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AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7

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    AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7

    Day 14!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, joy, joy. Morning was terrible in terms of my mood. We were scheduled to take our cat in for spaying, and she's already pregnant again (2nd litter)...Had gone over and over it with my bf, then I get up this am and he's playing a game on the computer, as he had been doing ALL NIGHT LONG, and hadn't gotten the cat in or gotten her carrier out. I get dressed and ready to go, and he's left the door open and the cat's run off.

    He says just go on to work, she's not coming back. I said that FUCKING CAT IS GOING TO THE FUCKING VET!!! (please excuse my language, but in the interest of being "real", lmao)...and I am quite certain the neighbors heard me ranting like a crazy person.

    Needless to say, when you want something done, you better do it yourself. Or I could say, a woman's work is never done, or it takes a woman to do a man's job, get my drift.:H I took some treats and shook the bag, duhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and she came running finally.

    So off my soap box, and onward. Day 14 is something to celebrate, right? Two whole weeks AF.

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7

      Nice rant LibraryGirl, I can just imagine it:H

      And also a big heart felt congrats on the 2 weeks, all going well we'll be round here for many more celebrations to come:wd:

      Same goes for you AlmostFamous, only noticed your 2 weeks now, hence the edit
      "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


        AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7

        Thanks so much you all for the love!!! You made my day . I'm really glad to be chipping away at this goal of sobriety. You all are fab! I had a short work day today so I treated myself to a couple new tops for my trip. My hubby would be impressed on how quickly I got in and out of there. I came, I saw I conquered!

        Blonde- so happy to have you as my 2/22/12 buddy. Way to go on 2 weeks.

        Kaslo- MWO helps immensly. I don't see myself ever going to AA but do not judge anyone for doing that or any other system that works for them.

        LibraryG- great job!!!!
        Shue- stick your shoe up one of their "important" asses!
        AF since 2/22/2012


          AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7

          Hearty Hello's all around!

          Whew. Somebody explain that weather to me. +8C today I just came from my grocery run (as in a 3 minute drive... normally) and Holy Canoly, I'd rather drive in a snow storm than in this mess! We're on a dirt road and at the moment you sink in about a foot. Find your rut and try to stay in it. Yuck! Isn't gonna get better any time soon, either... now they're talking rain. On the upside, of course, that icky sh*t load of white stuff we got is going to disappear real fast.

          LibraryGirl... I quite know how you felt this morning. My darling kitty (the one before Miss Bubbles) did that to me.. twice. Unfortunately, I had nobody to blame it on at the time.

          Kas... how can you write a boring report while looking at pictures like that!? It's positively gorgeous and so serene... missing a hammock, though. Just sayin.

          TDN... glad to hear that Bud is coming arond and I'm very sorry about your old guy. It's so hard to watch them go down hill. My German Shepherd was like that... her back end gave out, too :l

          Lav.. gorgy flowers *sigh* I can't wait!

          All you double digiters (it's a word.. now) - Congratulations! All you whatever digiters.. hello and happy Wednesday and one thing is for sure!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7

            Have I mentioned lately how much I hate Stink Bugs? :H :H
            I've removed 3 of the stinkers from my house so far today - yuck!

            Sunni, tie a rope around you waist so you don't sink too deep lady!!!
            The cold weather will be back here Friday & Saturday, unfortunately.

            Glad to hear you are feeling better sugarbeat - it does take time to settle all the emotional stuff

            Almost, LG & Blondie - doing great at 2 weeks :yay:

            Kaslo, very purtty picture as always!
            Now get they homework done :H

            I finally broke my 18 day weight loss plateau & lost 1 pound. I was getting kinda cranky consuming 1200 calories/day, exercising & staying at the same weight. I don't think I've built that much muscle at Curves :H
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7

              Very brief post as I'm about to go to bed, but have safely negotiated day 13. Was very busy this evening with school parents evening and then swimming club so didn't really have time to think about alcohol, which was a big help. See you all later tomorrow. Have a safe AF evening.


                AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7

                YAY SAUSAGE! That means we have YET ANOTHER 2 week mark to celebrate tomorrow! Sounds like we had 3 today with mine, Almost Famous' and Library Girl! Love to be in such grand company

                Phew, what a day. Went to my derm appointment a half hour's drive away (had to borrow my mother's car since I share one with hubby and he needed his for work today). Got all the way down there, found the new office and then checked in only to find out that they cancelled my appt! Grrrrrr.... I was naturally suprised and upset. They tried to call but had an ancient number for me. Thought I updated it but I guess not. Anyway, I have to reschedule till next week. Although, as frustrated as I was for wasting the gas and time to go down there, I left with a smile on my face. It was the receptionist's fault that they couldn't reach me. It was just a mistake. So, intead of getting really ripped about it, I just shrugged it off and planned to come back next week. I did some retail therapy with the extra time I had. I usually don't have a car on my day off, so it was good to just take a ride and hit some stores I don't get to very much. So, what I am pointing out is that instead of letting the cancellation ruin my day, I just went on with things and went with the flow. On the plus side, I got to the gym extra early to get that out of the way, so that was good. And I was able to come home and walk my dog in the daylight and nice weather. Make lemonade out of lemons I guess.

                Kinda got a bit of a headache coming on tonight and not sure why. Just had dinner and have been drinking seltzer like a fien all day. Maybe the drive when I'm not used to it. One thing is for sure, it's not caused by booze!

                Shue, loved your VIP Sorry you have to put up with them this week. How often do they visit?

                Kas, that photo is crystal clear, I feel like I am standing at the edge of the water. Really cool, thanks for posting!

                I was on Facebook just before I logged on here. I got really emotional cause I reconnected with a childhood friend who I haven't heard from in 30 years (I was really close with her when my family lived in NY and then we moved to Maine and I had to leave all my early childhood friends behind). Anyway, we just got reconnected a few days ago and she messaged me this long message about how she remember certain games (secret ones) that we would used to giggle about to pieces. And my birthday parties with their themes (like Smurfs one year...that was back in the 70's folks when the original Smurfs were Anyway, reading that message and knowing that someone remembered all of those special things made me break out crying a few moments ago. I haven't cried sober in a while. It actually felt good. If I were drinking just now, I would have gone off the deep end sobbing but I was crying tears of joy to hear from this special person in my life so long ago and not tears of guys know what i'm referring to, I'm sure. Just a weird experience and I wanted to share it.

                Have a lovely evening all. I am about to make a cuppa tea and curl up in bed with a new cozy mystery. Hubs is working late at his teaching job so I've got some quiet time to myself. Glad to know I will be waking up sober. Night everyone!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7

                  I always get some cranial discomfort when the weather is changing Blondie......maybe that's what's getting you as well.

                  I was thinking today - have we seen AFM lately? Did I just miss her or something?
                  Also, where is Marshy this week?

                  I'm babysitting tomorrow - all day, so I will be up & out early - pray for me :H
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7

                    I always get some cranial discomfort when I do paperwork. :H That is all.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7


                      Blonde-I think it is very sweet that you had that reaction to your long lost friend. May your friendship as adults be just as precious as when you were kids. Could the headache be from all the carbonation you drank today? Good on ya for not letting the appointment snaffu get you down. As frustrating and irritating as it was, the outcome wasn't going to change so I think the retail therapy and enjoying the freedom of having a car was a good choice!!

                      Congrats to all our 2 weekers!! (if sunnibutt can make up a word, so can I!). Keep up the good work! Everyone has such great attitudes and I'm seeing lots of signs of acceptance. Whoo hoo!

                      Sugar-so glad you are feeling better today. ODAT OK?

                      Lav-praying for you for tomorrow but we all know you love it!!

                      Sunni-you might want to walk with a long pole with flag attached at top, just in case ya know??

                      TDN-glad to hear Bud is loving his liver! So sad to hear about your old guy tho. My heart goes out to you and hubby. Its always so tough to watch them get to this stage. :l

                      Kas-that pic was incredible!! I sure hope the doc had more for you than "you're sick as a dog"!! Sending healing vibes out to the Kootneys that you start to get better very soon! Can't the report wait until your head is clear?

                      I can breathe!!!! The meds have worked after only 3 treatments and I am a happy camper!

                      Had a double agility class tonite and my achilles is yelling at me but it was fun and I got a good workout. Next week I have an hour long private lesson and then my regular class and will stay for the 7pm class. After that I will drop down to private lessons once a month. I might do a drop in group class every now and then but I'll get more out of the private lesson and it will be cheaper. Of course I won't get the social aspect of it but then again I was always being reprimanded for yakking too much! :H

                      Not much more to impart. Off for tea and feed the pups and kits.
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily - Wednesday, March 7

                        Glad you are feeling better PapMom! I loved what you said about me and my childhood friend having the same special friendship as adults. Helps me feel that when I lost the friendship many moons ago, I now can get it back and I am very grateful for that!
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

