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Thursday 25th January

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    Thursday 25th January

    Welcome Laura...great plan with prioritizing what you want to do.

    I heard Eckhart Tolle suggest that there should be at least 1 of 3 'qualities present when you are doing something...1-acceptance, 2-enjoyment, now (I've been slashing my to-do list lately based on this) if I can't have one of these, I'm not doing it...there is a lot we must do..and some of that I can totally be in acceptance of and enjoy, but if I am struggling with acceptance, then I'm crossing it off the list. This has been helpful to me and my efforts to live in the present moment..which really helps me avoid wishing I was somewhere else (and having a glass of wine) :0)


      Thursday 25th January

      Hey Nancy!!!


        Thursday 25th January

        Good thoughts. I will give the 1,2,3 idea a try.

        The big one for today is to try to cut down on the approximately 25 to 30 meals I make a week. This is not something I enjoy any more.

        Humor is just another defense against the universe!


          Thursday 25th January

          Good Evening all you abstainers!!!
          Everyone sounds as if they are really making progress. Those days are really adding up!

          Lisa , I'm am so proud and inspired by you!!!!! 90 DAYS!!!!!! Please let us know how the date goes on Sat night . I will be thinking of you.
          I haven't checked in for a few days but it seems as if everyone's abs count is really impressive.
          I struggled a bit tonight and will chase myself up to bed soon because I know my husband will come home and pour himself a glass of wine(he takes my son to hockey and will be home by 9 so I have to disappear by then so as not to be tempted) .I know i need a long range solution to his (nonalcoholic) drinking around me but for now I'm taking it a day at a time.
          Tomorrow will be day 5 ;usually a tough one for me so will hopefully be around here a lot.

          Seet dreams all.



            Thursday 25th January

            Vino, hmmm, I think that would be hard having a regular drinker around. Good for you recognizing what would be tempting and avoiding it. Is he supportive of the AF work you are doing? I don't know if I could be as strong as you. Keep up the god work!


              Thursday 25th January

              Laura, good for you on taking charge of your to-do list! I think that is a great way to make YOURSELF a top priority right now!

              Dilayne, I'd love to use the 1,2,3 idea to writing case notes! There's no way I feel acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm about doing them, but I HAVE to. I continue to procrastinate always!! I'd love to say no to doing them, and I only do them in the most grudging way. I'm getting to like billing though, I think my pupils must change into the shape of little black $$ signs!:H

              You're a good Mom to Belle, Nancy. Ugh, deer guts! I imagine Belle loves rolling in them a lot more than you like cleaning her up! :yuk:

              Good luck tomorrow, Janet! I'll be rooting for you. It will be my Day 5 too.

              G'night to all!


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Thursday 25th January

                Evening everyone! :thanks: Thank you for all the wonderful well wishes!
                I'll definitely report out on the blind date too.
       answer your question, I am just taking some melatonin at night to help me sleep and recently I added 5-htp (I wanted to see if the mood enhancer part worked as I was starting to feel a bit down). I'm starting to think maybe the 5-htp has helped with my mood - just now really thought about it. I was a little rocky there for a week or two but now I'm feeling strong and more resolved about keeping af days going.

                Again - just thanks. I was so looking forward to being able to post this today and you all made my day with all the great comments. I smiled just a little more often at work today thanks to you all.

                ok....Hope everyone has a great night - and I wish you an even better tomorrow morning!


                  Thursday 25th January

                  hi Lisa

                  Interested to hear about 5htp.
                  i bought supplements which ahve 5htp, l tyrosine and various other stuff which are meant to improve mood.
                  be interested to hear how you get on as I have been one grumpy up and down bear!
                  did think of trying SAMe but other supps slightl cheaper.I feel anxious and am a bit low in mood - sleeping is ok though.
                  keep me posted xx
                  one day at a time

