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Wednesday Jan 24th

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    Wednesday Jan 24th

    I'm on Day 8 AF, and I have to say that even though I'm only 1/2 way through Allen Carr's book, a lot of what he says makes sense to me. I always viewed it as, "I'll never be able to drink again!" - whereas now I am starting to look at it as "I have so much to look forward to doing now that I am not drinking!".

    It's all about taking a positive approach to what we are trying to do, and realizing that we are making excuses to drink, instead of coming up with reasons to drink.

    Happy Wednesday everyone!:banana: :banana:
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      Wednesday Jan 24th

      Hey Lucky ... a message for that bloke ...

      "Don't F*** with our Duck!!!"


        Wednesday Jan 24th

        :H :thanks:


          Wednesday Jan 24th

          Hey everyone...WOW! Some great days adding up here.
          Lucky, don't give the jerk your power...if you can remove yourself from the situation and the conversation, sometimes that is the best thing to do until you can get past the emotions.

          I'm doing good. I'm watching trees get planted outside my office window! I'm so excited. When I got my own office a couple of years ago, I'd wished for some landscaping, and now they are doing it...ahhhhhh.

          I'm doing gell with the AF, but had some flash backs last husband and I watched a video of a bunch of bands traveling on a train through Canada playing at various festivals..'The Band', 'Janis Joplin'..they were partying like crazy, and I felt that part of me want to go right there with them..I can't drink so I even told my husband how much I would just like to get a buzz..I fantasized for a minute about smoking some pot... there is that nastalgia thing that creeps up..kind of wanting to romanticize it..wanting to go back to when it was just fun. I snapped out of it quickly, but it was a pretty powerful feeling.

          just checking in...I feel out of the loop because I just can't keep up with everyone personally, but it is very helpful to come and plug myself into the makes me feel connected and not alone with all of that, so I'm so grateful for everyone.

          ta, ta till the next time


            Wednesday Jan 24th

            Hi All
            Bed time again (after the ritual DrinkTracker posting)
            Good going Lucky.
            Gabby. This place is full of my heroes. You're another one.
            AAthlete. Glad you're doing well.
            Lou. I hope you have a great night on Saturday. I think you deserve it.
            Andy and wwbarb, Ilex, Macks, Kathy, Lori, Tartan, Kathy, Tawny, KatieSmiles, rivergirl, Nancy, bear, olly, dianne, Louise, Victoria and anyone else to come... Stay well.
            This is a great place.


              Wednesday Jan 24th

              Hi all,

              I made the decision to quit drinking yesterday. I did some research on Campral and I have already ordered it. This is very hard for me. I don?t know what it is about day 4, but it?s got my number. I haven?t made it past day 4 in many years. My hope is the Campral will make this happen for me.

              I was great at moderation for about 5 months and now I can?t get back on track. A good friend told me I am a perfectionist and very competitive and being in moderation has lost its challenge for me. I?m not sure I believe that, but I know I can?t do it any longer. I have been binge drinking since before Christmas and I am going to die if I keep this up. I am not a big poster, but I will read for support and add when I can.

              Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                Wednesday Jan 24th

                Couldn't agree more with you Paul.....This is the best place I have been to in a long time....

                Sorry Laura, we were posting at the same time....Just want to say welcome and good luck with going AF...You will get as much support and encouragement as you need on here....

                Take care,

                Louuise xxx
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  Wednesday Jan 24th

                  Wowza....all kinds of vigor on this board today! know you're my idol. We ordered Campral on the same day and you have been successful. And Laura...welcome to you Dear. These people here are the best.



                    Wednesday Jan 24th

                    Frmca;87907 wrote: Hi all,

                    I made the decision to quit drinking yesterday. I did some research on Campral and I have already ordered it. This is very hard for me. I don?t know what it is about day 4, but it?s got my number. I haven?t made it past day 4 in many years. My hope is the Campral will make this happen for me.

                    I was great at moderation for about 5 months and now I can?t get back on track. A good friend told me I am a perfectionist and very competitive and being in moderation has lost its challenge for me. I?m not sure I believe that, but I know I can?t do it any longer. I have been binge drinking since before Christmas and I am going to die if I keep this up. I am not a big poster, but I will read for support and add when I can.

                    Campral will do wonders for you. Just make sure you haven't had a drink in about four days and then start it. After five days on Campral, all that anxiety about choosing to drink will start to fade away.


                      Wednesday Jan 24th

                      Hi over here, Laura! It's a different mindset on abs. I certainly am not the poster child for it by any means, but when I was "moderating", I was still drinking nearly every day. I'd have 1 or 2 days AF per week. And not usually in a row. NOW, having at least 1/2 of my days AF on a monthly basis. And stringing together, 3,4, 10 days in a row! It's good progress.

                      DUCKY!! Don't let that punkass dude ruin your spirit!! I can't believe it's come to this, and I'm thinking about you. Vent away, but I like what Dilayne said about not giving your power to him. I hope all goes well.

                      Hubby and I did have a wonderful date last night... all cozied up in the comfort of our own home and tub! and fireplace... whooo woooo...
                      We did each have a few glasses of wine, but not to drunken state at all and no hangover whatsoever today! I'll go all week without feeling crappy at work! So happy about that.
                      AF today. Another 0 on the tracker. I think I'm even 12 and 12 too, Victoria, but mine is scattered! You have put down the bottle and not looked back. I'm SO HAPPY for you!!!

                      Hope everyone else had a great day.


                        Wednesday Jan 24th

                        Hi all!
                        Laura - just wanted to add another welcome and lend my support. I understand about the challenge thing too. Hope you can use it to your advantage.
                        You can do it!!

                        Everyone else...some great success stories here! Sure helps to have others going thru the same thing at the same time.
                        Going to bed early tonight - meeting my trainer at 5am! Hope I get to hit that punching bag again tomorrow- that was great. Lucky- you might want to try that too!! I think I could get hooked on that.
                        Have a great night all!


                          Wednesday Jan 24th

                          Welcome, Laura!
                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Wednesday Jan 24th

                            Laura. It's good to have you with us.

