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Wednesday Jan 24th

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    Wednesday Jan 24th

    interesting... i think that applies to just about all of us, maybe we are all the same sign lol
    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
    James Gordon, M.D.


      Wednesday Jan 24th

      Thanks Kathy! I have made it 4 weeks now. Unbelievable. Only yesterday was super hard which makes this morning all the sweeter.

      The following from your post struck a chord with me:

      The word 'No' has always struck you as a short, sharp expression.

      Reason being is my "NO" is not being heard by some bag of shit man who thinks because I am a single female he can break me down and get a "YES". Not gonna happen and this is going to get ugly. My "NO" has been clearly communicated and in writing for months so I am really annoyed he is not honoring it. There is no good reason for this have ended up in conflict but I will not cave. He has no idea who he is dealing with and he will end up torn to shreds and appearing an idiot. And losing what he wants. Oh well, he created this by not honoring my consistent and clear NO. The F U C K E R.

      Thanks for letting me rant. Sure am fired up for it to only be 5:38 a.m.!


        Wednesday Jan 24th

        Wow, lucky! You are fired up! If you want to talk more, let it all out, or PM me! I'll be around later. Otherwise, you go girl!!

        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Wednesday Jan 24th

          Lucky - congrats on four weeks - I wouldn't screw with ya!

          Here's to victory - bring us his head on a pike (doesnt matter which one)!


            Wednesday Jan 24th

            BTW = day 10 for me. This is the day that all the poison is out of my system, right? I lost five pounds last week (results not typical - lots of water). Am feeling great. Doing all the stuff I need to do.

            Back to work - be back later.


              Wednesday Jan 24th

              Day 10 for me. Darn, last time I went two weeks AF it was a lot easier. I've heard that it gets easier as the days go by, I'm hoping that it will. Seeing my therapist tonight, so that should help.

              I just have to stop thinking "I will never drink again," because that scares me and I don't think it's helping. I need to take this one day at a time, but that's easier said than done.

              I'm proud though, I was only 6 days AF when my wife went away for four days on a businees trip. Typically, during those trips I would get wasted every night, but I am happy to say I did not have one drop of that fucking poison while she was gone (knock on wood, she gets back tonight).

              The hardest part: I have to keep reminding myself how much anxiety, depression, shame and sadness alcohol gives me. Sure the first few drinks are great, but after that it is awful. I am allergic to alcohol. Please let that voice that keeps telling me to drink fade away.


                Wednesday Jan 24th

                To everyone here today...for sharing this journey! To Bear....I hope you feel better soon!
                To Macks today!!!!!!!!!!

                I think I only have one emotion left!!!

                It has to be.............

                :h Nancy

                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Wednesday Jan 24th

                  Good morning my fellow Abbers,
                  Congratulations to Lucky duckey and remind me to always be on your good side, yap.
                  Mack, go for it, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
                  And to Nancy, Andy, Barb, Newgirl, Kathy, Paul, Olly, Tawny and anybody else I might have forgotten to mention, give yourself a high five for whatever stage you are at in this journey.
                  Somebody slap me on the back. I am starting day 24 today and I am so very happy about it. Hope is such a precious feeling and so empowering.
                  Well, enough, I've got to get going. I have to ban myself from the forums for the day. Sob.
                  *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                    Wednesday Jan 24th

                    Hi Lori,
                    Consider your back well and truely patted

                    :wd: :happy: :wd: :happy:


                      Wednesday Jan 24th

                      looks like the f u c k e r that i mentioned above and i may end up in arbitration

                      i am mad as hell

                      may drink - may not


                        Wednesday Jan 24th

                        Lucky, Lucky, I am so sorry about the issue with that f***** arbitration is expensive and demoralizing. Lucky - if you want to drink it is your choice always, of course. If t here is something else that you can do instead of drink it might help in the long run... It's tough - write more? Listen tot the CDs, Go for a run or to the gym?

                        Maybe the key word is choice. You have a choice if this is worth drinking about.

                        Thinking of you,


                          Wednesday Jan 24th

                          Hi all

                          And well done are an inspiration to us all.
                          I am now on day 15 woo hoo...which hasn't been easy especially with the s**t psychiatrist i saw the other day...made me wanna drink soooo much but i came on here instead and you guys helped me out so thanks!
                          I even have date on Saturday with the guy i mentioned on new years eve...and for once i'm looking forward to it rather than thinking up excuses not to go so that i can stay in and drink!! He is a lovely man and for the first time in ages I'm actually feeling quite all is good on that front.
                          Unfortunately i have a home visit from work tomorrow to review my sickness i have been in touch with citizens advice tho and it seems that as long as i am going to be able to return to work (which i will once they get my meds right) that they cant sack me...and if they try to ill fight them every step of the way and they will have to give me a pretty hefty pay off to stop me taking them to a tribunal!
                          Sorry didn't mean to go on that much!!!

                          Loves to all

                          Lou-Lou x x x
                          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                            Wednesday Jan 24th

                            Hey ducky, try not to let that dork get to you in even one more way, if you can, since you've done so brilliantly so far!! Of course, I say that with the humility of one who had a drink on Sunday because her daughter wouldn't clean her room, so of course, no judgment here:blush: ! It's just been great seeing you feel good about yourself, and I don't want to see that a-hole ruin it for you. You are strong, and you'll handle this.

                            Lou, you sound as determined as I've ever seen you! You go girl!!
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              Wednesday Jan 24th

                              Hi all you abbers
                              Just a quickie, keep on workin you can get past the hard stuff. Thought I would tell you all that so I could remind me of that too. Im 7 and a half months down that road of hards. It does get easier....still some hurdles along the way but when ya want can get it. Keep on workin guys. Big smiles to you all.
                              Gabby :flower:


                                Wednesday Jan 24th

                                gabby;87843 wrote: Hi all you abbers
                                Just a quickie, keep on workin you can get past the hard stuff. Thought I would tell you all that so I could remind me of that too. Im 7 and a half months down that road of hards. It does get easier....still some hurdles along the way but when ya want can get it. Keep on workin guys. Big smiles to you all.
                                Knowing and believing things get easier is perhaps the most powerful tool out there. Thanks for the reminder!

