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Thursday 25th January

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    Thursday 25th January

    Morning All - well, I am very surprised to be the first to post this morning - maybe everyone's having a lie in?!

    Just a quick note to say the sun is shining and the frost glinting here with me - day 11 for me and I hope that everyone has a happy and sunny Thursday!

    Thoughts please........ I have been extremely tired these last 10 days or so but this morning I feel real pucker. To all that have gone before, do you think this is the 'stage' I am at [did you get less tired around this number if days?] - or, possibly could it be something to do with the fact that I have cut my dose of 'all in one powder' in half as I decided that having thousands of times the RDA of some of the vits probably wasn't necessary [but I only did this for the first time yesterday]??

    Have a great day everyone!
    I x
    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened

    Thursday 25th January

    Ilex;88022 wrote: Morning All - well, I am very surprised to be the first to post this morning - maybe everyone's having a lie in?!

    Just a quick note to say the sun is shining and the frost glinting here with me - day 11 for me and I hope that everyone has a happy and sunny Thursday!

    Thoughts please........ I have been extremely tired these last 10 days or so but this morning I feel real pucker. To all that have gone before, do you think this is the 'stage' I am at [did you get less tired around this number if days?] - or, possibly could it be something to do with the fact that I have cut my dose of 'all in one powder' in half as I decided that having thousands of times the RDA of some of the vits probably wasn't necessary [but I only did this for the first time yesterday]??

    Have a great day everyone!
    I x
    Today is Day 11 AF for me too and the first day that I feel more energized! Wow, what a coincidence (or maybe it's not!)! I actually feel better today than I have in a longtime. I really believe the first week to 10 days are the toughest part, keeping in mind that I'll always have to be aware of my actions, but it does get easier. I am convinced of this. Alighty then, talk to you guys later!!



      Thursday 25th January

      Day 13 here, been trying to get on all morning, guess something was wrong, at work now so dont really have time for a long post, guess you guys are in luck this time!!! Anyways, feeling god, i hope everyone is having a wonderful day and I will check in with you all later..


      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        Thursday 25th January

        Ilex an Andy.....I remember being completely exhausted the first couple of weeks. It gets much better.
        I thought I was probably that tired before I quit - but drank away that feeling along with all the others !
        I think it is a sign that your body is recouperating. Glad you are feeling a bit more chipper today though!
        I am very happy to announce my 90 Day anniversary today!! I have been looking forward to this.
        I went to bed early last night and I got to the gym early this morning to meet my trainer...he said I wasn't a beginner anymore and I need to ramp up my workouts even more now. Wow- that felt great to hear.
        And I actually have a blind date set for this Sat.!! I was driving in to work this morning just thinking how much has changed for me in the last 6 months. Not easy changes - but all for the better.

        Thank you to everyone here. I never would have made it to this far without all your help and humor and encouragment. Thank you thank you!!:heart: :thanks:



          Thursday 25th January

          Lisa you are an inspiration! I got goosebumps reading your post. I am so happy for you. Keep up the good work! Yeah!
          OK, I need to get back to work.


            Thursday 25th January

            Mornin all.
            Ilex, are you doing the topamax? I was tired on it a came and went depending on where I was in the titration phase. I don't think the All One is going to make you feel down..I could feel it at first, for sure, but your body will just eliminate what it doesn't need..make sure you are drinking a lot of water.

            Kind of in a funk today..just gotta ride it out I guess.

            Have a good day everyone!


              Thursday 25th January

              Lisa - wow 90 days! Way to go!! What are you doing - Supps, Topa, CDs? I am looking to folks like you for inspiration and ideas. Sounds as though you are making lots of smart decisions and following through. Day 26AF for me today. Thanks to all for being there.


                Thursday 25th January

                Evening All

                I tried to get on this morning and was met with an error message to the effect that my server had exceeded their broadband limit......whatever that means.
                Anyway I hope you're all having a fine day.
                Lisa..A wonderful achievement. Well done. I hope you had a good workout and also that you have a great time on Saturday.
                Rivergirl..thank YOU for coming here.
                Victoria..lucky 13 for you. .
                Andy, Ilex, and dilayne
                I hope you all get what you need from today.

                Oh! 5 for me today.


                  Thursday 25th January

                  Wow Lisa!! Congrats on your 90 days! What an inspiration to us all!!

                  I am on day 27 now. Feeling much, much better! Not depressed anymore and just looking forward to continuing on living this sober life. I am amazed that in this short of time, my coping skills are starting to come back!

                  Have a good day all!


                    Thursday 25th January

                    Hi All!

                    Hey Lisa, congratulations!! You are moving forward in so many ways! I'm so proud of you!

                    I've spent the morning on my computer doing billing and on the telephone trying to talk to a real live person at BlueCross BlueShield. Apparently, they don't exist anymore there. It's just a big building inhabited by a computer with a pleasant voice that isn't really helpful. GRRRRRR. At least I don't want to drink about it, though.

                    I'm really starting to see so clearly how much my drinking was getting in my way, and even being on a lower dose of topa is helping too! I'm feeling a lot more motivated and a lot less tired. If it weren't for my one drink on Sunday, this would have been Day 10, so I think I am getting through the "tired period". I don't think that one drink would affect that part of recovering.

                    I am sewing a few flags for the indoor colorguard season--those of you who have known me for a long time are probably grabbing your heads and going, "OH NOOOOOOOOO!!", but I have only committed to sewing FIVE flags. To those of you who don't know, sewing flags twice a year has been very stressful in the past, and had been part of a MAJOR slip last year in February. But that time, I sewed 42 flags. I think I should be okay this time around. They're really pretty, but I'm not getting to work on them until I get some of this paperwork sorted out. It gives me motivation.:H

                    Anyway, I hope lucky is okay today.

                    Dilayne, I hope your funk improves. It's probably one of the "regular" ups and downs of life that somehow always seem to blindside those of us with drinking problems.

                    Happy Day 5 Paul!

                    I'm glad that everyone else is getting through the "tireds" as well.

                    The server crash this morning wasn't helpful, but it did help me to get some work done, instead of farting around on here for an hour or more!

                    Anyway, back to the salt mines!

                    Love to all!

                    Kathy :l
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Thursday 25th January


                      Congrats on 90 days!!!! That is terrific...
                      Rivergirl and Accountable you are just shy a month... a shout out to you as well. New Girl, good job on 13 days. Pual, keep on moving forward, you are doing great.
                      Day 18 for me. Last time I didn't have a drink for this long I was pregnant with my 16 year old. I am still waiting for that "click" to happen, where I don't think about having a glass of wine. But, rome was built in a day either. I hope everyone in absville has a day full of life, love and laughter.


                        Thursday 25th January

                        hello all- feeling better now had huge sob today and feel nice and chilled and like I've sorted a lot out!!
                        Day 13 and my energy/mood is improving - earlier this week couldn't face anything - partly cold but party no fags/booze.
                        feeling bit thinner too - third stomach seems smaller!!
                        hope you all had, have a good day and hope the funk gets better xx
                        lovely sober Thursday evening to you all - I may try some booze free beer or wine tonight with yum takeaway - wish me luck, kind of scared....
                        one day at a time


                          Thursday 25th January

                          Thank you all for the nice welcome and encouragement.

                          90 days, wow Lisa and to all of you into your second week, it is good hear about feeling better. I physically feel so poor right now.

                          I made a list of things I have to do and things I want to do or feel obligated to do and prioritized them yesterday. I am spending time today, bowing out of things I absolutely do not have to do. I need to finds ways to de-stress myself for the next month and I thought this was a good place to start.

                          Good day to you,
                          Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                            Thursday 25th January

                            Good afternoon Abbers,
                            I could not get on earlier either. It was the same "broadband" thingy.
                            Firstly, Lisa, a big congratulations on 3 month AF, what an achievement and good luck with the blind date.
                            I am on day 25 AF, yes the month of January is almost over.
                            High fives, pats on the back and all that good stuff for all you other Abbers.
                            Am really busy today. Perhaps I can come back later on in the evening.
                            Love you all.
                            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                              Thursday 25th January

                              Lisa!!!!!!!! Way to go! 90 days!!!
                              WAAAAA HOOOOOOO! Pretend this is a confetti shower!

                              And Bear.........I don't know why but I always feel sooo much better after a good cry too!!! Yeah on 13 days!

                              Lorisunshine!!!! 25 days!!!:goodjob:

                              Laura.......saying no to things and bowing out is a very good idea for de-stressing. This is enough work without added things!

                              Newgirl, Paul, Accountable, Di, Andy, Ilex, Rivergirl, Abby and everybody who comes by....:l to all of you!

                              And Kathy......We've been going through the same thing on the phone with Blue Cross.....What's the deal? Do they not have any live people there??
                              If you don't have high blood pressure when you start, you will by the time you get done with them! Conspiracy theory?? Doctors get a kick back from them if they make you sicker....More meds..more doc visits.....companies pay more for get sicker... more meds...more doc visits...and on and on??
                              Oh, I'm just kidding.............(not)!!

                              OK......really.....things are good here... Took a quick trip to city and got to eat my favorite hambuger! Milo's....great tea also!
                              The hunters are out strong around here.only one more week of deer season! Yeah!! The buzzards are flying circles around us!! There are deer remains all around.. Yuck..... It IS Belle's favorite thing though!! Rolling in dead stuff and chasing the buzzards!

                              Going to plant strawberries now.
                              Much :h to all!
                              Nancy AF Lost count! have to look at the tracker!!

                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10

