, sharp expression. 'Maybe' is a sweeter word. 'Perhaps' is a softer one. 'Not at the moment' seems like a much less final phrase. This attitude has its advantages and its disadvantages. It means your life is full of excitement. It also means that you keep getting into trouble. Lately, though, you have been saying 'Yes' to something that you should have been saying 'No' to. You are now being helped to lose what you really do not need to keep.

                              Interesting, huh?


                              Oh, and great work, Newgrl. Love to all the come on later.

                              Also, I notice that others always thank everyone here. I don't always do that, but you DO KNOW that I appreciate each and every one of you, right? I wouldn't have a chance of being sober for one day without all of you and this site. You know that, right? RIGHT? If you don't, I'm telling you now. I'll try and remember to show my gratitude more openly in the future. I've been around for so long that I forget to say so, and I take for granted that you all know how much I appreciate you.
                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

